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Jesus challenges us to live in him and continue living out the truth so that we claim our allegiance to Christ and live as disciples free from fear and from cultural customs that contradict the gospel message. This project has found that the lack of discipleship training among the Anyuwaa churches has resulted in a lack of understanding of what this ministry entails—teaching and making disciples. In addition, failure to embed elements of the Anyuwaa culture into the discipleship approach, and the persistence of certain elements of Anyuwaa life that run counter to gospel beliefs, has inflamed this crisis. Therefore, this book presents a call for the church to challenge the culture of syncretism and the fear of witchdoctors, to shift its paradigm and begin interpreting the gospel message, utilizing contextual elements but interpreting them through the lens of the gospel, calling people to embrace gospel values within their own cultural context. When we start interpreting strong cultural beliefs and traditions through the truth of the gospel, it is proof that we have come to the best discipleship approach, as we speak the truth of the gospel in the life our church and the hearts of our believers.
What is success in life? God defines it as being spiritually mature! How do we become spiritually mature? There's only one way, and it's called discipleship.This book outlines 14 essential components that must be understood and practiced in order to reach spiritual maturity.
Jesus challenges us to live in him and continue living out the truth so that we claim our allegiance to Christ and live as disciples free from fear and from cultural customs that contradict the gospel message. This project has found that the lack of discipleship training among the Anyuwaa churches has resulted in a lack of understanding of what this ministry entails—teaching and making disciples. In addition, failure to embed elements of the Anyuwaa culture into the discipleship approach, and the persistence of certain elements of Anyuwaa life that run counter to gospel beliefs, has inflamed this crisis. Therefore, this book presents a call for the church to challenge the culture of syncretism and the fear of witchdoctors, to shift its paradigm and begin interpreting the gospel message, utilizing contextual elements but interpreting them through the lens of the gospel, calling people to embrace gospel values within their own cultural context. When we start interpreting strong cultural beliefs and traditions through the truth of the gospel, it is proof that we have come to the best discipleship approach, as we speak the truth of the gospel in the life our church and the hearts of our believers.
The primary responsibility of the church, its raison d'etre, is to make disciples by sharing the "good news" of salvation and teaching believers to grow in maturity in Christ (Matt 28:16-20; 1 Cor 3:2-3; 14:20). What does it mean to grow in discipleship and maturity in Christ? What are the required ingredients for such growth and maturity to occur? Answers to both questions are provided in the book you're about to read. Growing in Discipleship is wide-ranging in scope, from biblical studies to systematic theology, focusing on a sample of fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith. The book is written for both new and old believers who are seeking a deeper engagement with and understanding of the good news of salvation in Christ. Daniel Dapaah has broken down the complex theological concepts to present them in a concise and accessible format to readers who have no background in biblical studies. Beginning seminarians will also find this book useful. But true discipleship is more than an intellectual assent to the doctrines of the church. It is also a personal commitment to the life and teachings of Christ. It involves growing spiritually to reflect the image of Christ (Latin, Imago Dei). The book includes an "Individual or Group Exercise" guide at the end of each chapter, focusing on sample questions from the study, a "Personal Application" for reflection, and a "Commitment" to grow and mature in Christ through the enabling power of the Holy Spirit. This book is a useful resource for individual and group Bible study.
Authentic discipleship is a step-by-step method for achieving Christian spiritual maturity. It is a Bible-based process using 2 Peter chapter 1 as its source. The Apostle Peter reveals the process at the end of his life where he is expressing his concern for the spiritual well-being of his flock. The process reveals the actual expectations of the Lord for the spiritual development of Christian people for ministry and how to accomplish it. The people were first called Christians at Antioch because they followed the teachings of Christ. The term was meant to be derogatory but was never considered so by them. They not only followed Him but also actually intended to allow the Living Savior to express Himself through them even as John the Baptist cried out, "He must increase, but I must decrease." The more "Christlike" we can become, the greater our discipleship is realized. It is the aim of this book to help Christians, who so desire, to realize their goal as the Lord permits.
If you have a passion for making disciples and dont know where to start, this book puts in simple terms where to start. From learning and teaching to love, As Youre Going goes through simple and practical teachings to make disciples. If youre interested in making your everyday life a call to make disciples, As Youre Going will be a great book for you.
Could sharing your faith be the secret to developing your spiritual maturity? For many followers of Jesus, discipleship means doing certain things to deepen our connection with Jesus Christ. But our spiritual growth checklists are often disconnected from the mission of reaching a lost world with the gospel message. Taking a holistic approach that unites evangelism and discipleship, Kevin and Sherry Harney demonstrate how God's plan for our spiritual growth is intimately connected to his mission to the world. In Organic Disciples, the couple lead ordinary followers of Jesus through seven markers of spiritual maturity, showing how simple shifts in our Bible reading, prayer, community life, giving, service, and other biblical practices can connect us with God's work of reaching people with his love. You'll learn: Why true spiritual maturity will always lead believers outward to engage the world with the good news and truth of Jesus. How to overcome the common roadblocks and false narratives that stand in the way of spiritual maturity. How to design a personal pathway of growth to be more like Jesus in character and mission. Along with the Organic Disciples book, churches and individuals can utilize a free, self-directed online tool at to help each person identify where they are in their growth journey. Also look for eight-session small group curriculum—Organic Disciples Study Guide (9780310139089)—to take congregations and Christians deeper on this journey.
The Kingdom Life provides an integrated approach to spiritual formation. This rich compilation from an extraordinary team of thinkers offers sound theology and key practices to strengthen you and those you disciple in light of Christ's lordship and life in the kingdom. -- back.
In this study, we will examine the parable of the unmerciful servant. This parable expresses the responsibility of the believer to forgive (Matthew 18:21-35). When Peter asked Christ about forgiveness, He responded to him with this parable. Within this story, we see the unlimited forgiveness of God. In addition, we discover the responsibility of His servants to be like him. Let us learn to forgive others as God, for Christ’s sake, forgave us. As we learn from these parables, we will stay on the path to true discipleship.