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There is no doubt that Daniel O’Connell can be hailed as a towering figure of nineteenth-century Irish politics. In this book, however, a different angle is taken on O’Connell’s centrality to Irish public discourse. Thus, rather than adding to the vast body of research works on O’Connell’s politics or the history of Catholic Emancipation and Repeal, this study provides a discourse perspective on the Liberator’s oratorical skills, along with the general perception of O’Connell as shaped by the press of his age. What rhetorical strategies did O’Connell implement in order to persuade the Catholics of Ireland that he was the man to make their voice heard by the British authorities?; How were O’Connell’s figure, his followers and his ideology assessed by nationalist and unionist print media? The volume addresses these research questions by combining the study of public speaking with news discourse within an integrated approach to the Irish public sphere in the early 1840s.
There is no doubt that Daniel O'Connell can be hailed as a towering figure of nineteenth-century Irish politics. In this book, however, a different angle is taken on O'Connell's centrality to Irish public discourse. Thus, rather than adding to the vast body of research works on O'Connell's politics or the history of Catholic Emancipation and Repeal, this study provides a discourse perspective on the Liberator's oratorical skills, along with the general perception of O'Connell as shaped by the press of his age. What rhetorical strategies did O'Connell implement in order to persuade the Catholics of Ireland that he was the man to make their voice heard by the British authorities?; How were O'Connell's figure, his followers and his ideology assessed by nationalist and unionist print media? The volume addresses these research questions by combining the study of public speaking with news discourse within an integrated approach to the Irish public sphere in the early 1840s.
What makes individuals happy? What contributes to happy societies? What issues are perceived as critical to collective well-being? Psychologists, social and political scientists, and increasing numbers of economists have been preoccupied with questions like these for some time now. Rather than adding to available research from these areas, this book explores the concept of well-being through a different angle. It analyses people’s discourse of well-being on the basis of a collection of letters to the editor from three national newspapers from late-modern Ireland. In this vein, the study provides empirical evidence of major themes of well-being from letter writers’ viewpoint, and it sheds light on recognisable patterns of text structure and language use. In particular, the following research questions are addressed: What dimensions of social well-being can be isolated as the most important to readers–e.g., social justice, public health?; How does letter writers’ discourse tend to unfold in relation to each of them? Overall, the overview of voices from opinionated contemporary readers presented in the volume is meant to serve as a benchmark for an integrated approach to the Irish public sphere at the turn of the twentieth century.
This is a book about Irish nationalism and how Irish nationalists developed their own conception of the Irish race. Bruce Nelson begins with an exploration of the discourse of race--from the nineteenth--century belief that "race is everything" to the more recent argument that there are no races. He focuses on how English observers constructed the "native" and Catholic Irish as uncivilized and savage, and on the racialization of the Irish in the nineteenth century, especially in Britain and the United States, where Irish immigrants were often portrayed in terms that had been applied mainly to enslaved Africans and their descendants. Most of the book focuses on how the Irish created their own identity--in the context of slavery and abolition, empire, and revolution. Since the Irish were a dispersed people, this process unfolded not only in Ireland, but in the United States, Britain, Australia, South Africa, and other countries. Many nationalists were determined to repudiate anything that could interfere with the goal of building a united movement aimed at achieving full independence for Ireland. But others, including men and women who are at the heart of this study, believed that the Irish struggle must create a more inclusive sense of Irish nationhood and stand for freedom everywhere. Nelson pays close attention to this argument within Irish nationalism, and to the ways it resonated with nationalists worldwide, from India to the Caribbean.