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The Book of Dzyan is the first volume of Commentaries upon the seven secret folios of Kiu-te, and a Glossary of the public works of the same name. The thirty-five volumes of Kiu-te ought to be termed “the popularised version of the Secret Doctrine.” They are full of myths, blinds, and errors. On the other hand, the fourteen volumes of Commentaries — with their translations, annotations, and glossaries of Occult terms, worked out from one small archaic folio, the “Book of the Secret Wisdom of the World” — contain a digest of all the Occult Sciences. It is from the texts of all these works that the Secret Doctrine has been given in 1888.
1. The supreme energy resides in the Buddhi: latent when wedded to Atman alone; active and irresistible when galvanized by the essence of Manas. 2. Healing requires perfect benevolence, untainted even by latent selfishness. 3. The unreformed Western mind cannot grasp the essence of Buddhistic exegesis. The twin faces of Avalokiteshvara. The blind and guilty Rhys Davids leads the blind and innocent Lillie into the ditch. 4. God Geometrises. 5. Only the unshackled Spirit shall see the things of the Spirit without a veil.
The cis-Himalayan Mahatmas are Great Souls and Masters of Wisdom; their higher individuality is en rapport with the Universal Soul. Through occult training in successive births, the hold of lower Manas weakens until the whole Manas identifies with the Universal Soul, which runs through humanity at large, and lo and behold! a new Saviour of Mankind is born. Only a pure and unexpecting soul, whose brotherly love has uplifted his Manas above the fog of separateness, can ever hope to approach the majesty of a Mahatma. Manasic perception is enlightened belief without intellectual understanding. That is the real meaning of faith, not the blind belief implied by the religious meaning of faith. The adept is the rare efflorescence of a generation of enquirers. Their three higher aspects are merged into One. A Planetary Spirit can roam the interstellar spaces in full consciousness, while continue living on earth in his original body. That is highest form of adeptship man can hope for on our planet. Only an Occultist, by analysing and experiencing sentient life in all its phases, whether on earth or beyond, whether mineral, vegetable, animal, or spiritual life, can figure out the Great Problem of Consciousness. Spirit and Matter are co-existent, inseparable, interdependent, and convertible to each other. This androgynous Force is Mind and Soul. Since motion is all-pervading and absolute rest inconceivable, under whatever form or mask may appear, whether as light, heat, magnetism, chemical affinity or elec-tricity — all these must be phases of One and the same universal omnipotent Force. Consciousness is not only transformable into other aspects or phases of the all-pervading Force, but that it can be infused into, and animate, an artificial man. The three extant centres of Occult Brotherhood, though widely separated geographically, and as widely exoterically, promulgate the same esoteric doctrine. Self is a passing guest, whose concerns are all like a mirage of the great desert. It is upon the serene and placid surface of the unruffled mind that the visions gathered from the invisible find a representation in the visible world. Nature has linked all parts of her Empire together by subtle threads of magnetic sympathy. By subduing the lower Manas and thus identifying with his higher counterpart, man can become master and ruler over blind molecular motion.
With Addendum by Thomas Taylor, the English Platonist.