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When Ken Sauter heard about young Christians losing their faith in college as they were presented with evidence for evolution, evidence of an ancient earth, astronomical methods of dating the universe, and many other secular assaults on their faith, he became concerned about how young people deal with these issues. The fact that so many Christians grow up in a protected Christian environment where they are taught the earth is very young does not prepare them to deal with the assault of secular science on their faith, and as a result, many young people lose their faith. They are simply not prepared to deal with the hard evidence they are presented with along with the assault on their faith. Rest assured there are good biblical answers to these issues, and any Christian can ably defend his faith with the arguments in this book. It is not necessary to believe in a young earth or abandon your faith. The Bible, when understood as it is written, does not contradict science and actually answers questions about the universe and our existence that science is unable to deal with. If you're looking for a good argument that reconciles biblical faith with true science concerning the age of the earth, this book will give you a good start on making that argument.
Derived from Three Views on Creation and Evolution, this digital short provides a vivid defense for the view that God created the world relatively recently and in six days. Critical of current scientific consensuses, though not abrasively so, the authors present biblical, philosophical, and scientific supports for their perspective. Their clear argumentation makes this one of the best presentations of a historic if recently maligned viewpoint, one that will be useful to proponents and opponents alike.
The present creation-evolution debate is often cast as a choice between two positions: naturalistic evolution over millions of years or miraculous creation six thousand years ago. When simplified, this choice is often presented as one between science and the Bible, a choice that leaves much ground between the two views yet to be discussed. A Biblical Case for an Old Earth seeks to address the gap between theistic evolutionism and young-earth creationism by finally paying due attention to the biblical aspect of the debate. Both a scientist and a preacher, David Snoke presents a theological study of several themes in the evolution discussion, including the balance theme of Scripture and the day-age interpretation. Complete with an appendix that gives a literal translation of Genesis 1-11, this intriguing study will interest both scientists and lay Christians who want to dig into the faith-science intersection.
A Christian Geologist Explains Why the Earth Cannot Be 6,000 Years Old: Let's Heal the Divide in the Church By: Dr. Lorence G. Collins This book is about the geology of the Earth. Written by a fully committed Christian, it asserts that accepting the knowledge provided by studies in science is in no way in conflict with following the teachings of Jesus. If a Christian understands how God has done his creation, then he/she can be a better steward in taking care of the Earth and its life. The general themes of the book are: to expose the false beliefs of young-Earth creationists regarding the age of the Earth being 6,000 years old and that Noah's Flood must have been worldwide (global) in extent; and to suggest that the Bible is not a science text. The contents of this book can be understood by both people trained in science and those who have no background in science. It is intended to give a valuable source of insights about how science works; to provide a way to support and guide a Christian witness to the world, and to be a “bridge” to make this possible. As Christians, our greater mission is not to battle over divisions in religious beliefs but to heal the sick, feed the hungry, minister to the abandoned, and so on.
Are you a thinker? If so, you must have questions about origins. If you are a Christian, you must have questions concerning the Bible and many science teachings today. This book is written to help all in the church find the answers to these and other questions: Is the Bible's 6,000 years acceptable? Can the Bible and Science be reconciled? Does your faith rest on solid evidence? Has the Bible ever been found errant? What's behind secular teachings concerning origins? This book will serve as a guide for those who are: Educators Pastors Home schooling parents Students seeking the truth Roger D. Melquist graduated from Minnesota State University Mankato, in Minnesota, and the University of South Dakota, with a Master's Degree in the Natural Sciences, with majors in Biology, Chemistry, and Earth Science. After serving in Vietnam, he taught high school science for 20 years in public schools. He was a recipient of a National Science Foundation Grant for his post-graduate studies. The author has also addressed the Conference of Minnesota Science and Math Teachers' Convention on the topic of "The Fallacy of Evolution from a Science Perspective." He attended Luther Seminary and graduated from Berean Bible School, Springfield, Missouri, and was ordained in 1988. He traveled as an itinerant speaker on Bible & Science issues for 12 years. He has been teaching Biology & Bioethics for 15 years at North Central University, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
What if a dear friend or relative told you that they cannot believe the Bible because it is teaching ideas contrary to common sense and proven science? Sharing the gospel with another person can be hard enough, but when the subject of creation comes up in the discussion, communication often suffers, and the gospel message can be lost. In And There Was Light, author Thomas C. Weedon shows that there is no conflict between what the Bible affirms and proven science concerning the age of the universe. A careful examination of Genesis finds that scripture does not provide all the details of creation that some assume when they declare that everything was created six thousand years ago. The universe, and all that is in it, is the work of God, and the Bible is the Word of God. It is not logical for the works of God to be a contradiction to the Word of God. Someday our children, who have been raised in the church, will leave home and move on in society, and when they see the evidence and learn the truth concerning the true age of the universe, will they question the Holy Scriptures and possibly leave the faith? This does not need to happen, and the first step is truly discovering what the scriptures actually say about creation and understanding these works and words in context.
Davis A. Young and Ralph Stearley seek to convince readers of the vast antiquity of the Earth. They point out the flaws of young-Earth creationism and counter the impression by many scientists that all Christians are young-Earth creationists.
In The Case for a Creator—Student Edition, best-selling author and former atheist Lee Strobel and popular writer Jane Vogel take younger readers on a remarkable investigation into the origin of the universe, interviewing many of the world’s most renown scientists and following the evidence wherever it leads.Their findings—presented in the third blockbuster “Case” book student edition—offer the most compelling scientific proof ever for intelligent design. Perfect for youth groups and young people eager to rebut the Darwinian and naturalistic views taught so commonly in schools.