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This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. A Graphical Approach to Algebra and Trigonometry illustrates how the graph of a function can be used to support the solutions of equations and inequalities involving the function. Beginning with linear functions in Chapter 1, the text uses a four-part process to analyze each type of function, starting first with the graph of the function, then the equation, the associated inequality of that equation, and ending with applications. The text covers all of the topics typically caught in a college algebra course, but with an organization that fosters students’ understanding of the interrelationships among graphs, equations, and inequalities. With the Fifth Edition, the text continues to evolve as it addresses the changing needs of today’s students. Included are additional components to build skills, address critical thinking, solve applications, and apply technology to support traditional algebraic solutions, while maintaining its unique table of contents and functions-based approach. A Graphical Approach to Algebra and Trigonometry continues to incorporate an open design, with helpful features and careful explanations of topics.
"The text is suitable for a typical introductory algebra course, and was developed to be used flexibly. While the breadth of topics may go beyond what an instructor would cover, the modular approach and the richness of content ensures that the book meets the needs of a variety of programs."--Page 1.
College Algebra provides a comprehensive exploration of algebraic principles and meets scope and sequence requirements for a typical introductory algebra course. The modular approach and richness of content ensure that the book meets the needs of a variety of courses. College Algebra offers a wealth of examples with detailed, conceptual explanations, building a strong foundation in the material before asking students to apply what they've learned. Coverage and Scope In determining the concepts, skills, and topics to cover, we engaged dozens of highly experienced instructors with a range of student audiences. The resulting scope and sequence proceeds logically while allowing for a significant amount of flexibility in instruction. Chapters 1 and 2 provide both a review and foundation for study of Functions that begins in Chapter 3. The authors recognize that while some institutions may find this material a prerequisite, other institutions have told us that they have a cohort that need the prerequisite skills built into the course. Chapter 1: Prerequisites Chapter 2: Equations and Inequalities Chapters 3-6: The Algebraic Functions Chapter 3: Functions Chapter 4: Linear Functions Chapter 5: Polynomial and Rational Functions Chapter 6: Exponential and Logarithm Functions Chapters 7-9: Further Study in College Algebra Chapter 7: Systems of Equations and Inequalities Chapter 8: Analytic Geometry Chapter 9: Sequences, Probability and Counting Theory
Focuses primarily on mathematical concepts and mathematical thinking, thereby achieving a balance among geometric, numerical, symbolic, and statistical approaches, rather than focusing on algebraic manipulation. Gordon incorporates a significant amount of statistical reasoning and methods as natural applications of more standard college algebra topics. --From publisher description.
Accessible to students and flexible for instructors, COLLEGE ALGEBRA AND TRIGONOMETRY, 7e, International Edition uses the dynamic link between concepts and applications to bring mathematics to life. By incorporating interactive learning techniques, the Aufmann team helps students to better understand concepts, work independently, and obtain greater mathematical fluency. The text also includes technology features to accommodate courses that allow the option of using graphing calculators. The authors' proven Aufmann Interactive Method allows students to try a skill as it is presented in example form. This interaction between the examples and Try Exercises serves as a checkpoint to students as they read the textbook, do their homework, or study a section. In the Seventh Edition, Review Notes are featured more prominently throughout the text to help students recognize the key prerequisite skills needed to understand new concepts.
Axler Algebra & Trigonometry is written for the two semester course. The text provides students with the skill and understanding needed for their coursework and for participating as an educated citizen in a complex society. Axler Algebra & Trigonometry focuses on depth, not breadth of topics by exploring necessary topics in greater detail. Readers will benefit from the straightforward definitions and plentiful examples of complex concepts. The Student Solutions Manual is integrated at the end of every section. The proximity of the solutions encourages students to go back and read the main text as they are working through the problems and exercises. The inclusion of the manual also saves students money. Axler Algebra & Trigonometry is available with WileyPLUS; an innovative, research-based, online environment for effective teaching and learning. WileyPLUS sold separately from text.
Precalculus, Fifth Edition, by Lial, Hornsby, Schneider, and Daniels, engages and supports students in the learning process by developing both the conceptual understanding and the analytical skills necessary for success in mathematics. With the Fifth Edition, the authors adapt to the new ways in which students are learning, as well as the ever-changing classroom environment.
"Precalculus is intended for college-level precalculus students. Since precalculus courses vary from one institution to the next, we have attempted to meet the needs of as broad an audience as possible, including all of the content that might be covered in any particular course. The result is a comprehensive book that covers more ground than an instructor could likely cover in a typical one- or two-semester course; but instructors should find, almost without fail, that the topics they wish to include in their syllabus are covered in the text. Many chapters of OpenStax College Precalculus are suitable for other freshman and sophomore math courses such as College Algebra and Trigonometry; however, instructors of those courses might need to supplement or adjust the material. OpenStax will also be releasing College Algebra and Algebra and trigonometry titles tailored to the particular scope, sequence, and pedagogy of those courses."--Preface.
Beecher, Penna, and Bittinger's College Algebra is known for enabling students to "see the math" through its focus on visualization and early introduction to functions. With the Fourth Edition, the authors continue to innovate by incorporating more ongoing review to help students develop their understanding and study effectively. Mid-chapter Review exercise sets have been added to give students practice in synthesizing the concepts, and new Study Summaries provide built-in tools to help them prepare for tests. The MyMathLab course (access kit required) has been expanded so that the online content is even more integrated with the text's approach, with the addition of Vocabulary, Synthesis, and Mid-chapter Review exercises from the text as well as example-based videos created by the authors.
This book is the culmination of many years of teaching experience with the graphing calculator. In it the authors treat the standard topics of precalculus solving analytically, confirming graphically, and motivating through applications. Throughout the first five chapters, the authors present the various classes of functions studied in a standard precalculus text. Chapter One introduces functions and relations, using the linear function as the basis for the presentation. In this chapter, the authors introduce the following approach which is used throughout the next four chapters: after introducing a class of function the nature of its graph is examined, then the analytic solution of equations based on that functionis discussed. Students are then shown how to provide graphical support for solutions using a graphing calculator. Having established these two methods of solving equations, the authors move on to the analytic methods of solving the associated inequalities. Students then learn how the analytic solutions of these inequalities can also be supported graphically. Finally, once the student has a feel for the particular class of function under consideration, the authors use analytic and graphical methods to solve interesting applications involving that function. By consistently using this approach with all the different classes of functions, students become aware that the authors are always following the same general procedure, and just applying that procedure to a new kind of function. Throughout the text, the authors emphasize the power of technology but provide numerous warnings on its limitations: the authors stress that it is only through understanding the mathematical concepts that students can fully appreciate the power of graphing calculators and use technology appropriately.