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As I have researched Human History on the earth and from The RealSide LifeIS, I really do like the creativity of those who have brought forth so many interesting things for all of us to experience, while we are here trying to figure out a better way to live than with all the rules and regulations, intimidation, and down right abrasive fear driven anxieties that have been cast upon us by Global Tyrants, who have wistfully created something out of nothing for all the unaware to agree to. It is really The ALLNatural Environment on ALL Levels that supports ALL of US, and not Government Regimes that claim to be an interpreter for Invented Space Gods, somewhere out in a vast and unknown darkness. I, Duane The Great Writer & Educator, a simple Surfer that paddles out through the waves, is rewriting Human History and providing an 'Adventure Like No Other... Guaranteed!!'
THE NUWAVIS A JOURNEY TO REALFREEDOM NUBOOK TWO, is an adventure like no other, and a worldide sensation, that has millions testing The NU-U Sessions. Rebazar Tarzs, Paul Twitchell, and The Real Universal Guides are working with The NUStudents and The NULeaders of The NUPresentation. Duane The Great Writer is providing a wonderful avenue to RealGuidance, and a RealEducation which leads to RealTruth and RealFreedom. All those who have connected with Rebazar Tarzs and The RealGuides, have given testimonies about Real Experiences in their DreamVisions. For those who have the courage and dare See Beyond their mind and Literal Senses, they will be shown magnificant worlds and universes of Sound and Light. There are those who see Duane's NUBooks as science fiction fairy tales, but for those who took on the courage to explore, they now know What IS Real! www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info / www.TheNUPresentation.Info
This is NUBook Two... Once upon a time there was 'The Rod of Power' with Rebazar Tarzs. Today IT IS... THE NUWAVIS! This IS Real Now! What Paul Twitchell presented to this world in the past has come and gone with what he wrote about, and respectably does have its place in Human History, but The TruReality LifeIS, IS AlwaysNU & Now. Duane was given The Rod of Power, August 3, 2001, and in August 3, 2007, THE NUWAVIS has become The NUNowniss of THE ALLIS. What is being presented here is not a superstitious 'belief' like that of the Gods of Man, but moreso a Wonderful Reference to The TruReality LifeIS. The old ideas of 'Sacred Writings' and rewritten slanted doctrines no longer have any RealValue with The Whole of Life, This IS Real Now. For YU to experience What IS Real Now, simply do The NU-U Sessions and Watch Your DreamVisions. [email protected].
There is a real 'Magic Show' that has been taking place and will continue to become even moreso. Most of the 'seeing' public cannot 'see' what is taking place, as it all looks so 'official' and well documented with the media and the World Controllers. The brilliant creativeness of those who purposely deceive others is an amazing demonstration of how unaware so many of the highly educated people of the planet are, because they are the one's doing most of the deception to others for a takeover of everything. The Special Few, want the entire world to buy into their Magic Show, and agree it is the best idea ever. And it is so, that a lot of innocent people, just like in Nazi Germany, have agreed to what the Deceptive Rulers have proposed and are planning for everyone on the planet earth. Those who have tested what I am presenting with RealGuidance and a RealEducation, they now See Through what others are doing from The RealSide of Life into this limited arena. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info
YU are a Free Being of Light, and with what DUANE THE GREAT WRITER is presenting as RealGuidance and a RealEducation, YU will be able to experience what most people know nothing about. The so-called 'official' Systems of the Earthly Korporations have fooled people into 'Thinking' they must 'Agree' to Kontrolling Restrictions to have a life here and survive, but this is not so. There is always a better and NUWay to See and Live and to BE Wonderful. This is Real Now, and what we are doing is so much More Fun than just an 'idea' like all the Belief Systems that have been invented to burden people. I am Simply Reporting The News and Living My Adventure and doing My Part to Share Something Wonderful with this world. Miss Eva is with me on this Journey to RealFreedom as she LUVs to Share with ALL.
We are all Beings of RealLight from The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLIS. This is Real! You can 'think' of yourself any way you want to, but The RealTruth IS, You are a Being of Incredible Light and RealAwareniss. You have come a long ways through many different created forms of processing to where you are ready to compare all you have been through into The NUNowniss LifeIS. You have gone through countless creations from yourself and others and bowed and knelt to the Invented Gods of Man, those who have convinced you for lifetimes you are to be subordinate to them and all their Authoritarian Rulers. You have come from lifetimes of unconsciousness to this very moment when you can finally decide to Become MoreAware of who you really are. The Invented Systems of the earth want to keep you coming back here as their slave, which they have done this same routine so many times before and here you are again. Take The Risk and Test what Duane is presenting to you Now!
Yauble Sacabi and The Real UNUversal Guides work directly with The TruReality LifeIS, THE ALLIS. For the most part, this world will not know of The RealGuides, because they are 'Far Too Real' as IS THE ALLIS, IS LifeIS. To You as the Reader, This IS The NUAdventure like no other, and You will begin to discover this as You start to read this NUBook and others in 'The AdvenurIS Series' by Duane The Great Writer. You have the opportunity to practice The NU-U Sessions on a regular basis, and also learn to watch 'Your DreamVisions The RealSide LifeIS' while your physical body sleeps. Your RealAwareniss is always aware somewhere in Life, and it is up to You to keep track of yourself and wakeup to ALL of Life, or stay asleep like most people who have decided to do so and merely 'believe' that this physical body and life here on earth is all there is. There IS Definitely so much more! Have Fun Deciding!
DUANE THE GREAT WRITER... "I would say that my life this time around really started when I met Paul on planet earth. It was Rebazar Tarzs who brought Paul into what he termed 'The Rod of Power'. And this is so, because it is not where one is 'given' The RealPosition, which I have renamed, THE NUWAVIS, it is that they are 'brought into' The RealPosition, and they alone decide whether they will work from The RealPosition or just their personal self, as has been the case with the two who were given the opportunity to Do Something Real after Paul left this dimension. Anyone can stand with The Real UNUversal Guides, but they must be invited and learn to BE Real with them. This is where all The RealFun begins. It is always a challenge to Take The Risk and Do Something Real while you are here, or will you just live like all the other Dumbed Down Humans that are manipulated by the Invented Systems? You must Risk Something to get something!"