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BRICS is a significant player in the international arena. Thus, it is important for South Africa as a member of BRICS to explore the implications of the external and internal influences of BRICS. This includes comprehensive understanding of the international and national involvement of BRICS in education provision and introducing discovered influences in South African educational planning. The size of BRICS as international player, in different areas and on different levels, necessitates the research of its functioning and in this case the role of BRICS regarding education provisioning. Therefore, this research and analysis of the contribution of BRICS in education provision are an important addition to the field of effective Education. Through the preliminary literature reviews, we noticed that current studies often are quantitative in nature and lack comparative qualitative exploration about education development in BRICS countries. For this reason, the book titled BRICS Education: A new dawn, will contribute to the flourishment of quality education in South Africa and all BRICS nations. The book will also aim to encourage researchers to join efforts with other researchers of the five member states in order to learn from each other and to address common challenges. To that end, this research will generate scientific knowledge meant to maximize the readers, understanding of the current realities of the education aims at the national (each member state) and collective (BRICS organization) level. The authors of the book are interested in comparing the educational aims across the BRICS countries and explore how successfully these aims are being implemented on-the-ground. Through the discovering of similarities and differences in the educational aims of the five member states and the educational objectives of the BRICS-organization the readers of the book will be able to identify best practices that will allow member states to fulfill the education aims of the BRICS organization at large.
The need for renegotiation of the place and role of women in the family, the Church, and the society cannot be any more urgent than now, especially as people are more aware of the devastating effects of the evils of inequality, discrimination, and oppression. It is a pity that the excellent qualities of bravery, industry, resilience, and perseverance historically attributed to African women, with which they negotiated for better place in the family, the Church, and the society, have been manipulated to serve as instruments for their denigration. The problem is that the patriarchal articulations of gender relations from the western world that entered Africa through colonialism, Christianity, western education and globalization allied themselves with the macho elements in African culture, and institutionalized the oppression of women; a move that women have always resisted both overtly and covertly. But how long could they hang on? This book provides exceptional and critical assessment of these issues, especially from the perspective of the Igbo society of Nigeria. Apart from assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the efforts made by women themselves to surmount these challenges, it also explores how the autochthonous values of the traditional culture could integrate with Christian values to enthrone gender equality in the society. Fr Muonwe demonstrated in this present publication his pastoral zeal for justice especially on the predicaments of women in African nay Igbo society. He regrets as it were that the African (Igbo) traditional society is still far from realizing the Christian gospel ideal of dignity and equality of human person because of the obvious environment that is strictly androcentric and carefully crafted in patriarchal hegemony I thank Fr Muonwe for this timely publication especially for many Igbo Christian communities today experiencing crisis in several aspects of our culture I hope the Bishops, the Priests, the Religious and Laity will find in this present work a rare and indispensable treasure for solutions to our pastoral predicaments. Rev. Fr. Prof. Anthony B. C. Chiegboka. New Dawn for African Women is encyclopaedic in content and daunting in its wealth of documentation [It] is a well-written book. The contents covered much more than Igbo women, or gender issues. It addressed such other issues as Igbo cosmology, Igbo concept of life and death, the history of Christianity in Igboland and Igbo social anthropology, among others. It is a book, which every Nigerian, especially the Igbo, should read. The book is inspirational and provocative in the extreme; it is original and displays learning lightly carried. One cannot but return to it over and over again after the first reading. I very strongly recommend it to the Nigerian and African reading public. C. Ego Uzoezie (Ph.D.)
Doctor Who – new dawn explores the latest cultural moment in this long-running BBC TV series: the casting of a female lead. Analysing showrunner Chris Chibnall and Jodie Whittaker’s era means considering contemporary Doctor Who as an inclusive, regendered brand. Featuring original interview material with cast members, this edited collection also includes an in-depth discussion with Segun Akinola, composer of the iconic theme tune’s current version. The book critically address the series’ representations of diversity, as well as fan responses to the thirteenth Doctor via the likes of memes, cosplay and even translation into Spanish as a grammatically gendered language. In addition, concluding essays look at how this moment of Who has been merchandised, especially via the ‘experience economy’, and how official/unofficial reactions to UK lockdown helped the show to further re-emphasise its public-service potential.
Using Africa as a context for research, new conceptual framing is proposed to make sense of the challenges of designing effective organizations to pursue socio-economic development.
This game situates students in the Multiparty Negotiating Process taking place at the World Trade Center in Kempton Park in 1993. South Africa is facing tremendous social anxiety and violence. The object of the talks, and of the game, is to reach consensus for a constitution that will guide a post-apartheid South Africa. The country has immense racial diversity--white, black, Colored, Indian. For the negotiations, however, race turns out to be less critical than cultural, economic, and political diversity. Students are challenged to understand a complex landscape and to navigate a surprising web of alliances. The game focuses on the problem of transitioning a society conditioned to profound inequalities and harsh political repression into a more democratic, egalitarian system. Students will ponder carefully the meaning of democracy as a concept and may find that justice and equality are not always comfortable partners with liberty. While for the majority of South Africans, universal suffrage was a symbol of new democratic beginnings, it seemed to threaten the lives, families, and livelihoods of minorities and parties outside the African National Congress coalition. These deep tensions in the nature of democracy pose important questions about the character of justice and the best mechanisms for reaching national decisions. Free supplementary materials for this textbook are available at the Reacting to the Past website. Visit, click on the RTTP Game Library link, and create a free account to download what is available.
The author looks at some of the major events which took place in Africa in the early years of independence including challenges to statehood and nationhood which threatened the existence of some countries. He also looks at the struggle for independence in some of the countries which were among the last to win their freedom, and at some of the causes of conflict in a number of countries across the continent which can be traced to the wrong foundation laid in the sixties for the new African nations. Subjects covered include the Nigerian civil war which almost destroyed the Nigerian federation when the Eastern Region seceded in 1967 and established the independent Republic of Biafra, and which still haunts Nigeria today.
The third volume in a series of books documenting speeches made by the President of Nigeria, now in his second term. The speeches were made between May 2001 and October 2003. Some examples of his speeches contained in the volume are: 'Triumph of African Unity'; 'Poverty Eradication'; 'Nigeria's Investment-Friendly Economy'; 'The Evils of Racial Discrimination'; ''Let there be Light'; 'National Honours Roll Call'; 'Banking for Prosperity'; 'Corruption: The War Continues'; 'Triumph of Hope'; 'Fast Forward into the Future' and 'Let there be Optimism'. Ad'Obe Obe, the general editor of the book series, is the Presidential Assistant for International Relations.
Being critical and empirically grounded, the book explores the complex, often counter-balancing consequences of the involvement of traditional authority in the wave of democratization and liberal-style state-building that has rolled over sub-Saharan Africa in the past decade.