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Unlock the Mystery...And Open the Door to a Truly Abundant LifeEvery Christian has a divine destiny. Every born again believer has been called to live a life marked by the victory, power, character, and holiness of God. Deep within our spirit, we can all sense this. The desire for it burns in our hearts like an eternal flame. Yet all too often we find ourselves frustrated. As we try to move forward into the abundant life Jesus promised us in the Bible, it sometimes seems as if the door to it is locked. Instead of triumphing over the challenges of life, we struggle with defeat. Instead of conquering sin, it conquers us. Instead of soaring in divine power, we limp along in the weakness of the flesh. It's a puzzle. We know this isn't God's will for us. We know it isn't our destiny. But the solution is a mystery!This book is about the key that unlocks this mystery--the Master Key revealed in the New Testament again and again through the words in Christ. Repeated in one form or another more than 130 times in the Scriptures, those two simple words can transform your life: They can tell you who you really are, what you have, and what you can do as believer. They can open the door to all the riches of God that are inside you and to all the benefits He provided for you through His work of redemption.
The Master Key to Eternal Security is for you, because you have desired to possess a Beautiful Mind in the form of Wealth, Health and Love by the renewal of your mind. The Master Key to Eternal Security is based upon the authority handed down by Jesus Christ to Peter in Matthew 16:18, the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven and thus considers the importance of the creative power of a beautiful mind for the enjoyment of a very prosperous more abundant transformed life, the power of personal development, the power of learning, the power of innovation and the power of emotional toughness. As you read the Master Key to Eternal Security expect the Lord to open windows of Heaven and pour unto you one blessing that you shall not be able to contain.The Master Key to Eternal Security will guide you in developing an intrinsic worth, a powerful insight, foresight and wisdom, which is accompanied by an increased ability to act independently and interdependently because you are an image bearer of the all Creator, the Heavenly Father. The Master Key to Eternal Security eliminates the killers of personal development such as distrust, depression, fear, melancholy, bitterness, excuses, blaming, unforgiveness and every other form of lack and limitation, weakness, pain and disease; all of which are forms of spiritual blockages that harbor growth and development. The Master Key to Eternal Security awakens those latent, buried talents, supplying you with the ability to take initiative, to become a powerful person who is filled with creative and innovative energy as well as vigor as it awakens an appreciation of the beauty of the mind that is translated on the objective plane. The Master Key to Eternal Security teaches you how to unclog any form of blockages, those deeply ingrained self-limiting beliefs, ways of thinking and self-condemnation and judgements where emotional energy is not flowing freely. Generally emotions are strong indicators of where blockages are taking place. For instance, when I am doing something that I do not enjoy, a task that does not affirm who I am and who I desire to be, I notice the feeling of anger, resentment welling up and this is an indication that I am forcing myself to do things which I do not enjoy, that do not express my best, then a dark energy becomes visible in my demeanor, affecting my attitude even how I walk. Some people experience this kind of negativity in the morning when getting ready to go to a job that they detest, some even go through the extremes of feeling sick at the very thought of going to work because they have systematically ignored their emotions because of doing things which they do not enjoy. As you shall observe the darkening process is not instantaneous but rather occurs gradually and the repressed emotion goes underground, removing itself from the consciousness, the taking lodging and then expresses itself in the physical body in the form of complaints, mood swings, pains or illness. This is so because the emotion is trying to send a signals so that one can get in touch with the blockage. Therefore as you engage with the Master Key to Eternal Security you will soon observe that your soul, innovative and creative abilities will be enhanced when there is harmony within because blockages prevent the free flow of energy. Emotional attacks thus are indicators of where one requires a release, a healing and the key is to interpret that pain or illness as a signpost pointing towards a deeper issue. Your body is highly intelligent and a highly response Being as you shall observe in the Master Key to Eternal Security, which will aid your soul in freely expressing itself in matter. Your body is not just a vessel for ingesting food and liquid, that you dwell in, but is also an intelligent Being responsive to your emotions and a powerful communicator of your soul.
Spurgeon, the Prince of Preachers, was also a man of prayer. His sermons on prayer contained within this Pure Gold Classic will lead you to the very throne of grace where you will obtain mercy and find grace to help in times of need.
In The Master Key to This Mystical Life, Ralph Waldo Trine gives us fifty-two lessons, one for each week of the year, that will guide you through manifesting The Law of Attraction and The Law of Prosperity in your life while showing you The Secret Of The Highest Power. This powerful tool greatly influenced The Secret, Think and Grow Rich, and The Power of Positive Thinking. Now you can tap into this awesome power in a creative and constructive way!
THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER As seen on The Joe Rogan Experience! A groundbreaking dive into the role psychedelics have played in the origins of Western civilization, and the real-life quest for the Holy Grail that could shake the Church to its foundations. The most influential religious historian of the 20th century, Huston Smith, once referred to it as the "best-kept secret" in history. Did the Ancient Greeks use drugs to find God? And did the earliest Christians inherit the same, secret tradition? A profound knowledge of visionary plants, herbs and fungi passed from one generation to the next, ever since the Stone Age? There is zero archaeological evidence for the original Eucharist – the sacred wine said to guarantee life after death for those who drink the blood of Jesus. The Holy Grail and its miraculous contents have never been found. In the absence of any hard data, whatever happened at the Last Supper remains an article of faith for today’s 2.5 billion Christians. In an unprecedented search for answers, The Immortality Key examines the archaic roots of the ritual that is performed every Sunday for nearly one third of the planet. Religion and science converge to paint a radical picture of Christianity’s founding event. And after centuries of debate, to solve history’s greatest puzzle. Before the birth of Jesus, the Ancient Greeks found salvation in their own sacraments. Sacred beverages were routinely consumed as part of the so-called Ancient Mysteries – elaborate rites that led initiates to the brink of death. The best and brightest from Athens and Rome flocked to the spiritual capital of Eleusis, where a holy beer unleashed heavenly visions for two thousand years. Others drank the holy wine of Dionysus to become one with the god. In the 1970s, renegade scholars claimed this beer and wine – the original sacraments of Western civilization – were spiked with mind-altering drugs. In recent years, vindication for the disgraced theory has been quietly mounting in the laboratory. The constantly advancing fields of archaeobotany and archaeochemistry have hinted at the enduring use of hallucinogenic drinks in antiquity. And with a single dose of psilocybin, the psychopharmacologists at Johns Hopkins and NYU are now turning self-proclaimed atheists into instant believers. But the smoking gun remains elusive. If these sacraments survived for thousands of years in our remote prehistory, from the Stone Age to the Ancient Greeks, did they also survive into the age of Jesus? Was the Eucharist of the earliest Christians, in fact, a psychedelic Eucharist? With an unquenchable thirst for evidence, Muraresku takes the reader on his twelve-year global hunt for proof. He tours the ruins of Greece with its government archaeologists. He gains access to the hidden collections of the Louvre to show the continuity from pagan to Christian wine. He unravels the Ancient Greek of the New Testament with the world’s most controversial priest. He spelunks into the catacombs under the streets of Rome to decipher the lost symbols of Christianity’s oldest monuments. He breaches the secret archives of the Vatican to unearth manuscripts never before translated into English. And with leads from the archaeological chemists at UPenn and MIT, he unveils the first scientific data for the ritual use of psychedelic drugs in classical antiquity. The Immortality Key reconstructs the suppressed history of women consecrating a forbidden, drugged Eucharist that was later banned by the Church Fathers. Women who were then targeted as witches during the Inquisition, when Europe’s sacred pharmacology largely disappeared. If the scientists of today have resurrected this technology, then Christianity is in crisis. Unless it returns to its roots. Featuring a Foreword by Graham Hancock, the NYT bestselling author of America Before.