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This dissertation explores the lived experiences of African American college students and recent graduates who studied abroad. These students’ experiences were examined to determine reasons for the gap between the numbers of African American and Caucasian students who study abroad. The researcher conducted a mixed-methods study using a survey that included yes/no, Likert scale, and open-ended questions. Twenty-six students completed the survey. The following themes emerged from some of the responses: students felt inadequately prepared financially and culturally, some of them experienced isolation and homesickness, racism and academic challenges. There were positive themes as well, including a sense of confidence as a result of studying abroad, strengthened foreign language skills, and global connections. While the majority of the participants experienced challenges, most of them said they would study abroad again and all but one of them completed their program. Study findings suggest that removing the barriers listed would result in more positive study abroad experiences for African American students.
In this study, I examined the lived experiences of African American students who studied abroad in Ghana, West Africa. I used two theoretical frameworks. The first, Racial Identity Development (RID) filtered through the Multidimensional Model of Racial Identity (MMRI) as the conceptual model developed by Sellers, Smith, Shelton, Rowley, and Chavous (1998). In addition, Transformative Learning Theory (TLT) helped explain how adults reinterpret their worldview through a combination of reflection and dialogue (Mezirow, 1991). The primary research question for this study was: What are the racialized experiences of African American studies who studied abroad to Ghana, West Africa? This was a phenomenological case study design. Thirteen participants were interviewed using a modified approach of the Seidman's (2013) model as the method of inquiry and technique for data collection. Qualitative methodology revealed six major themes which became evident and accounted for the participant's experiences: (a) Ghana Mattered - Past, Present and Future; (b) Racial Realities; (c) Connections; (d) Impacts of Slavery; (e) Personal and Social Transformation; and (f) Value of Heritage Experiences. There were two primary results. First, there is value in sharing the experiences of African American students who studied abroad in Africa by understanding how to make meaning of their experiences. Second, the study revealed that these opportunities further support the belief that heritage experiences matter, and that people want to know who they are, where they are from, and what stories to tell from their own cultural imprints. Therefore, I conclude that these cultural and heritage experiences are a basic human need and should be valued and shared as a valid reason to study abroad.
The study abroad experience is an important fixture of American higher education, with politicians, institutions, and mainstream media calling for increased participation. Participation in study abroad can potentially benefit students' personal, academic, and career development. However, historical educational data have shown that some groups, such as Students of Color, have been underrepresented in study abroad participation at American colleges and universities. To better understand the racial gap in study abroad participation, this study combined the Theory of Planned Behavior and critical race theory to explore the intersections of race and racism with factors (i.e., attitude, subject norm, perceived behavioral control) that predict students' intention to study abroad, and the role of social and non-social environmental influences on these factors (e.g., advertisements, advisers). The results indicated that for Students of Color and White students, racial identity and expected effects of racism were related in different ways to attitude (i.e., students' evaluation of study abroad), subjective norm (i.e., their sense of social support), and perceived behavioral control (i.e., their sense of the ease of studying abroad). For attitude, Students of Color thought both their race and racism would affect their personal experience and viewed racism as a built-in aspect of the study abroad experience, where White students generally thought neither would affect them. For subjective norm, White students generally did not believe racism affected the kinds of support they received. In contrast, there was evidence of exclusion for Students of Color, such as being ignored by campus recruiters promoting study abroad and being ignored by academic advisers. Students of Color also evaluated the usefulness of information from supportive figures based to the racial identity of the source as a proxy for the ability to understand the nuance of race while studying abroad. For perceived behavioral control, White students thought their racial identity would make it easier to study abroad and did not think racism would affect their ease of studying abroad. Overall, the Theory of Planned Behavior accurately predicted White students' intentions to study abroad, where their positive perceptions of study abroad, support to study abroad, and fewer barriers were generally correlated with their intentions to study abroad. In contrast, Students of Color demonstrated greater behavioral intention to study abroad even though they had negative expectations about their experience, especially with racism, a lack of support from advisers and greater expectations of racism as a potential barrier. In drawing on the lived experiences of Students of Color, these findings suggest that racism may not be well modeled by the traditional patterns described by decision-making theories like the Theory of Planned Behavior. Similarly, the framework does not address the potential moderating role of racial identity. For example, for subjective norm supportive figures like advisers engaged in supportive behaviors as theorized by the framework, but for Students of Color, they were served more as barriers. This study also found that students' beliefs were found to be influenced by both social and nonsocial factors, such as social media and advertisements, the discovery of how race and racism may be intertwined with students' decisions about study abroad creates potential opportunities to improve recruitment strategies that address the beliefs of diverse students. More research is needed to better understand how students make decisions despite potential barriers, as well as the ways in which sources influential to students' beliefs about study abroad may be used to increase the accessibility of study abroad and increase the participation of underrepresented groups. The study abroad experience is an important fixture of American higher education, with politicians, institutions, and mainstream media calling for increased participation. Participation in study abroad can potentially benefit students' personal, academic, and career development. However, historical educational data have shown that some groups, such as Students of Color, have been underrepresented in study abroad participation at American colleges and universities. To better understand the racial gap in study abroad participation, this study combined the Theory of Planned Behavior and critical race theory to explore the intersections of race and racism with factors (i.e., attitude, subject norm, perceived behavioral control) that predict students' intention to study abroad, and the role of social and non-social environmental influences on these factors (e.g., advertisements, advisers).
This book explores the adjustment problems and experiences of international students who have studied in the United States of America. First, it examines the varied adjustments that international students have had to deal with in general, and second, it investigates the experiences of African students in particular that studied at a historically black institution, a rare study on Africans studying at a specifically black institution.
This text focuses on the history of criminology, which includes the criminological time periods, persons most associated with each era, and their contentions and contributions. The earlier crime research epochs that are the concentration of the beginning of the text are the classical school of criminology, positivist criminology, sociological criminology (also known as the Chicago school), conflict criminology, and developmental criminology. It also concentrates on the ways crime is recorded in the United States and the strengths and weaknesses of each method. The focal point of the crime recording section of the text is on the Uniform Crime Report (UCR), National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), and self-report surveys. The theories of crime and delinquency that are examined are strain theory, differential association theory, conflict theory, social bonding theory, rational choice theory, social structure theory, social disorganization theory, cultural deviance theory, differential association theory, differential reinforcement theory, labeling theory, and theories of victimization. Finally, the text concludes with chapters on causes of violent crimes, juvenile delinquency, white-collar crime, and terrorism.
Abstract: As institutions of higher education strive to prepare global ready graduates, study abroad is on the rise at both 2- and 4-year campuses. Study abroad is also identified as a high impact program that can lead to increased engagement and student success. However, research has centered on the experiences of White, 4-year students. Literature is rare on the experiences of community college students and students of color. This study explores an underrepresented and understudied student population: Black female community college students who study abroad. Using an intersectional lens, this study provides critical insight into participant experiences and outcomes. Research questions inquired about ethnic and racial identity development outcomes, but also broadened the scope of research by including intercultural growth, global identity, and other identity development outcomes. This qualitative inquiry utilized 19 open-ended interviews to explore the experiences of African American female students who studied abroad on community college programs in Africa and Europe from 2005-2011. At the time of their study abroad in Africa, the Mediterranean, or the British Isles, participants' ages ranged from 19-62. Five themes offer insight into the realities of being Black women studying in different regions of the world: PreDeparture Factors, Study Abroad Context, Peer Roles, Managing Racism, and Outcomes. Though their outcomes were similar to those previously documented for 4-year White students, participants also faced racial and gender microaggressions from their host cultures and/or their U.S. travel peers in each of the three regions. This study centers the experiences of a marginalized group while widening the scope and sharpening the focus of research. Findings shed light on the complex interplay of race, ethnicity, and gender, and other areas of social diversity for Black women abroad, underscoring that campus climate extends beyond U.S. campus boarders. Implications and recommendations for practice include ways to facilitate inclusive climates in study abroad, support students in facing microaggressions, and build on peer bonds to increase campus engagement and academic success. Recommendations to increase access and equity in study abroad by reducing transfer and financial aid barriers are also discussed, as are areas for future research.
This text focuses on the history of criminology, including the major criminological epochs, the most prominent practitioners associated with each, and their contentions and contributions to the discipline. The earliest epochs, which comprise some of the initial concentrations of the text, include the Classical School of Criminology, Positivist Criminology, Sociological Criminology (also known by some as the Chicago School), Conflict Criminology, and Developmental Criminology. The manuscript will also concentrate on the ways by which crime is recorded in the United States and the strengths and weaknesses of each method. The focal point of this crime recording section of the text are on the Uniform Crime Report (UCR), National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), and Self Report Surveys. The theories of crime and delinquency that are examined are strain theory, differential association theory, conflict theory, social bonding theory, rational choice theory, social structure theory, social disorganization theory, cultural deviance theory differential association theory, differential reinforcement theory, and labeling theory. In addition, other areas of crime that are explored are gangs and crime, victimless crimes, causes of violent crime, serial killers, mass murderers, and spree killers, sexual assault, mental health and crime, rural criminology, and queer criminology. Finally, the text concludes with chapters on community/police relations and crime, theories of victimization, crime and punishment, using criminological theories to explore crime, and crime in the 21st century.
This two-volume book offers extensive interviews with persons who have made significant contributions to thanatology, the study of dying, death, loss, and grief. The book’s in-depth conversations provide compelling life stories of interest to clinicians, researchers, and educated lay persons, and to specialists interested in oral history as a means of gaining rich understandings of persons’ lives. Several disciplines that contribute to thanatology are represented in this book, such as psychology, religious studies, art, literature, history, social work, nursing, theology, education, psychiatry, sociology, philosophy, and anthropology. The book is unique; no other text offers such a comprehensive, insightful, and personal review of work in the thanatology field. The salience of thanatology is obvious when we consider several topics, including the aging demographics of most countries, the leading causes of death, the devastation of COVID-19, the realities of how most persons die, the growth both of hospice and of efforts within medicine to ensure that a good death becomes the norm of medical practice, and increases in the number of countries and states permitting physician-assisted suicide. This second volume includes conversations with 16 thanatologists, a rich, extensive bibliography, an index of names and subjects, and a biographical sketch of the author. The experts interviewed in this volume include Danai Papadatou, Holly Prigerson, Jack Jordan, Illene Cupit, Heather Servaty-Seib, Irwin Sandler, Simon Shimshon Rubin, Carla Sofka, Harold Ivan Smith, and Phyllis Kosminsky.
The purpose of this qualitative transcendental phenomenological study was to describe the lived experiences of African American female past students, regarding unvoiced barriers, at Seven Hills Technical College. The theory guiding this study was Tinto’s theory on student integration. Tinto believed that a student’s academic and social interactions are indicators of whether a student will be successful. The interpretive framework utilized in this study was critical race theory. The central research question guiding this study was: What are the lived experiences of African American female past students who did not persist to graduation from a predominantly White technical college? The sample included African American female past students who did not successfully persist to graduation. Data was collected using semi-structured interviews, document analysis, and a focus group. The analysis strategy process involved Moustakas’ seven-step thematic analysis method. After an in-depth analytical review, three themes were revealed. These themes include self-improvement, unpreparedness, and identity. Overall, utilizing the qualitative transcendental phenomenological approach allowed the researcher, participants, and the audience a space to understand the lived experiences of African American female past students.