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Ce document propose une description d'une technologie éducative pour faire face aux problèmes causés par les troubles du comportement. À travers une approche positive, il est question de la philosophie sous-jacente à cette technologie éducative tant dans l'aspect de sa programmation que dans les considérations éthiques de son application pour des situations où les comportements excessifs nécessitent une intervention structurée. Il s'agit alors des lignes directrices pour appliquer une approche positive basée sur une intervention behaviorale.
This collection of writings is the most complete resource to date concerning one of the most controversial issues in special education: whether nonaversives alone are sufficient for challenging behavior problems. The authors provide both sides of a variety of topics, including ethics, interventions, functional assessment, basic and applied research, and treatment providers.
This collection of writings is the most complete resource to date concerning one of the most controversial issues in special education: whether nonaversives alone are sufficient for challenging behavior problems. The authors provide both sides of a variety of topics, including ethics, interventions, functional assessment, basic and applied research, and treatment providers.
Organizational Behavior Management and Developmental Disabilities Services: Accomplishments and Future Directions examines the advances of Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) in human service agencies for individuals with developmental disabilities. Management researchers, working managers, and supervisors will learn strategies for effectively managing the day-to-day work performance of personnel and receive ideas for further enhancement of quality supports in human service agencies. Discussing the history of OBM and future research needs, Organizational Behavior Management and Developmental Disabilities Services offers the information you need to boost staff morale, make your workers more effective, and improve services to clients. This book contains informative training and supervision procedures that can be used in a variety of settings, such as large residential agencies, small community living arrangements, early intervention programs, and schools and related day treatment settings. Organizational Behavior Management and Developmental Disabilities Services provides you with research and techniques that will improve personal and staff effectiveness, including: expanding the scope of OBM interventions in developmental disability organizations by integrating total quality management (TQM) approaches (systems analysis, team effectiveness, measurement of consumer responses, and data analysis) into quality improvement keeping residential organizations focused on consumers by adopting short-term goals geared to the immediate benefits for clients using OBM frameworks, such as observing, analyzing, and implementing services, to help specialists involved in early intervention (EI) programs gain further insight into OBM and its relevance to EI teaching and maintaining skills, such as goal setting and keeping records of progress, for middle managers to improve services in community living settings educating professional staff, not just direct service staff, through videoptapes of sessions, preservice training, and verbal feedback to improve effectiveness in applied settings increasing acceptability of OBM procedures to service systems staff by improving acceptability assessment methodology, developing guidelines for implementing effective OBM procedures, and involving supervisory and professional staff in acceptability evaluations Organizational Behavior Management and Developmental Disabilities Services offers numerous reviews of case studies, providing you with current research and past trends that indicate the successes and failures of OBM and how efficient methods can be used in different areas of human services. Containing graphs and concise charts that summarize research findings, Organizational Behavior Management and Developmental Disabilities Services will help you and your staff implement OBM methods that will improve your effectiveness and better serve clients with developmental disabilities.
This book engages with a wide spectrum of questions and topics related to children's, adolescents' and families' difficulties, as well as to epistemological, meta-theoretical, taxonomical, and intervention issues. Particular emphasis is given throughout the book to discussing and suggesting various alternative methods and practices of promoting the potential and capacity of children, families, and schools to deal with various personal and contextual risks and adversities. Most of the contribu ...
In May 1986, the Association for Behavior Analysis (ABA) established a task force on the right to effective behavioral treatment. The mandate of this task force was to identify and delineate specific rights as they apply to behavioral treatment. Impetus for this project came in part from the controversy over the use of aversive procedures, which some held had no place in treatment and, with evolution of the treatment process, were no longer necessary. In con trast, others cited evidence that programs based on positive reinforcement alone were sometimes not effective in treating severe problems. These re searchers and practitioners desired to ensure that clients and guardians be permitted to choose treatments that included punishment procedures when assessments warranted their use. The first editor approached Ogden Lindsley, president of ABA, about establishing a task force to examine this isuse. The ABA council decided to broaden the mandate to include an examination of clients' right to effective behavioral treatment in general. The first editor was asked to chair the task force and appointed Saul Axelrod, Jon S. Bailey, Judith E. Favell, Richard M. Foxx, and 0. Ivar Lovaas as members. Brian A. Iwata was appointed liaison by the ABA council.