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This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license. This book takes a taxpayer's perspective on the relations taxation creates between people and their state. Björklund Larsen proposes that in order to understand tax compliance and cheating, we have to look beyond law, psychological experiments and surveys to also include tax collectors and taxpayers' practices. The text explores the view of taxes seen as citizen’s explicit economic relation to the state and implicit economic relation to all other compatriots. Björklund Larsen directs our gaze onto the concept of reciprocity, which is often proposed as an explanation in tax compliance research, and explores its diverse meanings and implications ethnographically. The empirical cases are based on ethnography from two opposing tax practices in Sweden. Firstly, from a study of analysts, auditors, legal experts and managers at the Swedish Tax Agency and how they, quite successfully, strive for legitimacy in their tax collecting activities. Secondly, from fieldwork among a group of middle-aged Swedes and how they justify their purchasing work off the books – essentially tax-cheating practices. Sweden is a modern welfare society with citizens holding rational and secular values, yet trusting their government and fellow citizens. Sweden also has a high tax burden that is collected by one of its most revered governmental agencies – the Swedish Tax Agency - making it an interesting case studying tax compliance.
Everyone knows that the current tax system is unfair. Some of the richest people in America pay no tax, while a huge share of the tax burden falls on the rest of us. A mere glance at the tax code confirms that it is far too complex, with volumes of rules that no ordinary person could possibly comprehend. What is to be done? Some conservatives have called for a so-called flat tax. But a flat tax is not necessarily a simple tax, and "flat" means "more" for most taxpayers: a rise in middle-class taxes to finance tax cuts for the rich. Is there another choice? In clear, easy-to-understand language, Edward J. McCaffery proposes a straightforward and fair alternative. A "fair not flat" tax that is consistent and progressive would tax spending, not income and savings. And if it were collected at its lower levels through a national sales tax, most people would not have to file a return. A supplemental tax on spending for the wealthiest individuals would make the national sales tax progressive. Under McCaffery's system, a family of four would pay no tax on their first $20,000 in spending, and 15 percent on the next $60,000. Only the few families who spend more than $80,000 a year would be subject to the supplemental tax. Necessities would be taxed less than ordinary and luxury items. No one would be taxed directly on savings. The estate and gift or so-called death tax would be abolished, for the simple reason that dead people don't spend. The "fair not flat" tax would fall on heirs when and as they spend their good fortune. Perhaps best of all, most Americans would not have to fill out tax returns. Simpler, more efficient, fairer, and more reflective of America's current social values, McCaffery's "fair not flat" tax could help get us out of the tax mess that politicians and special interests have gotten us into, improving the whole country in the process. Read Fair Not Flat to find out how. “In Fair Not Flat, Mr. McCaffery lays out the case for a consumption tax. He does so in a reader-friendly way, presenting his argument with very few footnotes, equations or technical terms. The consumption of the book, so to speak, is not at all taxing. And its argument is well worth pondering.”—Bruce Bartlett, Wall Street Journal
Their Fair Share: Taxing the Rich in the Age of FDR takes an engaging look at the evolution of today¿s tax code, as FDR found his reformist intentions tempered by lawmakers on the right and left: conservatives like Rep. Harold Knutson of Minnesota, warning the media about ''short-haired women and long-haired men of alien minds in the administrative branch ... trying to wreck the American way of life'' and firebrands like Huey ''Kingfish'' Long, who rejected Roosevelt¿s incremental approach to stump for a guaranteed minimum income and old-age pensions. Even more sober players like Treasury officials Henry J. Morgenthau Jr., Jacob Viner, and Herman Oliphant differed on whether to ''soak the rich'' through steep progressive levies or ''save the poor'' by extending the income tax to the middle class and forestalling federal consumption taxes. Then, as today, we have the president with a progressive reputation who proves more pragmatic than his ardent supporters had hoped. The legislators serve the media with apoplectic rhetoric. The magnates pay no income tax and defend this with the perfectly accurate argument that it is 100 percent legal. And the public is keenly invested in seeing everyone pay their fair share. Joseph J. Thorndike has mined rich insight from governmental and popular media archives to yield vital insights about our tax code and how Americans feel about it, then and now.
This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license. This book takes a taxpayer's perspective on the relations taxation creates between people and their state. Björklund Larsen proposes that in order to understand tax compliance and cheating, we have to look beyond law, psychological experiments and surveys to also include tax collectors and taxpayers' practices. The text explores the view of taxes seen as citizen’s explicit economic relation to the state and implicit economic relation to all other compatriots. Björklund Larsen directs our gaze onto the concept of reciprocity, which is often proposed as an explanation in tax compliance research, and explores its diverse meanings and implications ethnographically. The empirical cases are based on ethnography from two opposing tax practices in Sweden. Firstly, from a study of analysts, auditors, legal experts and managers at the Swedish Tax Agency and how they, quite successfully, strive for legitimacy in their tax collecting activities. Secondly, from fieldwork among a group of middle-aged Swedes and how they justify their purchasing work off the books – essentially tax-cheating practices. Sweden is a modern welfare society with citizens holding rational and secular values, yet trusting their government and fellow citizens. Sweden also has a high tax burden that is collected by one of its most revered governmental agencies – the Swedish Tax Agency - making it an interesting case studying tax compliance.
America's economy does not currently live up to our country's core values. We are a nation founded on the ideals of coming together across differences to forge a common future. Yet over the past fifty years, our economy has been pulling us apart at unprecedented rates. By allowing top income earners and the wealthiest Americans to hoard wealth like almost never before, we belie what makes our country great. This is a threat to our well-being, our democracy, and our values. Brian C. Johnson combines accessible scholarship on wealth and income inequality in America with deeply personal accounts of six Americans of diverse backgrounds who are each wrestling with what it means to survive and thrive in this new economic world. In so doing, he offers a solution that is as visionary as it is practical. Dubbed the Citizen Dividend, this revolutionary model assumes that economic growth is built off of the wealth we have created together as a country, and together we all reap its benefits. In Our Fair Share, Johnson lays the groundwork for implementing this solution, detailing what the Citizen Dividend is, offering examples of similar existing models, outlining the benefits of such systems, tackling some of the common concerns that arise, and offering a path toward making it a reality. Ultimately, Our Fair Share calls on each of us to claim what is uniquely American, building a common future that embraces and celebrates our differences. This is our revolutionary inheritance. May we all benefit from it.
The Fairshare Model is an idea for a performance-based capital structure that redefines capitalism at the DNA level, where ownership interests are set. When used to raise venture capital via an IPO, it balances and aligns the interests of investors and employees--capital and labor. Author Karl Sjogren utilizes highly approachable language, humor, and analogies, along with insights about capital markets. The result is an eclectic, yet inviting discussion that might occur in a graduate-level symposium on economics, finance, and philosophy. This groundbreaking book focuses on startup valuations--microeconomics. But it also considers the macroeconomic implications of the Fairshare Model for economic growth, income inequality, and shared stakeholding, as well as game theory and financing of blockchain projects. The Fairshare Model has two classes of stock--both vote but only one is tradable. --Investors get the tradable stock. Employees get it too, for actual performance. --For future performance, employees get the non-tradable stock; it converts to the tradable stock based on milestones. With this structure, public investors are more likely to profit when they invest in a company with high failure risk--because they have less valuation risk. By offering a better form of capitalism, The Fairshare Model is a movement book for our times.
This paper examines Internal Revenue Service data and applies philosophical and ethical concepts in an attempt to determine whether the rich pay their fair share of income taxes. Also included is a bibliography containing links to more than 80 studies on tax evasion and public finance.
If you are a State or Local Politician Hosting a town meeting, You Don't Need this Book! If you can answer the following Questions. (Back): 1. Will the Fair-tax be Revenue Neutral? 2. Will 23% tax be Sufficient? 3. Will Employers pay the Payroll and Withholding tax to their Employees currently being deducted from their checks, or will they Keep it? 4. How much will the Fair-tax Prebate Cost? 5. Will the Fair-tax effect the amount of our Social Security Benefits? 6. Will we have to start Paying the Fair-tax on items Not Currently Tax Now? 7. Will the cost of goods and services Increase, because of the Fair-tax? 8. Who will the Fair-tax Benefit and Burden the most? If you can't answer one of these questions and others, you owe it to yourself to read this book.