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Most interesting and difficult problems in equilibrium statistical mechanics concern models which exhibit phase transitions. For graduate students and more experienced researchers this book provides an invaluable reference source of approximate and exact solutions for a comprehensive range of such models. Part I contains background material on classical thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, together with a classification and survey of lattice models. The geometry of phase transitions is described and scaling theory is used to introduce critical exponents and scaling laws. An introduction is given to finite-size scaling, conformal invariance and Schramm—Loewner evolution. Part II contains accounts of classical mean-field methods. The parallels between Landau expansions and catastrophe theory are discussed and Ginzburg--Landau theory is introduced. The extension of mean-field theory to higher-orders is explored using the Kikuchi--Hijmans--De Boer hierarchy of approximations. In Part III the use of algebraic, transformation and decoration methods to obtain exact system information is considered. This is followed by an account of the use of transfer matrices for the location of incipient phase transitions in one-dimensionally infinite models and for exact solutions for two-dimensionally infinite systems. The latter is applied to a general analysis of eight-vertex models yielding as special cases the two-dimensional Ising model and the six-vertex model. The treatment of exact results ends with a discussion of dimer models. In Part IV series methods and real-space renormalization group transformations are discussed. The use of the De Neef—Enting finite-lattice method is described in detail and applied to the derivation of series for a number of model systems, in particular for the Potts model. The use of Pad\'e, differential and algebraic approximants to locate and analyze second- and first-order transitions is described. The realization of the ideas of scaling theory by the renormalization group is presented together with treatments of various approximation schemes including phenomenological renormalization. Part V of the book contains a collection of mathematical appendices intended to minimise the need to refer to other mathematical sources.
First published in 2007, this second edition describes the computational methods used in theoretical physics. New sections were added to cover finite element methods and lattice Boltzmann simulation, density functional theory, quantum molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo simulation, and diagonalisation of one-dimensional quantum systems. It covers many different areas of physics research and different computational methodologies, including computational methods such as Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics, various electronic structure methodologies, methods for solving partial differential equations, and lattice gauge theory. Throughout the book the relations between the methods used in different fields of physics are emphasised. Several new programs are described and can be downloaded from The book requires a background in elementary programming, numerical analysis, and field theory, as well as undergraduate knowledge of condensed matter theory and statistical physics. It will be of interest to graduate students and researchers in theoretical, computational and experimental physics.
The theory of Finite Size Scaling describes a build-up of the bulk properties when a small system is increased in size. This description is particularly important in strongly correlated systems where critical fluctuations develop with increasing system size, including phase transition points, polymer conformations. Since numerical computer simulations are always done with finite samples, they rely on the Finite Size Scaling theory for data extrapolation and analysis. With the advent of large scale computing in recent years, the use of the size-scaling methods has become increasingly important.
Most of the interesting and difficult problems in statistical mechanics arise when the constituent particles of the system interact with each other with pair or multipartiele energies. The types of behaviour which occur in systems because of these interactions are referred to as cooperative phenomena giving rise in many cases to phase transitions. This book and its companion volume (Lavis and Bell 1999, referred to in the text simply as Volume 1) are princi pally concerned with phase transitions in lattice systems. Due mainly to the insights gained from scaling theory and renormalization group methods, this subject has developed very rapidly over the last thirty years. ' In our choice of topics we have tried to present a good range of fundamental theory and of applications, some of which reflect our own interests. A broad division of material can be made between exact results and ap proximation methods. We have found it appropriate to inelude some of our discussion of exact results in this volume and some in Volume 1. Apart from this much of the discussion in Volume 1 is concerned with mean-field theory. Although this is known not to give reliable results elose to a critical region, it often provides a good qualitative picture for phase diagrams as a whole. For complicated systems some kind of mean-field method is often the only tractable method available. In this volume our main concern is with scaling theory, algebraic methods and the renormalization group.
Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed-Matter Physics X is devoted to Prof. Masuo Suzuki's ideas, which have made novel, new simulations possible. These proceedings, of the 1997 workshop, comprise three parts that deal with new algorithms, methods of analysis, and conceptual developments. The first part contains invited papers that deal with simulational studies of classical systems. The second of the proceedings is devoted to invited papers on quantum systems, including new results for strongly correlated electron and quantum spin models. The final part contains a large number of contributed presentations.
This book describes all aspects of Monte Carlo simulation of complex physical systems encountered in condensed-matter physics and statistical mechanics, as well as in related fields, such as polymer science and lattice gauge theory. The authors give a succinct overview of simple sampling methods and develop the importance sampling method. In addition they introduce quantum Monte Carlo methods, aspects of simulations of growth phenomena and other systems far from equilibrium, and the Monte Carlo Renormalization Group approach to critical phenomena. The book includes many applications, examples, and current references, and exercises to help the reader.
Dealing with the computer simulation of thermodynamic properties of many-body condensed-matter systems that use random numbers generated by a computer, this book describes the theoretical background of several variants of Monte Carlo methods. The result is a systematic course allowing newcomers to perform these simulations for themselves and to analyze their results. This third edition has been updated and expanded by a new chapter on important recent developments in the Monte Carlo methodology.