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The papers in this volume cover a wide range of subjects covering the most recent developments in Celestial Mechanics from the theoretical point of nonlinear dynamical systems to the application to real problems. We emphasize the papers on the formation of planetary systems, their stability and also the problem of habitable zones in extrasolar planetary systems. A special topic is the stability of Trojans in our planetary system, where more and more realistic dynamical models are used to explain their complex motions: besides the important contribution from the theoretical point of view, the results of several numerical experiments unraveled the structure of the stable zone around the librations points. This volume will be of interest to astronomers and mathematicians interested in Hamiltonian mechanics and in the dynamics of planetary systems.
Dynamical imprints on planetary systems, such as planetary spin rate, orbital eccentricity, mutual inclination, and stellar obliquity provide direct evidence by which we can compare theoretical models of planet formation against observations. In this dissertation, I capitalized on these dynamical tracers to identify and model critical physical processes during multiple stages of planet formation and evolution. First, planetary spin is a fingerprint of planet formation and reflects how a forming gas giant planet interacts with its circumplanetary disk. Using hydrodynamic simulations, I showed there is a maximum spin rate a gas giant planet can spin up through its circumplanetary disk. In contrast to the classical view of planets accreting until their rotation reaches the breakup periods, planets can at most reach 60--80% of their breakup rates before their gaseous envelope accretion becomes decretion, accompanying solutions where angular momentum is being lost. The work complemented the existing giant planet accretion models and predicted the maximum spin rate on forming giant planets. Second, I used debris disks as an indirect probe of young planetary systems where strong stellar activity challenges planetary characterization. Using analytical studies and N-body simulations, I showed in most systems, debris disk features such as warps, eccentric rings, gaps, and azimuthal asymmetries are dominated by a single planet and can be used to interpret the young planet's properties. However, in a few system configurations where the detected planet is not the dominant planet of the disk features, the interpretation of the planet's properties can be flawed by order of magnitudes. Lastly, orbital eccentricity and stellar obliquity are powerful tracers to the mature planet's dynamical history. I focused on Warm Jupiters, which are giant planets with orbital periods between 8 to 200 days. The origin of Warm Jupiters was not clear and the investigation was limited by the small sample size. Using NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) and ground-based observing facilities, I discovered and characterized Warm Jupiters in TESS Full-Frame Image data. I led the discovery of TOI-3362b, a super eccentric Warm Jupiter suggesting the high-eccentricity tidal migration origin, and TOI-1268b, a young circular Warm Jupiter aligned with its host star suggesting an in-situ formation or disk migration origin. From both individual targets and the population study of the catalog on the eccentricity distribution study using hierarchical Bayesian modeling, I showed Warm Jupiters are likely from multiple origins.
Senior Scientst S. J. Weidenschilling presents his final administrative report in the research program entitled "Collisional and Dynamical Evolution of Planetary Systems," on which he was the Principal Investigator. This research program produced the following publications: 1) "Jumping Jupiters" in binary star systems. F. Marzari, S. J. Weidenschilling, M. Barbieri and V. Granata. Astrophys. J., in press, 2005; 2) Formation of the cores of the outer planets. To appear in "The Outer Planets" (R. Kallenbach, ED), ISSI Conference Proceedings (Space Sci. Rev.), in press, 2005; 3) Accretion dynamics and timescales: Relation to chondrites. S. J. Weidenschilling and J. Cuzzi. In Meteorites and the Early Solar System LI (D. Lauretta et al., Eds.), Univ. of Arizona Press, 2005; 4) Asteroidal heating and thermal stratification of the asteroid belt. A. Ghosh, S. J.Weidenschilling, H. Y. McSween, Jr. and A. Rubin. In Meteorites and the Early Solar System I1 (D. Lauretta et al., Eds.), Univ. of Arizona Press, 2005. Weidenschilling, Stuart J. Goddard Space Flight Center
Concise and self-contained, this textbook gives a graduate-level introduction to the physical processes that shape planetary systems, covering all stages of planet formation. Writing for readers with undergraduate backgrounds in physics, astronomy, and planetary science, Armitage begins with a description of the structure and evolution of protoplanetary disks, moves on to the formation of planetesimals, rocky, and giant planets, and concludes by describing the gravitational and gas dynamical evolution of planetary systems. He provides a self-contained account of the modern theory of planet formation and, for more advanced readers, carefully selected references to the research literature, noting areas where research is ongoing. The second edition has been thoroughly revised to include observational results from NASA's Kepler mission, ALMA observations and the JUNO mission to Jupiter, new theoretical ideas including pebble accretion, and an up-to-date understanding in areas such as disk evolution and planet migration.
Dense stellar systems lie at the interface between dynamics, stellar evolution, and galaxy formation, and they provide us with an ideal laboratory to understand many different aspects of these important fields as well as to explore the interplay between them. The complete study of dense stellar systems is a very challenging task which requires the collaboration and the exchange of ideas of astronomers and physicists with observational and theoretical expertise in galactic and extra-galactic astronomy, stellar dynamics, hydrodynamics, stellar evolution, as well as knowledge of many aspects of computational physics. IAU Symposium 246 brought together experts in all these areas to cover the broad field of dense stellar systems with particular emphasis on the interplay between them and on the comparison between observations and simulations. This volume provides a complete review of the most recent studies in this topical research.
Planetary Systems Now offers a broad, interdisciplinary perspective and introduction to the latest results from leading experts in each field. It offers an unusually wide range of research on topics both inside and outside of the solar system, as well as the most recent results from ongoing ground- and space-based investigations. Experts in their field come together in this volume to discuss solar system exploration with its most recent space missions, theories and evidence concerning planetary system formation, and the nature and formation of exoplanets and exoplanetary systems.Including both questions and answers, this book is intended to be a readable, heavily-illustrated stepping-off point for advanced undergraduate students, graduate students, and scientists beginning research in planetary and exoplanetary science topics.