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What do you know about universal salvation? What is its history? Have mistranslations of the Bible created an eternal hell that does not really exist? What prominent persons in Christian history taught this doctrine and which ones worked to destroy it? Is the teaching of universal salvation truly a heresy, or has it been suppressed by church leaders interested in controlling their people by fear? Patrick Seamus O’Hara needed answers to these questions. This book is the result of research in which he went back into Christian history to examine events leading to the suppression of this once-popular teaching in Christianity. Drawing from ancient writings, he looks at problems with Bible translations, political intrigues within the church, and the personal foibles of church leaders which led to the teaching of universal salvation disappearing from the Christian lexicon. The three main objections to universal salvation are the Fifth Ecumenical Council, the Bible, and the writings of the early church fathers. The author examines each one of these and shares from his research the reasons these are not legitimate objections. The universal salvation of God’s immense love is truly the good news of the gospel!
The Golden Thread God's Promise of Universal Salvation In our modern pluralistic world, the barriers imposed by the old doctrine of religious exclusivity are confronted every day by individuals, families, and nations. Now more than ever, the inspirational message of God's Universal and eternal love for all humanity needs to be retold. By reacquainting readers with the God who is too good to condemn anyone to Eternal Hell, The Golden Thread, God's Promise of Universal Salvation offers a Biblical interpretation present in Christianity from the earliest Jesus-Followers to the 21st Century. Salvation for all is known as Universalism, and the idea that all people will be saved-either immediately or eventually-is called Universal Restoration. Proponents of Universalism can be found today within a wide variety of denominations from post-Vatican II Catholics to Primitive Baptists. The Golden Thread brings together the Bible verses that ancient and modern Universalist theologians have used to show that God is the parent of all and, in the end, will save the "Lost Sheep" and the "Prodigal Son." The Golden Thread continues with 2,000 years of Christian mystical religious experience and modern-day near-death experiences-testimony to God's abiding love for all.
Foreword by Gabriel Fackre Will God one day save all people through Christ s atoning work? That is the question at the heart of the debate in this volume — a debate sure to challenge readers, whatever their current perspective. Featuring evangelical writers of exceptional insight and sensitivity, Universal Salvation? offers a conversation worth everyone s attention. The volume opens with a rigorous three-part defense of Christian universalism by philosopher Thomas Talbott, who argues that Scripture teaches the ultimate salvation of all people, including those in hell. Gabriel Fackre in his foreword calls Talbott s work the most thoughtfully wrought argument for universalism to date from within the contemporary evangelical community. The rest of the book gathers incisive responses to Talbott by Christian scholars from different disciplines, who evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of Talbott s arguments, take his thought in new directions, or explain why they think he is mistaken. Talbott then responds to his critics. The aim of this volume is not to persuade people that universalism is true but to open up a fairer debate on a controversial subject of continuing importance to theologians and nontheologians alike. By exploring universal salvation from biblical, philosophical, theological, and historical perspectives, the book helps readers think through the issues more carefully than has been possible with resources previously available.
In the minds of some, universal salvation is a heretical idea that was imported into Christianity from pagan philosophies by Origen (c.185–253/4). Ilaria Ramelli argues that this picture is completely mistaken. She maintains that Christian theologians were the first people to proclaim that all will be saved and that their reasons for doing so were rooted in their faith in Christ. She demonstrates that, in fact, the idea of the final restoration of all creation (apokatastasis) was grounded upon the teachings of the Bible and the church’s beliefs about Jesus’ total triumph over sin, death, and evil through his incarnation, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension. Ramelli traces the Christian roots of Origen’s teaching on apokatastasis. She argues that he was drawing on texts from Scripture and from various Christians who preceded him, theologians such as Bardaisan, Irenaeus, and Clement. She outlines Origen’s often-misunderstood theology in some detail and then follows the legacy of his Christian universalism through the centuries that followed. We are treated to explorations of Origenian universal salvation in a host of Christian disciples, including Athanasius, Didymus the Blind, the Cappadocian fathers, Evagrius, Maximus the Confessor, John Scotus Eriugena, and Julian of Norwich.
A reprint from the original 1782 addition of The doctrine of universal salvation examined and refuted : containing, a concise and distinct answer to the writings of Mr. Relly, and Mr. Winchester, upon that subject.
My dear brothers, sisters, and friends in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Christ in me has given me a specific talent for expounding upon His word. He continues to use my talent in teaching others the most valued message that will ever be heard on this earth. I have done the best that I know to do with what God has given me to work with on the present understanding He has given me. This book is intended to teach you the truth of God that is being withheld from you by this world's deceived Christian religion around the world. Whether it is by way of their spiritual ignorance or by omission, by purposefully failing to teach it, in either case I am exposing them all to you as the tools that Satan has been using since Christ was here on earth, in teaching us the real and factual truth of God. Somehow, God has put this book in your hands. It is my hope and prayer that you will find it useful and are able to glean from it the message it contains. It is not by any accident that you have this book in your hand and are reading these words at this moment in time. If these words mean nothing at all to you, it is either because I have not done a credible service in my over half century of study in searching and seeking out the truth of God to impart to others, or God simply is not calling you at this present time. But that in no way diminishes His unconditional love, care and concern for you and your physical life here on earth. The truth is, if God is not calling you at this time, you cannot come to Him. On the other hand, if you have found something within this book that uplifts, encourages, motivates and you feel a sensation as if some unseen force is drawing you into a seemingly brighter outlook on life and the time you are spending here on earth, God may very well be calling you. Then what you do, is your own decision to make. You do not need me or any man to teach you, the Holy Spirit of God will lead you into all truth. If you are looking for a way to get started in acquainting yourself with the word, the way, and the truth of God, you are welcome to visit our website, It is free of any charge of any kind. Leith Lyman Cunningham