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John Wesley claimed to be a man of one book, and early Wesley scholarship accepted uncritically that the Bible was his supreme authority. In the late twentieth century, American Wesley scholars discussed what has been termed the Wesley Quadrilateral (the authority of the Bible, tradition, reason, and experience), and this to some extent helps explain the method by which Wesley read and interpreted the Bible. However, modern biblical reader-response criticism has drawn attention to the central role of the reader in his/her interpretation of scriptural texts. Donald Bullen argues that Wesley came to the Bible as a reader with the presuppositions of an eighteenth-century High Church, Arminian Anglican, in which tradition he had grown up. He then found his beliefs confirmed in the scriptural text. Claiming to base all his beliefs on the Bible, he found himself in controversy with others who made similar claims but came to different conclusions. The implications of this are explored in depth.
Eighty pieces of short fiction and nonfiction on manhood by some of the world's best writers. To help launch the literary nonprofit Narrative 4, Esquire asked eighty of the world's greatest writers to chip in with a story, all with the title, "How to Be a Man." The result is The Book of Men, an unflinching investigation into the essence of manhood.
John 13:3132: So, when he had gone out, Jesus said, Now the Son of Man is glorified, and God is glorified in Him. If God is glorified in Him, God will also glorify Him in Himself, and glorify Him immediately. Jesus Christ, the second Adam, the Son of Man, glorified God by His obedience to the cross. This work of redemption is the basis by which all the counsels of God are accomplished. All that God does for man, all that He works out on mankinds behalf, has its foundation upon the death of the Son of Man. God will eventually gather all thingsin heaven and on earthinto the raised and glorified Christ. God will be glorified in all that He does, and He has exalted the resurrected Son of Man to His right hand in glory. This is where it begins. When this Man had finished His work, He forever sat down in regards to a completed redemption (Heb. 10:12). From this point, all Gods counsels begin to unfold. If the believer will read this book, and ask the Spirit of God to teach you, you will never be the same. All of Scripture will open up to you. The believer has been given the Spirit of God that you may know all these things and you have the mind of Christ (I Cor. 2:12,16). Now the Son of Man is glorified
WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A MAN Raising up men has never been easy, but today is seems particularly tough. The young and old need heroes to embody the eternal qualities of manhood: honor, duty, valor, and integrity. InThe Book of Man, William J. Bennett points the way, offering a positive, encouraging, uplifting, realizable idea of manhood, redolent of history and human nature, and practical for contemporary life. Using profiles, stories, letters, poems, essays, historical vignettes, and myths to bring his subject to life, The Book of Man defines what a man should be, how he should live, and to what he should aspire in several key areas of life: war, work, leisure, and more. "Whether we take up the sword, the plow, the ball, the gavel, our children, or our Bibles," says Bennett, "we must always do it like the men we are called to be."The Book of Man shows how.
Does Paul teach a hierarchy of authority of man over woman, or does he teach the full equality of man and woman in the church and home? In Man and Woman, One in Christ, Philip Barton Payne answers this question and more, injecting crucial insights into the discussion of Paul’s view of women. Condensing over three decades of research on this topic, Payne’s rigorous exegetical analysis demonstrates the consistency of Paul’s message on this topic and its coherence with the rest of his theology. Payne’s exegetical examination of the Pauline corpus is thorough, exploring the influences on Paul, his practice as a church leader, and his teachings to various Christian communities. Paul’s theology, instruction, and practice consistently affirm the equal standing of men and women, with profound implications for the church today. Man and Woman, One in Christ is required reading for all who desire to understand the meaning of Paul’s statements regarding women and their relevance for Christian relationships and ministry today. This work has the potential of uniting the church on this contentious issue.
What can one man do? History is filled with world-changing events that turned on the hinge of a single person taking action. Their decisions and words shaped the world later generations came to inhabit. In The Power of One Man, author Ron Archer examines biblical figures who changed the world in which they lived, then applies those lessons to the challenges men face today—deftly weaving the narrative with stories of both failure and success in his own life in a way that is not only educational, but inspirational. Most of the social problems in our culture stem from an epidemic of fatherlessness. But as Ron’s own life demonstrates, God has a plan to redeem and restore those areas by redeeming and restoring men themselves—one individual at a time. What can God do with just one man? Anything He wants to—if you let Him.
This adventurous work records Robert Edison Fulton's solo round-the-world tour on a two-cylinder Douglas motorcycle between July, 1932 and December, 1933. First published in 1937.
No man wants to fail, but few men feel equipped to fight the battles they face in life. Every Man A Warrior gives men the tools necessary to win these battles - to succeed in life!