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Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature (i.e. creation): old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
This book represents the culmination of over a half a century of study and reflection by Jaffa, and continues his piercing examination of the political thought of Abraham Lincoln.
"Many . . . unwritten rights are somehow inherent in the American scheme of democracy. So where do these freedoms come from? . . . One of the nation`s most venerated thinkers about such matters offers a provocative and refreshing way to answer that question."—Neil A. Lewis, New York Times Book Review "An appealing interpretation of the founding papers."—Michael G. Radigan, New York Law Journal "A remarkably interesting book. It offers a way of looking at the Constitution that I had not thought about before."—Sanford Levinson, School of Law, University of Texas at Austin One of the most respected scholars of constitutional law here argues for a national commitment to human rights based on his interpretation of three critical documents: the Declaration of Independence, the Ninth Amendment to the Constitution, and the "citizenship" and "privileges and immunities" clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment. The book presents a powerful case for reviewing and renewing the basis of our most important human rights.
Unassisted birth. Freebirth. Self-directed birth. An undisturbed birth sounds great in theory, but how is it done?Whether you want practical guidance for an unassisted birth or simply want to deepen your understanding of natural birth in general, this book is the how-to manual you've been waiting for.Introducing the idea of a Brave New Birth - any birth where the mother and baby are free to birth by instinct and are given the privacy and safety necessary for the body and baby to birth themselves, without interference, intervention, or being watched/measured/observed.Here's a short list of what we'll cover inside this book: ?Learn 9 core ideas underlying unassisted birth. ?Decide whether freebirth is for you. ?Plan and prepare during an autonomous pregnancy. ?Explore basic biological truths and decode sensations. ?Understand the natural flow of labor, variations of normal, and red flags to look out for.The information found in Brave New Birth can be applied to any natural birth - at home, in the hospital, or during an emergency - with or without a caregiver.MULTIMEDIA EDITION: Includes access to our private doula-run support group, private how-to video library, printables library, and the forthcoming audiobook version, so you can learn on the go.
A New Birth of Marriage provides a history of the changes to marriage throughout the American experience and a theoretical argument for the goodness of the traditional American family in fostering private happiness and the public good. A New Birth of Marriage argues that the American Founders placed marriage as the cornerstone of republican liberty. The Founders’ vision of marriage relied on a liberalized form of marital unity that honored human equality, rights, and the beauty of intimate marital love. This vision of marriage remained largely healthy in the culture until the Progressive Era and persisted in law until the 1960s. A New Birth of Marriage vindicates the Founders’ understanding of marriage and argues that a prudential return toward this understanding is vital to America’s political health and Americans’ private happiness. Brandon Dabling argues that Founders at the state and national level shaped marriage law to reflect five vital components of marital unity: the equality and complementarity of the sexes, consent and permanence in marriage, exclusivity in marriage, marital love, and a union oriented toward procreation and childrearing. Devoting a chapter to each of these principles, A New Birth of Marriage gives a thorough account of how each tenet has been challenged and stands now vindicated in American political thought. The book provides a philosophical and political case for the beauty and vitality of each of these components to the nature of marriage and will appeal to students and scholars of marriage, family, the American founding, democracy, and liberalism.
Stephen E. Smallman describes the process of new birth and what is common in all authentic conversion experiences--genuine faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Spiritual Birthline testifies to new birth in all kinds of people, in all sorts of circumstances. It is helpful to those with a budding curiosity in God as well as to people interested in relational evangelism.
Work out what kind of birth you really want, and learn how to maximise your chances of getting it, in this refreshing, warm and witty guide to pregnancy, birth and the early weeks. Packed with vital and cutting-edge information on everything from building the ultimate birth plan, to your choices and rights in the birth room; from optimal cord clamping, to seeding the microbiome; from the inside track on breastfeeding, to woman-centred caesarean, The Positive Birth Book shows you how to have the best possible birth, regardless of whether you plan to have your baby in hospital, in the birth centre, at home or by elective caesarean. Find out how the environment you give birth in, your mindset and your expectations can influence the kind of birth you have, and be inspired by the voices of real women, who tell you the truth about what giving birth really feels like. Challenging negativity and fear of childbirth, and brimming with everything you need to know about labour, birth, and the early days of parenting, The Positive Birth Book is the must-have birth book for women of the 21st century.
Crisis of the House Divided is the standard historiography of the Lincoln-Douglas debates. Harry Jaffa provides the definitive analysis of the political principles that guided Lincoln from his re-entry into politics in 1854 through his Senate campaign against Douglas in 1858. "Crisis of the House Divided has shaped the thought of a generation of Abraham Lincoln and Civil War scholars."--Mark E. Needly, Jr., Civil War History "An important book about one of the great episodes in the history of the sectional controversy. It breaks new ground and opens a new view of Lincoln's significance as a political thinker."--T. Harry Williams, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences "A searching and provocative analysis of the issues confronted and the ideas expounded in the great debates. . . . A book which displays such learning and insight that it cannot fail to excite the admiration even of scholars who disagree with its major arguments and conclusions."--D. E. Fehrenbacher, American Historical Review
Two chief obstacles lie in the way of the salvation of any of Adam's fallen descendants: bondage to the guilt and penalty of sin, bondage to the power and presence of sin; or, in other words, their being bound for Hell and their being unfit for Heaven. These obstacles are, so far as man is concerned, entirely insurmountable. This fact was unequivocally established by Christ, when, in answer to His disciples' question, "Who then can be saved?," He answered, "with men this is impossible." A lost sinner might more easily create a world than save his own soul. But (forever be His name praised), the Lord Jesus went on to say, "with God all things are possible" (Matt. 19:25, 26). Arthur Walkington Pink was an English Christian evangelist and Biblical scholar known for his staunchly Calvinist and Puritan-like teachings. Though born to Christian parents, prior to conversion he migrated into a Theosophical society and quickly rose in prominence within their ranks. His conversion came from his father's patient admonitions from Scripture. It was the verse, Proverbs 14:12, 'there is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death, ' which particularly struck his heart and compelled him to renounce Theosophy and follow Jesus.
In this collection of 28 previously unpublished sermons, famed preacher Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones offers pastoral insights into one of the most well-known chapters in the Bible: John 3.