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A vector error-correction model (VECM) that forecasts inflation between the current quarter and eight quarters ahead is found to provide significant leading information about inflation. The model focusses on the effects of deviations of M1 from its long-run demand but also includes, among other things, the influence of the exchange rate, a simple measure of the output gap and past prices. In out-of-sample forecasts of the eight-quarter inflation rate from 1978 on, the VECM had a mean absolute error of just over one percentage point, and a root-mean-squared error of just under two. From the early 1980s on, mean absolute errors and root-mean-squared errors were both less than one percentage point. In addition, except for 1982, the model performed well around the turning points in out-of-sample experiments. An interpretation of these results is that monetary disequilibria - represented here as deviations of M1 from its long-run demand - are part of the inflation process. That is, in this model, a "money gap" precedes inflation, and an aggregate money gap persists until prices change to help restore monetary equilibrium. French Version Les auteurs de la presente etude sont parvenus a la conclusion qu'un modele de correction des erreurs qui prevoit l'evolution du taux d'inflation entre le trimestre de la prevision et les huit trimestres subsequents fournit d'importants renseignements avances sur l'evolution de l'inflation. Les auteurs se concentrent sur les effets des deviations de M1 par rapport a son niveau de long terme, mais ils incorporent egalement au modele, entre autres variables, l'influence du taux de change, une mesure simple de l'ecart de production et le niveau des prix anterieurs. Dans les previsions hors echantillon qui sont faites depuis 1978 sur l'evolution de l'inflation dans un intervalle de huit trimestres, le modele de correction des erreurs affichait une erreur moyenne absolue a peine superieure a un point de pourcentage et une erreur quadratique moyenne a peine inferieure a deux points de pourcentage. Depuis le debut des annees 80, les erreurs moyennes absolues et les erreurs quadratiques moyennes etaient les unes comme les autres inferieures a un point de pourcentage. Sauf pour 1982, le modele s'est par ailleurs bien comporte aux points de retournement lors des experiences menees en dehors de la periode d'estimation. Une interpretation possible de ces resultats est que les desequilibres monetaires - representes ici comme des deviations de M1 par rapport a son niveau de long terme - font partie integrante du processus inflationniste. Cela signifie que, dans le present modele, un precede l'inflation et persiste a l'echelle globale jusqu'a ce qu'un changement de prix intervienne pour retablir l'equilibre monetaire.
A growing number of countries are anchoring their monetary policy through explicit inflation targeting. This policy has already scored remarkable successes in several countries, establishing central bank credibility, and reining in inflation where it had long been stubbornly high. But implementing inflation targets raises many difficult questions. What prerequisites must an economy and its institutions meet for the strategy to work? What choices should central banks make from the menu of possible variations on the basic approach? This book summarizes the discussions in a seminar at which economists and policymakers from ten countries reviewed their experiences with inflation targeting.
This book brings together the experience of central banks and national statistical agencies in countries that focus their monetary policy on inflation targets. Inflation targeting has led to a close interface between these two sets of institutions. When the performance of a central bank is measured in terms of specified price indices, which are usually compiled and disseminated by the national statistical agency, the role of national statistical agencies becomes central to the credibility of monetary policy. Data needs and uses have also shifted, with implications for national and international statistics compilation: market data have gained in importance; less emphasis is placed on traditional monetary aggregates; and greater attention is paid to timeliness, adherence to sound economic accounting standards, and other aspects of data quality.
Tests a wide range of observable variables for their leading-indicator properties with respect to core inflation, including: commodity prices, cost indicators, measures of capacity pressures in labour and product markets, and components of the consumer price index itself.
Monetary policy, asset, cosumption, inflation, high frequency data, central bank, stock prices, United States, Canada, interest rate.