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Most Asian cities have grown more congested, more sprawling, and less livable in recent years; and statistics suggest that this trend will continue. Rather than mitigate the problems, transport policies have often exacerbated them. In this book, the Asian Development Bank outlines a new paradigm for sustainable urban transport that gives Asian cities a workable, step-by-step blueprint for reversing the trend and moving toward safer, cleaner, more sustainable cities, and a better quality of urban life.
Emerging Paradigms in Urban Mobility: Planning, Finance and Implementation explains the types of new urban mobility planning paradigms that are emerging throughout the world, along with their potential to transform the transportation landscape. As half of the world’s 7 billion people now live in cities, thus causing severe road congestion, increased air pollution, energy insecurity and sustainability problems in cities and the planet itself, this book presents new paradigms that are emerging to address these problems, along with other topics of note, including economic efficiency, health, the well-being of cities and their residents, urban mobility transformations, and the role of social media. In addition, the book looks at Integrated Corridor Management and how it improves the people-moving performance of multi-modal transport systems in high demand urban corridors and how countries balance the mobility benefits of motorcycles with the environmental and safety threats they pose. Provides previously unpublished research on new approaches to integrating governance, the changing role of IT, and shared mobility initiatives Links transportation and land use, climate change, and poverty reduction and gender, going well beyond the technical issues of transport planning Highlights successful factors that have worked and how they can be tailored to different contexts Includes learning aids, such as case studies, text boxes and chapter openers and summaries
Tomasz Janasz demonstrates that digital technologies and new mobility concepts can lead to a reduction of the automobiles in urban areas by a factor of 10. The book features two vivid case studies of such digital mobility concepts: TwoGo by SAP and smexx. The author proposes six prototypes of business models for ‘Shared Automobility Services’. Janasz offers also the ‘Transformative Literacy’ for designing sustainable urban mobility systems of the future. The author elaborates on the socio-political patterns of urban mobility by presenting the case of the City of Basel (Switzerland). He proposes the framework of ‘Integrated Sustainable Urban Mobility’ to explain how to overcome car dependence in cities.
Sustainable mobility is a highly complex problem as it is affected by the interactions between socio-economic, environmental, technological and political issues. Energy, Transport, & the Environment: Addressing the Sustainable Mobility Paradigm brings together leading figures from business, academia and governments to address the challenges and opportunities involved in working towards sustainable mobility. Key thinkers and decision makers approach topics and debates including: · energy security and resource scarcity · greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions · urban planning, transport systems and their management · governance and finance of transformation · the threats of terrorism and climate change to our transport systems. Introduced by a preface from U.S. Secretary Steven Chu and an outline by the editors, Dr Oliver Inderwildi and Sir David King, Energy, Transport, & the Environment is divided into six sections. These sections address and explore the challenges and opportunities for energy supply, road transport, urban mobility, aviation, sea and rail, as well as finance and economics in transport. Possible solutions, ranging from alternative fuels to advanced urban planning and policy levers, will be examined in order to deepen the understanding of currently proposed solutions within the political realities of the dominating economic areas. The result of this detailed investigation is an integrated view of sustainable transport for both people and freight, making Energy, Transport, & the Environment key reading for researchers, decision makers and policy experts across the public and private sectors.
Transforming Urban Transport confronts head-on the dilemma faced by a world wedded to mobility: the danger of continuing along the fossil-fuelled path and the real paucity of viable technological alternatives which can be deployed in time. To respond to the dilemma, the ideal of urban transport must be changed from auto-based mobility to systems of sustainable transport in which public transport, and non-motorised transport work together to reduce climate change pressures, enhance urban quality and preserve life and health. The book challenges the commonly held view that a combination of urbanity and higher residential density expressed in compact cities (expected to have greater public transport use) will resolve urban transport/environment problems, instead showing that transport systems can be changed to meet the environmental imperatives without the massive spatial change implied. But the problem of change of urban transport is profoundly institutional and cultural. Changes in urban mobility and transport require local institutional policy action. To support such action, the book explores new methods of governance of transport in dispersed and concentrated cities, new techniques for assessing transport need, ways of improving childhood mobility, guidelines for political mobilization, and norms of knowledge sharing. Drawing together leading scholars from different disciplines in Australia, Japan and China, this book provides a unique fusion of Asian and Australasian perspectives and engages with the coming needs of transport planning practitioners in both high density and dispersed cities.
What is a better community? How can we reconfigure places and transport networks to create environmentally friendly, economically sound, and socially just communities? How can we meet the challenges of growing pollution, depleting fossil fuels, rising gasoline prices, traffic congestion, traffic fatalities, increased prevalence of obesity, and lack of social inclusion? The era of car-based planning has led to the disconnection of people and place in developed countries, and is rapidly doing so in the developing countries of the Global South. The unfolding mega-trend in technological innovation, while adding new patterns of future living and mobility in the cities, will question the relevance of face-to-face connections. What will be the ‘glue’ that holds communities together in the future? To build better communities and to build better cities, we need to reconnect people and places. Connecting Places, Connecting People offers a new paradigm for place making by reordering urban planning principles from prioritizing movement of vehicles to focusing on places and the people who live in them. Numerous case studies, including many from developing countries in the Global South, illustrate how this can be realized or fallen short of in practical terms. Importantly, citizens need to be engaged in policy development, to connect with each other and with government agencies. To measure the connectivity attributes of places and the success of strategies to meet the needs, an Audit Tool is offered for a continual quantitative and qualitative evaluation.
This book discusses cars of the future and the new socio-economic paradigm that they represent. It examines the electromobility revolution in the traditional automotive industry and brings together multidisciplinary expertise to provide insights into the shift towards electromobility. New vehicular technologies may develop in various directions, including the smart car, and this context raises two important questions: will car manufactures maintain control over the industry? And if so, will they be able to come up with sufficiently radical innovations to steer us into the electromobility of tomorrow? One thing is certain: the transition to electromobility will be a revolution. The book’s combined approach to understanding this complex reality enables readers to better visualize the possible future directions. It offers anyone interested in electromobility an excellent review of the subject and a useful roadmap to future developments.
Transportation Transformation is an indispensable GPS for every automaker, transportation startup, investor, policymaker, or regulator who is planning the future of urban and suburban transit, and anyone else with a need to understand the changing ways in which consumers and goods will get around. When an industry this large changes this rapidly, strategy becomes complex and challenging. Transportation Transformation provides the crucial vision necessary to navigate those changes with confidence. Comprehensive, global, and meticulously researched, Transportation Transformation presents a vision of next-generation urban mobility arising from the interplay among three major groups: the automakers, the mobility services companies, and the cities. Transportation's future is subject to consumer shifts, driven by disruptive technology and business model innovations including autonomous or automated, connected, and electrified vehicles; on-demand mobility services, such as ride-hailing and micromobility; and rapidly multiplying new ways to deliver consumer transportation and goods. The book describes the transformations that automakers, mobility services companies, and cities must undertake, the new value chains that will form as a result of these transformations, and the business models that will enable the transformed organizations to monetize or otherwise benefit from next-generation mobility. Transportation Transformation details the central role of data, AI and other data-driven technologies in next-generation mobility and explains the key risks we must address in the process of transforming transportation. Even as traditional models of vehicle acquisition and ownership weaken, new business models are emerging, including subscription-, merchandising-, and advertising-based revenue streams. Such innovations will remake the staid and traditional value chains that dominate today's transportation markets and create new ones. Transportation Transformation discusses these new models under a variety of implementation scenarios involving automakers, Tier 1 suppliers, mobility services companies, and Internet technology providers. It analyzes the resulting new revenue streams and the value chains that will remake the economics of the automobile industry as well as the broader transportation and goods delivery industries. And it discusses in revealing detail the opportunities and risks ushered in by these shifts and disruptions.
This book presents recent trends and enhancements in the convergence of immersive technology and smart cities. The authors discuss various domains such as medical education, construction, brain interface, interactive storytelling, edification, and journalism in relation to combining smart cities, IoT and immersive technologies. The book sets up a medium to promulgate insights and in depth understanding among experts in immersive technologies, IoT, HCI and associated establishments. The book also includes case studies, survey, models, algorithms, frameworks and implementations in storytelling, smart museum, medical education, journalism and more. Various practitioners, academicians and researchers in the domain contribute to the book.