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What if the secret to being your best, attracting people and leading people was merely knowing what, why and how to commit to people? All you have ever wanted was to have more meaningful relationships, attract others to your cause and be able to make a difference in the lives of the people around you. You can have all this and more when you harness the power of the commitment. No Matter What starts with a simple “Yes” that forms a commitment you make to yourself and to the people around you. You will discover that, No Matter What, you will be able to: Make your word your bond Know and live your values Help people be their very best Create a good reputation in a troubled world Develop and sustain sound financial principles No Matter What is simple, powerful and life changing. When you start right now you will be committing to a better future for yourself and the people around you, No Matter What! For over 25 years, Sam Silverstein has helped people and organizations be the very best they can be. Sam will share the truth of what accountability is, why it is the most powerful change agent in existence and how you can harness the power of commitment in 10 specific and defining areas. Sam has worked with companies, government agencies and individuals around the world helping them create their best possible self through the power of accountability. Thousands of people have put Sam’s philosophies and tools to work as they have grown and prospered.
Accountability in Education discusses the debate surrounding the accountability of teachers and questions the responsibility that parents, other groups and even children themselves have for their experience at school. In this book, Robert Wagner examines the assumptions underlying criticisms of major institutions for their lack of attention to the ethical and practical ramifications of their policies. Wagner questions the validity of this assumption by analyzing accountability relationships in schools, discussing the responsibility students have for the quality of their own experiences--as well as the potential accountability of parents and other groups--and relating the issue of accountability in education to questions of moral and legal obligation in areas such as business, government and law. His book provides a cogent philosophical analysis of accountability and is invaluable to an understanding of a majour issue in the contemporary discussion of education.
“We are responsible for things…but we are accountable to people. When we discover our own unique purpose, and then make and keep personal commitments that support that purpose, that is accountability. If everyone in the Accountability Circle makes and keeps those commitments, then accountability becomes a way of life.” –Sam Silverstein THE ACCOUNTABILITY CIRCLE gives you a trusted group of Accountability Partners for your life, your career, and your business. They support you in identifying and acting on your Purpose, your Mission, and your Values…and you support them in turn. THE ACCOUNTABILITY CIRCLE is where you go to become the best person you can be. It is much more than a mastermind group. It goes far deeper than networking and sharing best business practices. It is about becoming a truly accountable person and a leader in your own life. THE ACCOUNTABILITY CIRCLE goes far beyond your current “circle of friends” … and creates a powerful group of allies who are focused on your best interests, based on your unique purpose and mission. THE ACCOUNTABILITY CIRCLE is the ultimate personal development strategy and the critical leadership advantage. We all want to reach our potential, become the best version of ourselves, and get the most we possibly can out of life. We all want to maximize our impact and leave a legacy that inspires other people to be their best. For most of us, the problem is not that we are not trying to be our best. The real problem is that we are unable to see and understand fully what our very best can be. We may think that we have to create our own solutions and cannot ask for help. However, this vision of a self-reliant accountability is wrong. In fact, everything we have been taught about accountability is wrong. Accountability is not about having to prove ourselves, create some original idea, or live an independent life, and it is certainly not about “holding others accountable.” Quite the contrary—accountability is all about commitments and interdependence. We need other people to help us to be our very best, and we need to help other people to be their very best. It is in helping others fulfill their potential that we identify and achieve our own true potential! Action always comes with belief. When you begin taking action with full accountability in your Accountability Circle, you will begin to see people differently, show up differently, commit differently, and bring people into your life differently. By building accountable relationships, you will open yourself up to unrealized opportunities for growth and outreach. Sam Silverstein’s The Accountability Circle shows you how to unlock the power of your own purpose, and learn how your best self can be discovered through the eyes of people who truly care about you. This discovery results, not just in more meaningful relationships within the Circle, but in the capacity to cultivate stronger relationships outside the Circle. Building on the commitments you make and inspire, you can achieve major life goals and make deeper contributions in your home life, your workplace, and the larger world.
E=mc2 You may think you know what this familiar formula means, but until you read Sam Silverstein’s breakthrough book, you will not know its true power or its potential. This is the Accountability Formula™, and it forms the heart of the Theory of Accountability™. Silverstein’s Theory of Accountability has nothing to do with physics, the speed of light, or the relationship between space and time. It has everything to do with personal and organizational growth, and with establishing the kind of leadership in your own life that makes excuses a thing of the past…and inspires true commitment from others. The Theory of Accountability states: Our lived EXPERIENCE is the direct result of our MINDSET and our COMMITMENT SQUARED. Silverstein’s new book examines each of these critical elements in depth, and shows you how to leverage the power of accountability to create a sustainable high-performance life and organization. E stands for Experience. Our experience is the results: the outcomes we achieve in our life, in our business, and everywhere else. It is what we produce. Our experience impacts the lives of everyone we come in contact with. The problem is, all too often, our experience is erratic, random, unplanned, and dysfunctional--with results to match. M stands for Mindset. The accountable mindset is based on a conscious decision to embrace possibility rather than fear. When decisions are driven by fear, our experience and the experience of everyone we come in contact with suffers. On the other hand, when decisions are driven by a set of beliefs that are based on valuing people, and on a foundation of abundance rather than scarcity, our experience improves. C2 stands for Commitment Squared. How do we ensure that our mindset is driven by possibility and abundance, rather than by fear and scarcity? By focusing on our ability to make, keep, and expand specific commitments. There is truly awesome power in commitment. The quality of the results you achieve is always based on two things: how committed you are to people, and how committed you are to your mindset and your core beliefs. These are the two commitments of the accountable person. When both kinds of commitments are in full play, when you are all in, you are living to your full potential. Such commitments are like compound interest, because they produce increasingly greater results over time. Sam’s latest book offers leaders a proven system for taking control of your life and transforming yourself and your organization…by harnessing the awesome power of accountability.
Kenneth Sirotnik asserts that however well-intentioned, past and current accountability practices in public education are "miseducative, misdirected, and misanthropic." In this provocative book, well-respected educators join Sirotnik to provide critical analyses and sophisticated perspectives on prevailing high-stakes accountability practices. They offer both conceptual and practical foundations for rethinking what it means to act responsibly when it comes to calling our schools, school systems, educators, and students into account.
We struggle making decisions and most times we just wish someone would make them for us. What if that could all change and you could master the decisions you face in your life? The average person makes hundreds of decisions each day. They range from the ordinary and mundane to life-altering events. Many decisions we are faced with have little effect on our lives. They deal with the simple problems and require simple choices. However, there are those decisions which impact our lives and the lives of those around us in very significant and consequential ways. In Making Accountable Decisions, Sam Silverstein presents ways to approach our life’s decisions and how we interact with and affect others. He does this by focusing on the most substantial decisions in our lives, considering how they impact us and what decisions we can make to add value and meaning. Sam is the founder of The Accountability Movement™ and works with companies, government agencies and people around the world helping them build accountable cultures and live accountable lives. Building an accountable world is his life’s mission. Some people choose to let life happen. Some people make it happen. What’s your decision?
Own your choices and discover the true meaning of accountability The implementation of true, organization-wide accountability has the potential to transform your firm’s—and your personal—performance. Unfortunately, the word “accountability” often has negative connotations, including blame, fear, and conflict. In Uncommon Accountability, best-selling authors and leadership strategists Brian Moran and Michael Lennington compellingly argue for a positive and affirming conception of accountability—one that stands for personal ownership of one’s goals, actions, and progress. The authors show you how to harness the power of accountability, with all of its built-in potential to enable growth and learning, improve well-being, reduce stress, and drive results. You’ll also learn to: Manage negative consequences by “holding others capable” and stop playing the blame game Shift your thinking to take real advantage of simple behavior changes that improve results and engagement Emphasize the power and importance of personal choice in every interaction Containing real-world case studies that show you how to apply the principles contained within to your own circumstances, Uncommon Accountability is the perfect tool to unlock the potential of your team members.
The lack of personal accountability is a problem that has resulted in an epidemic of blame, victim thinking, complaining, and procrastination. No organization—or individual—can successfully compete in the marketplace, achieve goals and objectives, provide outstanding service, engage in exceptional teamwork, or develop people without personal accountability. John G. Miller believes that the troubles that plague organizations cannot be solved by pointing fingers and blaming others. Rather, the real solutions are found when each of us recognizes the power of personal accountability. In QBQ! The Question Behind the Question®, Miller explains how negative, ill-focused questions like “Why do we have to go through all this change?” and “Who dropped the ball?” represent a lack of personal accountability. Conversely, when we ask better questions—QBQs—such as “What can I do to contribute?” or “How can I help solve the problem?” our lives and our organizations are transformed. THE QBQ! PROMISE This remarkable and timely book provides a practical method for putting personal accountability into daily actions, with astonishing results: problems are solved, internal barriers come down, service improves, teams thrive, and people adapt to change more quickly. QBQ! is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to learn, grow, and change. Using this tool, each of us can add tremendous worth to our organizations and to our lives by eliminating blame, victim-thinking, and procrastination. QBQ! was written more than a decade ago and has helped countless readers practice personal accountability at work and at home. This version features a new foreword, revisions and new material throughout, and a section of FAQs that the author has received over the years.