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"Principal author: Graham Tipple"--Acknowledgements.
The Malawi Growth and Development Strategy II (MGDS-II) is a poverty reduction strategy for the period 2006–11, which is aimed at fulfilling Malawi’s future developmental aspiration—Vision 2020. The strategy identifies broad thematic areas and key priority areas to bring about sustained economic growth. A striking feature of this strategy is that the various governmental organizations, private sector, and general public are equal stakeholders. However, successful implementation of MGDS-II will largely depend on sound macroeconomic management and a stable political environment.
"The aim of the report is to provide a global snapshot of local-level resilience building activities and identify trends in the perceptions and approaches of local governments toward disaster risk reduction, using the Ten Essentials for Making Cities Resilient developed by the Campaign as a framework. This report also analyses the factors that enable urban disaster risk reduction activities, including how the Campaign has helped improve local knowledge of disaster risk and support capacity building. The report is divided into six chapters, featuring a combination of analysis of cities' resilience activities and short stories from cities on good practice in urban disaster risk reduction. Chapters one and two draw conclusions on the core building blocks and enabling factors for urban resilience and the Campaign's role in driving disaster risk reduction awareness and action. Chapter three identifies key trends in resilience building at local level. Chapter four reviews cities' activities against the Ten Essentials developed by the Campaign. In a look toward the future, Chapter five proposes ideas to measure cities' progress and performance as they embark on a path toward strengthening their resilience to natural hazards and more extreme climatic events. Chapter six covers the conclusions of the Report and offers guidance for the future."--Pg.9.
This volume represents a selection of papers presented at the Africa Regional Workshop on Urban Poverty, held in Nairobi, Kenya, in September 1998. The papers are the outputs of the regional programme supported by UNCHS (Habitat) and the Ford Foundation since 1992. The papers published in this volume analyse urban poverty trends in East and Southern Africa, and review different strategies that countries and cities have pursued to address urban poverty.