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This priceless and inexhaustible resource is the ultimate synthesis of science, philosophy and truth, of reason, wisdom and faith, and of past, present and future. This book comes in either red or blue.
Dr. William S. Sadler professed that a group of celestial beings began to communicate to him through a sleeping man in Chicago from 1911 until 1923. He and his wife, Lena Sadler, both well-known and highly respected local physicians, claimed there were "probably 250 night sessions," during which these celestials spoke through their patient. The identity of the patient was never revealed. From 1924-1934, the Sadlers held a Forum in their home to study the voluminous notes and to compose questions for the celestial beings about human origins and destiny. The result was The Urantia Book, which claims to be the fifth epochal revelation to humankind. Published in 1955, it has sold over 750,000 copies by word of mouth. Although translated into 17 languages, relatively few people know about it or the amazing story of its creation. The History Of The Urantia Book explores the professional lives and spiritual pursuits of the Sadlers and the extraordinary role that Dr. Sadler played in bringing this 2,097-page tome to the world. It compares the "origin story" with the scholarly discovery of relevant facts and circumstances that led to its publication. It also sheds new light on the fiercely protected identity of the "patient" and likely scribe for these revelations.
Published in 1955 under the direction of psychiatrist William Sadler, The Urantia Book is the largest and most sophisticated work of New Age literature ever produced. Well-known skeptic and acclaimed popular science writer Martin Gardner presents a complete history of the Urantia movement, from its beginnings in the early 20th century to the present day.
Most of the researchers, archaeologists, anthropologists, and many more who have appeared on the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens have admitted their belief that extraterrestrials created humanity. And those creators were none other than the Anunnaki (those who came from heaven) of the Sumerians. Why has no one realized the Anunnaki needed someone to create bodies for them? It is obvious they couldn’t use the bodies they used on higher worlds on our earth. People don’t realize the Sumerians were just as much in the dark as people of today are. The Anunnaki came to our planet over two hundred thousand years before the Sumerians’ time, and those Anunnaki are the same beings that the Western world’s Bible calls sons of God, in Genesis 6:4, where it’s stated that the sons of God gave children to the daughters of men. The Urantia Book claims that surgeons from a higher universe came to our planet and took genes from the most advanced humans and, with bioengineering, created bodies for those sons of God in Genesis 6:4. This is where all the confusion originates. Instead of the Anunnaki creating the humans, humans’ bodies were created for the Anunnaki. They came to help civilize humanity. There were one hundred of these sons of God that came—fifty men and fifty women. The Bible often calls both men and women sons of God; there’s no distinction, Hebrew 12:6-7. This happened during the time of Lucifer’s rebellion. Sixty of the sons of God rebelled along with Lucifer; they are the ones that had children by humans with bodies made of human genes. In the book of Enoch, they are referred to as Watchers and fallen angels, emphasizing that they were from higher worlds or heaven.
THE URANTIA REVELATION was presented by celestial authors through an anonymous human receiver. It was published in 1955 as The Urantia Book, a 2097-page volume divided into 196 papers. These papers describe God, the grand universe and its many inhabitants, the origin and history of our planet, the life and teachings of Jesus, and the glorious destiny God has planned for every creature throughout his vast domains-an endless life of boundless opportunity and unlimited progress. The Inhabited Universe consists of sixteen papers from the Urantia revelation. It focuses on the many worlds we will encounter as we journey through the universe, worlds teeming with life, both human and superhuman. " 'God is spirit, ' but Paradise is not. The material universe is always the arena wherein take place all spiritual activities; spirit beings and spirit ascenders live and work on physical spheres of material reality." (Paper 12, "The Universe of Universes") "Spirit beings do not dwell in nebulous space; they do not inhabit ethereal worlds; they are domiciled on actual spheres of a material nature, worlds just as real as those on which mortals live. The Havona worlds are actual and literal, albeit their literal substance differs from the material organization of the planets of the seven superuniverses." (Paper 14, "The Central and Divine Universe") "There is a great and glorious purpose in the march of the universes through space. All of your mortal struggling is not in vain. We are all part of an immense plan, a gigantic enterprise, and it is the vastness of the undertaking that renders it impossible to see very much of it at any one time and during any one life. We are all a part of an eternal project which the Gods are supervising and outworking. The whole marvelous and universal mechanism moves on majestically through space to the music of the meter of the infinite thought and the eternal purpose of the First Great Source and Center." (Paper 32, "The Evolution of Local Universes")
Jesus comes to life in this fascinating modern biography excerpted from The Urantia Book. Many of these historical stories are familiar to readers of the New Testament but dozens are new, including the missing years not found in the Bible. Here you discover Jesus presented as never before, both as divine Son and human hero whose matchless life inspires, comforts, and transforms you. It is beautifully written in modern, page-turning prose and complemented with 106 paintings from 35 renowned artists, including 42 originally commissioned works you will see for the first time. The paintings run the gamut of fine art celebrating the life of Christ, both classic and modern. These artists poured their souls into these portraits of higher spiritual reality. Our deep appreciation and humble gratitude go out to each one of them. These paintings illustrate Jesus' life journey from his humble birth and childhood to adolescence and manhood; from private to public ministry and on to his death, resurrection, and ascension. The artwork celebrates his diverse life as son, father-brother, carpenter, boat designer and builder, tutor, translator, caravan conductor, teacher, healer, minister, and friend. No one knows what Jesus looked like, but these artists painted their soulful interpretations to spark our imagination of these scenes from the Master's life. Our intent is to give you a visual communion with Jesus that complements the enthralling narrative. This impeccably designed book provides relevant and empowering spiritual insights, helping you navigate the challenging yet promising conditions of the 21st century. We live in an exciting era of unprecedented improvements in our material lives brought about by scientific, industrial, and social achievements. Yet despite all this progress, many souls feel lonely and displaced. We need God and have an innate thirst for spiritual answers because of that "still, small voice" that lives within us. Finding God by living the personal religion of Jesus satisfies that thirst. The search for the genuine Jesus continues to intrigue humanity. Since the Bible only records an estimated 50 days of his life, it follows that there is more to his story. You will find it here in this detailed history of the Master's entire life, including the public ministry recorded in the Gospels. It provides a coherent and seamless biography of this magnificent personality who continues to shape spiritual progress in our world. The story of Jesus is one of the most enthralling chapters in human history. The closing passage of the Apostle John's gospel speaks to a life larger than even the world itself. How fitting that the last words of his gospel should be the first words of this book: "But there are also many things which Jesus did; were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself would not contain the books that would be written." In John's day the Word was made flesh. In these days the Word is made book. The Untold Story of Jesus reveals the living Christ to members of the church that bears his name, as well as to worshipers of all world religions. It is sure to become a favorite volume for all who seek God.
This book contains 367 accounts of how early readers found the Urantia Book and what it means to them.The Urantia Book is a superhuman revelation of truth given to the peoples of our planet, which they call Urantia. It teaches us about God, the structure of the universe and its divinely planned development, angels, life after death, the origin and history of our planet, the life and teachings of Jesus, and our eternal destiny as perfected citizens of a friendly universe. It provides an enlightening picture of reality in which science, religion, and philosophy are unified. The authors are a corps of celestial beings who were authorized to reveal this information to us, which was mysteriously transmitted through the mind of a "sleeping subject." When the 2097-page Urantia Book was first published in 1955 it was decided not to advertise it, to let the message spread from one reader to another. This book of testimonies traces how 367 readers discovered the revelation, from pre-publication days in 1924 to the coming of the popular Internet in the late 1990s.
THE BOOK OF URANTIA was presented by celestial authors through an anonymous human receiver. It was published in 1955 as The Urantia Book, a 2,097-page volume divided into four parts and 196 papers. These papers describe God, the grand universe and its many inhabitants, the origin and history of our planet (Urantia), the life and teachings of Jesus, and the glorious destiny God has planned for every creature throughout his vast domains. This volume comprises Part I, The Central and Superuniverses, and Part II, The Local Universe, together comprising the Grand Universe wherein we live. The other two volumes, Part III, The History of Urantia and Part IV, The Life and Teachings of Jesus are published separately. Since the first printing in 1955 a number of changes were made to the text by two different publishers, resulting in inconsistencies. In 2007 a joint Standard Reference Text Committee was formed of long-time readers to review the changes and adopt a uniform text for future printings. This book duplicates the 1955 book word for word and line for line, with footnotes indicating the Committee's decisions.