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When Christians are confronted by media with a "new" theology, they aren't always sure what to do. It may sound spiritual, almost Christian. But something isn't quite right. Richard Abanes helps believers as well as the curious understand that Eckhart Tolle's message in A New Earth is dangerous. He then provides a clear biblical response to this New Age message. Topics include Tolle's misuse of Scripture, false teachings on God, the Bible's teaching on evil, A New Earth's version of salvation compared to God's plan, and much more.
Here are channelled messages and new commandments dictated from the throne of the Heavenly Father regarding a widespread plan of operation that is certain to motivate every Light Worker. This enlightening body of information takes up where the New Testament leaves off and places upon the human consciousness that portion of the Father's work that Apostle John was not permitted to write about.
Earth population: 1.8 billion. In a world already ravaged by climate change, society has become a dystopia of deep fake algorithms, vertical farms and digital totalitarianism. Among the very few remaining free thinkers, a retired extinction ecologist, a marine molecular biologist and a transgender woman accidentally discover a genetic locus that goes back to the origin of life on the planet. Will their discovery help them understand the biggest extinction event that Earth has ever faced? "This is impressing me like no author I've read since Kim Stanley Robinson. Bravo"
A charge to people who believe that you must believe in a young earth to be a Christian.
Davis A. Young and Ralph Stearley seek to convince readers of the vast antiquity of the Earth. They point out the flaws of young-Earth creationism and counter the impression by many scientists that all Christians are young-Earth creationists.
In Mysteries of Terra Firma, James Lawrence Powell tells an engrossing three-part tale of how we came to understand the ground on which we walk, and how that ground holds the key to the greatest secrets of deep space and time. Naming his profound stories Time, Drift, and Chance, he tells of the three twentieth-century revolutions in thought that created the amazing science of Earth -- and of all planets to the edge of the universe. The riddle that drove the first revolution is obvious and yet in 1904 remained impenetrable: how old is Earth? An encounter between the imperious Lord Kelvin and a New Zealand farm-boy-turned-physicist, Ernest Rutherford, set the stage for the solution and launched a golden century of geology. As a result, scientists learned that if the 4.5 billion years of geologic time were compressed into a single twenty-four-hour period, Homo sapiens would have arrived only in the last second. The geological Revolution of Time reveals how long the ground on which we walk has existed, and how briefly we have trod that ground. In the early twentieth century, German meteorologist and polar explorer Alfred Wegener proposed a counterintuitive, heretical theory: that terra firma is not so firm; instead of being fixed in place, continents drift. In 1926, petroleum geologists convened in New York City to discuss Wegener's radical idea, where it was met with outrage and skepticism: "If we are to believe Wegener's hypothesis we must forget everything which has been learned in the last seventy years and start all over again," one attendee said. Forty years later, a new generation did exactly that. The Revolution of Drift, the second part of Powell's narrative, showed us how the ground on which we walk moves. Throughout geologic time, meteorites have incessantly bombarded everything in the solar system. Far from serene and predictable, the planets are ruled by random violence on an unimaginable scale. Once a mountain-sized meteorite flew through space, struck the Earth, killed the dinosaurs and two-thirds of all species, and spared the small hamster-sized creature that happened to be our ancestor. The chance of that happening again is essentially zero. So, the final revolution in Powell's history of a golden century of geology is the Revolution of Chance. Simply put, this revolution in thought has transformed our understanding of how lucky we really are. If we can learn so much from considering no more than the rocks beneath our feet, what will we learn when we begin walking on other planets? Mysteries of Terra Firma is both charming in its storytelling and staggering in its implications. Discovering the ground on which we stand is a fascinating journey into our past -- and our future.
The Miraculous Story of a Hugely Successful New Age Teacher’s Conversion to Christianity In this brilliant, utterly captivating memoir, Doreen Virtue chronicles her journey in discovering everything she believed in was a lie. She poignantly shares the price she’s paid for following Jesus. New Age teachings are based on concepts that sound almost irresistible. But as Doreen discovered, they come with a hidden price: your eternal destiny. Here is a riveting, personal confessional of how a former false prophet learned to trust God after nearly wasting a lifetime being independent and willful—trying to predict and control the future—and how Jesus saved her soul from deception and opened her eyes to His truth. Deceived No More can help you learn how to discern dangerous teachings so you can detect and avoid deception. Topics include: How to spot New Age teachings, and why they’re dangerous Biblical ways to deal with persecution, spiritual warfare, and other post-conversion issues How to witness to a New Ager
What did the writer of Genesis mean by “the first day”? Is it a literal week or a series of time periods? If I believe that the earth is 4.5 billion years old, am I denying the authority of Scripture? In response to the continuing controversy over the interpretation of the creation narrative in Genesis, John Lennox proposes a succinct method of reading and interpreting the first chapters of Genesis without discounting either science or Scripture. With examples from history, a brief but thorough exploration of the major interpretations, and a look into the particular significance of the creation of human beings, Lennox suggests that Christians can heed modern scientific knowledge while staying faithful to the biblical narrative. He moves beyond a simple response to the controversy, insisting that Genesis teaches us far more about the God of Jesus Christ and about God’s intention for creation than it does about the age of the earth. With this book, Lennox offers a careful yet accessible introduction to a scientifically-savvy, theologically-astute, and Scripturally faithful interpretation of Genesis.
Why does the church engage in missions? Where in the Bible do we find support for this work? These questions have been asked and answered by many throughout the centuries, though rarely does the investigation span across the entire canon of Scripture. In this study Newkirk explores the breadth and depth of biblical teaching concerning God's mission for his people and the church's call to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth. By beginning with creation and ending with new creation, this study reveals that rather than simply deriving from a few "missions verses," the church's call to missions is grounded in the full spectrum of biblical revelation.
Eight-year-old David Greene has already run away twice since his parents got divorced. The third time started out no differently--except this time, David doesn't return. The police are anxious to charge a local homeless man with his death, but David's mother is convinced he is alive. With the help of a maverick police officer, she discovers David's trail, and she's led down a harrowing path of clues.