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We present the results of a multiwavelength study of the role mergers and (U)LIRGs have played in galaxy evolution using the COSMOS data set. First, we investigate the evolution of the galaxy pair fraction out to z = 1.2 by selecting pairs where both members are > L⋆V and have projected separations
A sweeping tour of the infrared universe as seen through the eyes of NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope Astronomers have been studying the heavens for thousands of years, but until recently much of the cosmos has been invisible to the human eye. Launched in 2003, the Spitzer Space Telescope has brought the infrared universe into focus as never before. Michael Werner and Peter Eisenhardt are among the scientists who worked for decades to bring this historic mission to life. Here is their inside story of how Spitzer continues to carry out cutting-edge infrared astronomy to help answer fundamental questions that have intrigued humankind since time immemorial: Where did we come from? How did the universe evolve? Are we alone? In this panoramic book, Werner and Eisenhardt take readers on a breathtaking guided tour of the cosmos in the infrared, beginning in our solar system and venturing ever outward toward the distant origins of the expanding universe. They explain how astronomers use the infrared to observe celestial bodies that are too cold or too far away for their light to be seen by the eye, to conduct deep surveys of galaxies as they appeared at the dawn of time, and to peer through dense cosmic clouds that obscure major events in the life cycles of planets, stars, and galaxies. Featuring many of Spitzer’s spectacular images, More Things in the Heavens provides a thrilling look at how infrared astronomy is aiding the search for exoplanets and extraterrestrial life, and transforming our understanding of the history and evolution of our universe.
The diffuse cosmological background light that pervades our Universe continues to be one of the best probes to uncover the astrophysical environments of the early Universe. In our attempt to gain a more holistic understanding of our present cosmological situation, we seek to understand the formation and evolution of the first stars and galaxies that came into existence. It is thought that these first-light galaxies are the progenitors to our Milky Way, and all other evolved galaxies. The spatial fluctuations of the extragalactic background light trace the total emission from all stars and galaxies in the Universe, and these first-light galaxies have left a measurable imprint on the cosmic infrared backgroud (CIB) light. In the first part of this thesis I describe measurements which suggest a detection of this signal, using a large subset of data from the largest allocation of Hubble time to date (CANDELS). This is followed by a cross-correlation analysis of the CIB with the cosmic X-ray background (CXB), which can give some insight as to whether or not X-ray emitting sources were present during this first-light epoch. I then shift towards the far-infrared (submillimeter) regime and discuss a statistical measurement of the redshift distribution of Herschel galaxies. Finally I show two-point correlation measurements of strongly lensed submillimeter galaxies, and the bias that this population may be introducing into past and current clustering analyses, which can lead to erroneous dark matter halo mass measurements from such studies.
We study the nature and clustering of infrared (IR) galaxies at z~1.5-3 in a 9 deg2 region from the Spitzer Deep, Wide-Field Survey (SDWFS) and the MIPS (Multiband Imaging Photometer for SIRTF) AGN (Active Galactic Nuclei) and Galaxy Evolution Survey (MAGES), taken at the Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SITRF). Using a method developed by Huang et al., we identify stellar-dominated IR-luminous galaxies at 1.5 z 3 by selecting objects with characteristic infrared (3.6, 4.5, and 8.0 micron) flux ratios and 24 micron flux density (S(24) hereafter) 0.3 mJy. We compute the angular correlation function of this sample over scales of 0.001 - 1 deg. Assuming an empirical redshift distribution, we derive spatial correlation scale lengths, r0 = 7.65 " 0.9 h−1 Mpc for S(24) 0.3 mJy and 8.73 " 2.1 h-1 Mpc for S(24)> 0.5 mJy, with a possible scale length increase at higher 24 micron flux densities. We compare our sample to IRluminous, dust-obscured galaxies (DOGs) at this redshift selected on the basis of their large mid-infrared to visible flux ratio, and which are known to include AGN, objects presumably powered by supermassive black hole accretion. While the DOG sample includes objects with S(24)> 1 mJy, our IR-luminous, stellar-dominated sample contains few bright objects, and is approximately limited to S(24)
Clusters of Galaxies are the largest gravitationally bound systems known. Discovered by Charles Messier in the XVIII century, they started to be systematically studied two hundred years later, when Abell and Zwicky undertook a series of surveys to identify concentrations of galaxies in the accessible Universe. These initial studies concluded that clusters of galaxies were formed by objects with the same visual colors and used them to establish memberships. This has been since then one of the biggest issues in this field: the accurate separation of cluster population versus projected foreground or background objects. One other issue is to establish the dynamical status of both the cluster itself and the sources within. From the latter, the former can be inferred, even by crude assumptions on the typical mass of the galaxies, since the velocity dispersion of the members and the cluster radius are linked via the Virial Theorem. However, early observations from spaceborne telescopes discovered significant extended X–ray emission from the cluster cores that was soon identified as Bremsstrahlung radiation in the di use intracluster plasma. The detection of such hot gas led to the calculation of the potential well needed to keep it bound to the system and the amount of gas required. Both estimates, from optical and X–ray data disagreed by up to (and even beyond) 70% in some cases. At the same time, the characteristics of the cluster population were studied and compared to field galaxies. It was found that cluster members favoured elliptical morphologies, larger masses and red colours, versus the dominant fraction of blue mid size spirals in the field. Moreover, the fraction of blue galaxies was found to vary along the clustercentric distance and with redshift, increasing this blue fraction directly with both. It was established that clusters of galaxies harboured much more mass that that directly observable in optical wavelengths and that their members had undergone or were undergoing transformations that made their evolutionary path diverge from their counterparts in the field. To appropriately address those issues a key observable was demanded: accurate redshifts. However, that was found hard to get. On the one hand, photometric redshifts by themselves lack of the precision needed to establish whether a galaxy is within the cluster or not. On the other, spectroscopic redshifts are extremely demanding in terms of observation time and the selection of objects imply some a-priori criteria that may significantly bias the result, focusing in typical cluster members and eventually overlooking objects in the ends of the distribution function of luminosities and colors...
Michael Rowan-Robinson provides a comprehensive history of infrared astronomy in this accessible and well-illustrated guide.