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Most people who have heard the phrase, ‘there’s nothing new under the sun,’ tend to agree if they live long enough. I suspect that most people don’t know that this phrase was adapted from the Bible (Ecclesiastes 1:9). This book is about our biblical religion and admittedly, there is no information contained in the text of this book that is new under this sun. What makes this text different is the concise, direct, and to the point manner in which the three important concepts that are crucial to our destiny are highlighted. These vital concepts are essential to God’s divine plan for mankind. There are, also, biblical truths highlighted that many may find uncomfortable and controversial, however, the truth is not as grievous as some may fear because the truth will set you free (John 8:32). The purpose of this book is to highlight these simple, straightforward, and vitally important concepts that are often overlooked or diminished in our daily routines which are crucial to our salvation. The goal is to explain why they are significant so that you will have good solid information to build a sound foundation in which to worship. This book is for those that are open to, curious about, and actively seeking information that points in the right direction—the truth.
Most people who have heard the phrase, 'there's nothing new under the sun,' tend to agree if they live long enough. I suspect that most people don't know that this phrase was adapted from the Bible (Ecclesiastes 1:9). This book is about our biblical religion and admittedly, there is no information contained in the text of this book that is new under this sun.What makes this text different is the concise, direct, and to the point manner in which the three important concepts that are crucial to our destiny are highlighted. These vital concepts are essential to God's divine plan for mankind. There are, also, biblical truths highlighted that many may find uncomfortable and controversial, however, the truth is not as grievous as some may fear because the truth will set you free (John 8:32).The purpose of this book is to highlight these simple, straightforward, and vitally important concepts that are often overlooked or diminished in our daily routines which are crucial to our salvation. The goal is to explain why they are significant so that you will have good solid information to build a sound foundation in which to worship. This book is for those that are open to, curious about, and actively seeking information that points in the right direction--the truth.
MANKIND AND PLANET EARTH HAVE TODAY ARRIVED at a critical juncture in their evolutionary journey. At the close of this 75,000 year major cycle, a New World is about to be born. The memories and higher faculties of certain individuals are just today returning to them, and they are beginning to recall the purpose of their incarnation, their duty to humanity and to planet Earth. They are becoming aware of the close attendance of legions of incorporeal divine Emissaries, the exalted ranks to which they inherently belong. They are remembering that they are an essential part of a vast collective effort and tremendously important task, the scope of which stretches back across millions of years and a myriad of past lifetimes upon Earth and elsewhere, all geared toward the forthcoming and conclusive glory. In their remembrance, they are perceiving that they are about to realise the grand consummation of a vital phase of the Divine Plan for Earth, the solar system and beyond. The Servers are awakening, and they are taking up their positions as agents of the New Spirit in order to play an active role within today's expanding world-consciousness around the planet.
Why I wrote this book. I discovered there are three primary core aspects or attributes of our religions that are right in our face, that we are mostly conscience about and certainly aware of but which are constantly overshadowed in our day to day lives because we have been made to overlooked the significance of these aspects. Only one of these attributes is preached on a regular basis in our established places of worship; the other on occasion and the third, hardly at all. I have highlighted these three aspects and have tried to explain why they are signifi cant. These three aspects are central to God’s master plan for mankind. I wrote this book to highlight that fact. The idea is to give you sound information so that you, with a sound foundation based on sound information, can design your own personal house of worship as you see fit. Who this book is for? This book is for those that believe in a higher power, those that want to cut to the chase and get to the bare knuckle truth, those that believe but don’t know exactly what to believe, those that seek the truth and those that want to know why as well.
The origin of temples and sacred sites, and how they were founded upon Earth's geomagnetic hotspots by an ancient global race of gods, who created a vast, interconnected network of power places to alter human consciousness. Features the seven principles of energy architecture behind the world's most powerful temples.
Just six weeks apart in the spring of 1981, Pope John Paul II and President ­Ronald Reagan took bullets from would-be assassins. Few realized at the time how close both men came to dying. Surviving these near-death experiences created a singular bond between the pope and the president that ­historians have failed to appreciate. When John Paul II and Reagan met only a year later, they confided to each other a shared conviction: that God had spared their lives for a ­reason. That reason? To defeat Communism. In private, Reagan had a name for this: "The DP"—the Divine Plan. * * * It has become fashionable to see the collapse of the Soviet empire as inevitable. Hardly. In this riveting book, bestselling author Paul Kengor and writer-­director Robert Orlando show what it took to end the Cold War: leaders who refused to accept that hundreds of ­millions must suffer under totalitarian ­Communism. And no leaders proved more important than the pope and the president. Two men who seemed to have little in common developed an extraordinary bond—including a spiritual bond between the Catholic pope and Protestant president. And their shared core convictions drove them to confront Communism. To tell the full story of the dramatic closing act of the Cold War, Kengor and Orlando draw on their exhaustive research and exclusive interviews with more than a dozen experts, including well-known historians Douglas Brinkley, H. W. Brands, Anne Applebaum, Stephen Kotkin, John O'Sullivan, and Craig Shirley; the leading biographer of John Paul II, George Weigel; close Reagan advisers Richard V. Allen and James Rosebush; and Cardinal Timothy Dolan and Bishop Robert Barron. You can't understand Pope John Paul II and President Ronald Reagan—or how the Cold War came to such a swift and peaceful end—without understanding how much faith they put in the Divine Plan.