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From cover: "A collection of practical guidelines and measures for the evaluation of nutrition education programs."
The first section covers theory-driven approaches and includes content and linguistic considerations, the role of fear in content, and using positive affect. Part II discusses audience-centered strategies and looks at the "America responds to AIDS" campaign and the cancer communication's "5 a day for better health" program. This comprehensive volume concludes with recent developments and policy and administrative practices for health message design
Abstract: The evaluation contains an overview of the national NET, description of Nebraska's NET curriculum and its evaluation and analysis, the instruments used, follow-up study on a sub-sample of children, and a special food consumption study. Nebraska was selected to provide Congress, OMB, federal oversight agencies, and advocacy groups with a comprehensive assessment of their Nutrition Education and Training (NET) Program's impact because sufficient implementation had occurred to evaluate the effects on students, teachers, and food service workers. Findings indicated that: teacher preparation usually took more time than expected; cooperation between teachers and food service personnel was not as good as anticipated; and the curriculum materials had mixed effects. Nutrition knowledge did increase for grades 1-3 and 4-6; food attitudes were not altered. Food preference for vegetables increased for students in grades 1-3; this was not so for grades 4-6. Food habits, plate waste, and the cost of the curriculum Experience Nutrition are discussed along with bias within the study. (kbc).
The conference included three sections: a retrospective look at what traditionally has been measured and how it has been measured in nutrition education programs, a look at state-of-the-art methods for evaluation, and a lessons learned.