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Of the many proposals for the conceptual background of the priestly Christology of the Epistle to the Hebrews, this book argues that the presentations of the messianic priest and Melchizedek in the Qumran texts provide the closest parallels to Hebrews’ thought.
The Encyclopedia of Christian Theology, translated from the French Dictionnaire Critique de Théologie 2nd Edition, features over 530 entries, contributed by 250 scholars from fifthteen different countries. Alphabetically arranged entries provide the reader a critical overview of the main theological questions and related topics, including concepts, events, councils, theologians, philosophers, movements, and more. Hailed as a "masterpiece of scholarship," this reference work will be of great interest and use for scholars, students of religion and theology as well as general readers.
The Dead Sea Scrolls enrich many areas of biblical research, as well as the study of ancient and rabbinic Judasim, early Christian and other ancient literatures, languages, and cultures. With nearly all Dead Sea Scrolls published, it is now time to integrate the Dead Sea Scrolls fully into the various disciplines that benefit from them. This two-volume collection of essays answers this need. It represents the proceedings of a conference jointly organized by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the University of Vienna in Vienna on February 11 14, 2008.
In the 1990s alone, more than 400 works on angels were published, adding to an already burgeoning genre. Throughout the centuries angels have been featured in, among others, theological works on scripture; studies in comparative religions; works on art, architecture and music; philological studies; philosophical, sociological, anthropological, archeological and psychological works; and even a psychoanalytical study of the implications that our understanding of angels has for our understanding of sexual differences. This bibliography lists 4,355 works alphabetically by author. Each entry contains a source for the reference, often a Library of Congress call number followed by the name of a university that holds the work. More than 750 of the entries are annotated. Extensive indexes to names, subjects and centuries provide further utility.
A thrilling epic about an ancient clash reignited in our time--between a hidden society and heaven's darkest creatures There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. --Genesis 6:5 Sister Evangeline was just a girl when her father entrusted her to the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration in upstate New York. Now, at twenty-three, her discovery of a 1943 letter from the famous philanthropist Abigail Rockefeller to the late mother superior of Saint Rose Convent plunges Evangeline into a secret history that stretches back a thousand years: an ancient conflict between the Society of Angelologists and the monstrously beautiful descendants of angels and humans, the Nephilim. For the secrets these letters guard are desperately coveted by the once-powerful Nephilim, who aim to perpetuate war, subvert the good in humanity, and dominate mankind. Generations of angelologists have devoted their lives to stopping them, and their shared mission, which Evangeline has long been destined to join, reaches from her bucolic abbey on the Hudson to the apex of insular wealth in New York, to the Montparnasse cemetery in Paris and the mountains of Bulgaria. Rich in history, full of mesmerizing characters, and wondrously conceived, Angelology blends biblical lore, the myth of Orpheus and the Miltonic visions of Paradise Lost into a riveting tale of ordinary people engaged in a battle that will determine the fate of the world.
Dongshin Don Chang examines 1 and 2 Maccabees, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and Hebrews to see how the combined concepts of covenant and priesthood are defined and interlinked within various biblical and extra-biblical traditions. The three studies show the interesting and varying dynamics of the use of combined concepts of covenant and priesthood. The articulations of the two entities are shown to reflect, in part, the concern of the Second Temple Jewish authors; how significant the priestly institutions and priesthood were, not only in cultic matters, but also in relation to political and authoritative concerns. Chang's analysis makes clear that some of the Second Temple compositions have pursued ideas of the legitimacy of priestly identities by juxtaposing the concepts of covenant and priesthood from various traditions. Interpretation and representation of certain traditions becomes a way in which some Second Temple Jews, and some members of the early Jewish Christian communities, developed their priestly covenantal identities. It is with an understanding of this, Chang argues, that we can better understand these Second Temple texts.
Conrad Leyser examines the formation of the Christian ascetic tradition in the western Roman Empire during the period of the barbarian invasions, c.400-600. In an aggressively competitive political context, one of the most articulate claims to power was made, paradoxically, by men who had renounced 'the world', committing themselves to a life of spiritual discipline in the hope of gaining entry to an otherworldly kingdom. Often dismissed as mere fanaticism or open hypocrisy, the language of ascetic authority, Conrad Leyser shows, was both carefully honed and well understood in the late Roman and early medieval Mediterranean. Dr Leyser charts the development of this new moral rhetoric by abbots, teachers, and bishops from the time of Augustine of Hippo to that of St Benedict and Gregory the Great.
Formerly known by its subtitle "Internationale Zeitschriftenschau für Bibelwissenschaft und Grenzgebiete", the International Review of Biblical Studies has served the scholarly community ever since its inception in the early 1950's. Each annual volume includes approximately 2,000 abstracts and summaries of articles and books that deal with the Bible and related literature, including the Dead Sea Scrolls, Pseudepigrapha, Non-canonical gospels, and ancient Near Eastern writings. The abstracts - which may be in English, German, or French - are arranged thematically under headings such as e.g. "Genesis", "Matthew", "Greek language", "text and textual criticism", "exegetical methods and approaches", "biblical theology", "social and religious institutions", "biblical personalities", "history of Israel and early Judaism", and so on. The articles and books that are abstracted and reviewed are collected annually by an international team of collaborators from over 300 of the most important periodicals and book series in the fields covered.
„Titlul acestei cărți poate fi înșelător. Cititorul ar putea crede că are dinainte o lucrare de pură istorie culturală, o culegere de documente și analize, menite să devină un omagiu pios, comemorativ, adus unor grupuri de intelectuali care, în vremuri neprielnice, au încercat să-și păstreze chipul și să-și urmeze vocația. În realitate, e vorba de o reconstrucție erudită, dar intens simpatetică, a unui «model» de viață spirituală atemporal. E vorba despre modul în care se nasc întâlnirile purtătoare de destin, despre farmecul – și rigorile – drumului tatonant spre cunoaștere, despre comuniune, împreună-căutare, dramă lumească și speranță. E vorba despre efortul oamenilor de a se situa, de «a-și găsi locul» și despre «instituționalizarea» – dincolo de instituții – a formării intelectuale. În ce mă privește, am aflat neașteptat de multe lucruri despre împrejurări pe care credeam că le știu dinăuntru. Anca Manolescu le știe însă mai bine. Într-un anumit sens, ea este mai intim legată de modelele pe care le invocă decât chiar unii dintre reprezentanții lor.“ (Andrei PLEȘU) „E oare nepotrivit ca intelectualul să se comporte în credinţă ca intelectual? E inutil să-şi păstreze în acest domeniu chipul specific sau măcar ideal? Pofta de a înţelege, disciplina şi elanul gândului nu-şi găsesc locul în religie? În epocile premoderne, întrebarea ar fi fost întrucâtva caraghioasă. De la autori creştini timpurii până la monahismul medieval, nu a fost oare înfăţişată credinţa drept «filozofie» în sensul antic al termenului, drept «adevărata filozofie»: formare a sinelui întemeiată pe revelaţie, urmare a Logosului pe calea cunoaşterii lui Dumnezeu? Calea filozofiei, în rostul ei prim, şi calea cunoaşterii religioase nu sunt divergente. Ca stil de viaţă şi de convivialitate, între cercul filozofic şi grupul de studiu creştin, asemănările, nu deosebirile par să precumpănească. Modelul Antim şi modelul Păltiniş ne-o reamintesc.“ (Anca MANOLESCU)