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Freemasonry, though not a religion, is essentially religious. Most of its legends and allegories are of a sacred nature; much of it is woven into the structure of Christianity. We have learned to consider our own religion as the only inspired one, and this probably accounts for much of the misunderstanding in the world today concerning the place occupied by Freemasonry in the spiritual ethics of our race. A religion is a divinely inspired code of morals. A religious person is one inspired to nobler living by this code. He is identified by the code which is his source of illumination. Thus we may say that a Christian is one who receives his spiritual ideals of right and wrong from the message of the Christ, while a Buddhist is one who molds his life into the archetype of morality given by the great Gautama, or one of the other Buddhas. All doctrines which seek to unfold and preserve that invisible spark in man named Spirit, are said to be spiritual. Those which ignore this invisible element and concentrate entirely upon the visible are said to be material. There is in religion a wonderful point of balance, where the materialist and spiritist meet on the plane of logic and reason. CONTENTS: Foreword Introduction Prologue - In The Fields Of Chaos Temple Builders Chapter I - The Eternal Quest Thoughtlessness Chapter II - The Candidate Chapter III - The Entered Apprentice Chapter IV - The Fellow Craft Chapter V - The Master Mason Transmutation The Presence Of The Master Chapter VI - The Qualifications Of A True Mason Masons, Awake! Epilogue - The Priest Of Ra Addenda - The Robe Of Blue And Gold Friendship The Emerald Tablet Of Hermes (Tabula Smaragdina) Finish Of The Tabula Smaragdina Motive
Shalom, hotep and 13Ahavah to all who bliss this works with your precious attention and focus. It is my sincere hope and will that this compiled work of divine and right knowledge will elevate, protect, inform, uplift and inspire you to a better existence and future. This information has been hidden from my people for too long but now is the time of great revealing so that we may free ourselves from the shackles of bondage and be resurrected from mental death and live as we were always meant to, which is in harmony with our consanguinity and true customs and culture: Love, Truth, Peace, Justice and Freedom for All. This level of scholarship is brought to you by Th Elders of the Moors Order of The Roundtable, just a few of the loyal and Faithful Moors who carryout and embody what it is the Prophet Noble Sheik Sharif Abdul Ali A.K.A. Drew Ali uncovered and brought back to the Asiatics of Th North Gate/ North-West Amexem/North-West Afrika. May Th Divine will of Allah light Th flame of your consciousness and revive Th ancestral greatness of thy pedigree. All is well and well is all. Bro. Mafuz El Bey
This book about Freemasonry has been widely praised and is an authoritative guide to the symbolism, meaning and purpose of the Masonic fraternity in America. The author is a Canadian who has published many books of this type.