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In part 2 of, A Horse Called Jo. Just when Jessica finally thinks that her troubles are behind her with Jo and she can finally enjoy and learn from Jo, she soon realises that her troubles never left. The woman she has come to know as a witch, Mrs Crowberry, has bigger plans for her than she could have ever imagined. With coincidences popping up left right and centre, and the oddest things happening around the village, Jessica begins to figure out this mysterious person that seems intent on dragging Jessica into her life. Unbeknown to Jessica, she was always the main player in this game of life and the dead, and just when she thought she had solved all the clues that have been left for her, nothing was going to prepare her for the outcome that was planned for her so long ago, it seems impossible to believe just how important Jessica has been all along!
During the school summer holiday, Jessica Strawbridge gets thrown off her new horse Jo, her life becomes a living nightmare when she awakens from taking a hit to her head as she tries to piece her life back together. Not only does she discover that Jo must be returned to the evil Mrs Crowberry who said she could have Jo on loan for two months. After discovering just how horrid Mrs Crowberry really is she must now figure out a way of saving Jo. Learning Mrs Crowberry is part of some sort of witchcraft circle, Jo has been used in her evil deeds. The constant dreams and visions of time running out plague Jessica’s every sleeping moment. Making everything feel surreal, as Jessica wrestles with her own mind that keeps trying to convince her that this cannot be happening, but inside, she knows it is all true. With an impulse so strong to save Jo, Jessica will stop at nothing if it means she can be with her special friend, even if it means risking her own life to get him back! Will the nightmare ever end? Or will something so incredible happen that will change Jessica’s life and understanding of horses forever!
Back in the eighties, things were way different than today. There was no such thing as mobile phones for one and certainly not the internet we know today. If you were a teenager today, you would probably be thinking how did we manage? To be honest, technology has passed my adult life by and tied me down to this life. I like my privacy and enjoyed my teenage years because I remember them like they were yesterday. They were unfettered by this need to always be found or are active on social media. My name is Danny Shaw and I have lived and breathed in my life in Tameworth. It is a small town a little fucked-up and one weekend, me and bros had the biggest laugh you will ever come across. Me and Freddie Green were known locally as Bong ‘Edz because we smoked way too much weed back then and we sold a bit too. We had dreams of making it big back then and be two geezers who no one messed with and we would make sheds loads of dollar and both have big fat Beamers (A pimped out BMW) so when a little oink called Murray gave us the head-ups on a field full of weed he found, we thought those dreams were just around the corner in the craziest weekend we ever had. A weekend I will never forget. Growing up on a council estate may not be the best start in life but for me, it was reality. It was the mid-eighties. A time of dreams of what we could be and more importantly, how we survived day-to-day with just our wits and a little luck that had so far been good for me and my mate Freddie. My future was bright, back then, I think! How old am I now? Honestly, I do not know. My head is in a bad place right now and ironically it was not through smoking weed. It would seem choices in my life were down to my so-called friend Freddie as I unwittingly find out during our weekend as cowardly teenagers unfold as we discover the field of dreams.
There are many issues and obstacles we face today. We know we all need to start somewhere and that somewhere could be right outside your front or back door. Our need to change is now, not tomorrow. There is not a single environment on the entire Earth that is not now contaminated by human activity. This will continue until our biosphere can take no more. Then, we all lose. We lose a diamond that may never exist again in any other solar system amongst billions. We are still abusing fossil fuels and the simple truth is, if we continue to pump greenhouse gases into our atmosphere, if we deforest anymore land, continue to build and extract anymore minerals from the Earth, we will cook this planet to the point no life can exist. Our very survival depends on our ability to change the way we live and that day is here, right now. So much wildlife is being lost across the globe and nearly all that loss can be attributed to human activity. Your local wildlife should be important to you and you should want to help because that unseen life those plants and creatures have all contributed to our lives in ways we are yet to fully appreciate. We can do so much more to help. We can grow many seasonal foods. We can do more than you think if the will is strong to do so. My passion for wildlife is stronger now than at any time in my life. The reason for that is because I know that the natural world needs me, and all of you, more than at any time in all of its evolutionary path. We are breaking down chains of life that can recover if we act now. We can reverse climate change but we all do need to act and not for no other reason that because you, like me, you care about our planet. If this book gives you anything, I hope it gives you a new perspective on how your garden is just as important as saving our oceans, our forests and our kaleidoscope of magical plants and creatures we are custodians of. If enough of us care, I know the future can be brighter for all, and not just the few! I have included some fun facts in this book and a month-by-month gardening guide I have compiled over three decades of gardening. There are fun ways to reuse materials to save them from landfill. Projects that are easily achieved to save money or to simply grow more of your own food to save a few bucks/pounds. In truth, your garden can be anything you want it to be. All the projects in this book are from my own endeavours in my garden to create a place for me, the food I like to grow for and the local wildlife.
Transforming your garden can be expensive and if money is limited, upcycling everyday garden items into something new you can use, will not only save you money, but will also prevent another perfectly serviceable piece of garden furniture or equipment being sent to landfill. Upcycling unwanted items is a fun way you can save money, but let's not stop there. Money can be saved transforming your garden into something you can do for little to no money. Along with plants and attracting wildlife into your garden will only further advance your garden into a beautiful place that you can enjoy, for literally no money in many cases. This handy book will give you some ideas of what is possible, whether you are creating a garden from scratch, or just wanting to add something special to enhance your garden. Anything is possible once you delve into this exciting way to transform your garden. This edition is a text only edition. The second edition includes images of the projects I have done in my own garden over the years. Most projects and designs only cost my time, others a few quid are required, but never more than you would think. This first edition also includes a month-by month guide to give you some ideas of what is possible throughout the gardeners’ years.
When Tony Starling puts his three-week-old daughter into an orphanage, little did he realise how wrong he could have been to give Lucy away. Many years later, as Lucy grows up. She has become a cold assassin with narcissist tendencies towards the men who have made the person she is today. The deep-routed hate has been building up inside all her life into a murderous rampage that will bring her life full circle. Murder comes easy to Lucy, and finding those responsible for her evil intent, will see her travel the world in search for that missing part of her life she craves. A child of her own. After meeting Stephen Brookes, they fall in love and with her new life in the England, it seems the most idyllic life she could have ever dreamt of having, but that was never going to last, not now that she has opted into the Baby Market. An organisation so despicable, it is using the latest technology for the sole purpose of harvesting those unfortunate children for spare parts for those who can afford it. On Christmas eve, Lucy's baby is ready to be born into her hidden world, but that is just the beginning of her crusade as she has been slowly finding the person responsible for this immoral business she has willingly entered, and now it is time to finish what She started!
When Beverley Knight gets called upon to investigate a strange virus outbreak, little did she realise that this influx of cases would lead her down a rabbit hole of such colossal ramifications. Her life and the entire planet's population would now rest on her shoulders. Becoming a doctor in tropical disease all those years ago, never would she have thought it would lead her on a path to save humanity. What Beverley did not expect is that this new flu virus is only the beginning of a much larger plan that she cannot see coming. The guardianship has been watching, and seeing how the population has become so inflated, a cull was needed, but like so many things Beverley has been led to believe, nothing is as it seems and no one is to be trusted. The guardianship is a secret sect of men that have entrusted themselves to oversee the future of humanity. They work in the background, influencing government, making changes to the direction of humanity if they feel it is necessary. Their ability to remain hidden is their strength, but as Beverley gets closer to the truth, their biggest strength is their weakness because it soon becomes obvious that not even the guardianship agents can be trusted within their own organisation. An unsuspecting friend comes in the form of a man called Liev Malik. An ex- military guy that has hidden depths that Beverley begins to see through and begins to see a new picture emerging. The virus that had been manufactured is only the tip of the growing iceberg as she disentangles the truth behind those that wish to bring the population under control. As more of the White fox project becomes apparent in her quest to find the vaccine, she never could prepare herself for the adventure, and the losses she must face to get to the truth. Just when Beverley thinks she has found the answers, it soon becomes apparent that whoever was behind this virus that is now infecting the entire planet, something more devious was planned that no one could have foreseen. Will humanity survive, or will Beverley make it in time to find the answers that seem to just be beyond her grasp? One man, Professor Geoff Hardman knows that answer as he lets loose, The White Fox Variant.
BX-13: The Blood Game. Part 2. Just when Frank and Sharon think their lives are now complete with the arrival of their new-born child, Shannon. All hell breaks loose when Shannon is taken. They are now left with trying to find who, and why, their baby has been kidnapped. As they investigate further into their daughter’s disappearance, they soon realise that those responsible will stop at nothing to keep what Shannon has locked inside her blood. With the help of Billy, a computer whiz kid, and Liev Malik once again finding himself caught up in something big, time is running out to find Shannon before she is let loose into a world full of people she will not stop killing. Not until all those responsible for taking something so precious from her are dead! With her abilities growing, the surprises keep coming, but no one had envisaged there could be more than just Shannon to wreak chaos on anyone foolish enough to get too close! Will she finally be free, or will she realise that her life was never going to be her own once her true potential is realised. Part 3 out now.
Laying strapped to the bed, Sam stares up at the ceiling listening to the distant thunder approaching. Her shaven head shows the scars she had endured. Two days have passed since anyone had come to her. Unable to hold on, Sam lays in her filth. The stench of time is within the room. Her mind has clung on to a hope for decades. Soon, Sam tells herself. Soon I will be free from this hell. He is coming for me soon and I will be free, Sam thinks to herself as the thunder approaches outside. Another hour flashes by and the thunder is close now. Soon, Sam thinks, praying for this time to end. Aches and pains in her restrained body have become unbearable but soon this will end and I will be free. Noises can be heard in the distance as the thunder wreaks its wrath on Earth. Earth's salvation is not in saving humanity. Sam understands that now. Earth has lived for four and half billion years and has come through many disastrous events. Humanity is not Salvation for the Earth Sam thinks, as the thunder is nearly at her side. Earth's salvation lies not within a person or an action of good, it is the ability to accept the path. The path is one we all choose and we have some control over but the future, there is no termination as it presides beyond our reach. We have no more control of that event than the choice we make today, Sam muses, as the thunder is upon her. Soon, Sam thinks. Soon the darkness will come for me and I will be free once more. I could live a million lifetimes more and live forever, Sam chuckles to herself. Do as you will to me but I will be free. I will live beyond…the flash of light kills those thoughts. Where is my salvation, Sam thinks, as light sears her flesh? A millisecond of time now feels like a lifetime, but there is no salvation. Sam’s final thought is the words Liev had left her. [be careful what you wish for.]
Some books you read with impunity; other books should never be read. When a book offers life from a certain death, do you read it? Follow all the instructions for the gift of a prolonged life? Many people would? But if the instructions were for you to kill someone, a loved one. What then? This dark tale shows you how far some people would go for the gift of life. After his father's funeral, William goes back home to his parent’s cottage in a small sleepy village where he grew up to sort out the business and abode, he once thought he would never leave. His legacy of a cottage and car garage left to him by his parents soon becomes a living nightmare when things keep happening that make no logical sense in this age of realism and not witchcraft. William's partner Kate soon realises there is more than just his father’s death going in this sleepy village, and their lives are soon turned upside down with what she discovers. What was supposed to be a few days sorting out the mess left behind by William's father, soon turns into a ghost tale that has them both fighting for their very lives. The BOOK is a modern-day classic ghost horror story. Joe King's twisted mind leads you on a guessing game, and just when you think you have figured it all out, you would be wrong!