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Oliver Hurst has always been abnormally normal. His grades are horrible, his best friend just left for Utah, and he's depressed. His overly religious parents don’t help, especially since they control every facet of his life. One stupid sentence said in desperation gets Oliver tossed in an adolescent psych ward, where his depression and fears become even more of a reality. When Oliver meets snide, tough girl Lacey Waters he doesn't think his life could get any better, that is, until she becomes the ray of sunshine he has desperately needed on his cloudiest of days. young adult romance, teen romance, teen contemporary romance, young adult contemporary romance, sweet teen romance, sweet young adult romance, teen mental health, teen depression fiction, young adult free romance, young adult free contemporary romance, free young adult romance, free teen romance, free teen contemporary romance
"One little snowflake falls on my nose. It makes me shiver from my head to my toes." A little girl plays outside on a cold winter day, counting each snowflake as it falls softly to the ground. Bundled in her warmest snowsuit, she savors the snow, tasting each flake as it falls on her tongue, and makes snow angels. Simple rhyming text captures the joy of a winter afternoon while teaching basic counting skills. Exuberant pastel illustrations invite young readers to join the fun.
Oliver Hurst has always been abnormally normal. His grades are horrible, his best friend just left for Utah, and he's depressed. His overly religious parents don't help, especially since they control every facet of his life. One stupid sentence said in desperation gets Oliver tossed in an adolescent psych ward, where his depression and fears become even more of a reality. When Oliver meets snide, tough girl Lacey Waters he doesn't think his life could get any better, that is, until she becomes the ray of sunshine he has desperately needed on his cloudiest of days.
Книга представляет собой адаптацию сказки знаменитого датского писателя Ханса Кристиана Андерсена (1805–1875) «Снежная королева» на английском языке. Это одна из лучших сказок великого писателя, широко известная в нашей стране. В ней рассказывается о том, как детская любовь и искренняя дружба помогли развеять злые чары коварной повелительницы снежного королевства.После каждой главы даётся комментарий и перевод трудных слов и выражений, а также упражнения, направленные на проверку понимания текста, отработку лексики и грамматических конструкций, развитие навыков устной речи. Новые слова включены в словарь, который помещён в конце книги.Пособие адресовано учащимся 3–4 классов средних школ, лицеев, гимназий, а также широкому кругу лиц, изучающих английский язык.