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¿Sabías que cada vez hay más relaciones de pareja esporádicas y menos relaciones serias? ¿Sabías que cada vez hay más solteras y más personas que viven solas? ¿Sabías que, en España, el 44 % de la población mayor de 16 años no tiene pareja? Estamos en máximos históricos, y la tendencia sigue en aumento. El número de personas que viven solas no deja de aumentar. Es fácil conquistar a un hombre si eres atractiva, encantadora y divertida. Pero, ¿cómo puede una mujer reservada y no tan explosiva encontrar un hombre con quien ser feliz? La razón de tu fracaso con los hombres no es tu físico o tu carácter, sino que nadie te ha enseñado a hacerlo bien. Si quieres conquistar a un hombre tienes que empezar por cambiar tu forma de pensar: valorarte a ti misma y saber transmitir tu valor a los demás. Esa es la clave de la seducción. Te volverá irresistible. Verás resultados. Tú eres la imagen que proyectas. Gracias a esta guía, aprenderás a: - Cómo elegir un buen candidato para convertirse en tu pareja, superando la creencia de que sólo hay una "media naranja" - Cómo prepararte para triunfar, sacando partido de ti y aumentando tu valor - Cómo encontrar al hombre que te mereces, dentro de tu círculo social o en otros lugares - Cómo manejar la insinuación y la seducción, cómo atraer a un hombre y darle las señales apropiadas para que se acerque, evitando las señales que le harán huir - Cómo triunfar en tu primera cita, qué hacer en ella, trucos para mantener la conversación y qué evitar - Cómo gozar y hacer inolvidables tus relaciones sexuales, gracias a la masturbación, los preliminares, el coito... y qué evitar en tus relaciones sexuales. - Cómo mantener el amor, cómo evitar lo negativo y claves para mantener o recuperar tu relación de pareja. Aprenderás a saber qué quieres, cómo mejorar tu valor, dónde buscar a tu pareja y todos los pasos para seducirle, desde que le ves por primera vez hasta que te acuestes con él. Encontrarás la clave del matrimonio: conseguir la paz, evitar el conflicto. Y descubrirás cómo.
¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué algunas personas parecen tener una habilidad innata para conectar, seducir y dominar socialmente mientras que otros luchan por ser escuchados? ¿Qué secretos conocen estas personas que tú no conoces? En "El Libro Negro de la Seducción: 17 Trucos Psicológicos Para Hablar, Conquistar, Enamorar, Manipular y Dominar a Hombres y Mujeres + Frases para Ligar", Roberto de los Bosques desentraña el misterio detrás de la dinámica del poder y de la influencia. Beneficios que encontrarás en este libro: Descubre Trucos Psicológicos: Aprende a hablar, conquistar, enamorar, manipular y dominar sutilmente, con el conocimiento de estrategias respaldadas por la psicología. Entiende el Comportamiento Humano: Profundiza en el porqué de las reacciones y las emociones humanas, lo que te permitirá predecir y responder adecuadamente en diversas situaciones. Mejora Tus Habilidades Sociales: Conviértete en un comunicador más eficaz y persuasivo, mejorando tus relaciones interpersonales. Protégete de Manipuladores: Una vez que comprendas estas técnicas, estarás mejor preparado para detectar cuando alguien intente usarlas en tu contra. Conoce las mejores Frases para Ligar: Tendrás rompehielos de probada eficacia que podrás utilizar en tus interacciones para empezarlas con buen pie. No es simplemente otro libro sobre seducción. Es una guía para aquellos que desean dominar el arte de la persuasión, construyendo relaciones genuinas y duraderas. ¿Estás listo para desbloquear un nuevo nivel de entendimiento en tus interacciones? No esperes más. ¡Adquiere tu copia hoy y comienza tu transformación!
Benito Pérez Galdós, considered Spain’s most important novelist after Cervantes, wrote 77 novels, several works of theater and a number of other tomes during his lifetime (1843–1920). His works have been translated into all major languages of the world, and many of his most highly regarded novels, those of the contemporary period, have been translated into English two, three and even four times over. Of the few “contemporary novels” of Galdós that until now have not come to light in English, The Forbidden is certainly among the most noteworthy. The story line concerns a wealthy philanderer, José María Bueno de Guzmán, who attempts to buy the favors of his three beautiful married cousins. He is successful with the first, Eloísa, a grasping materialist who falls deeply in love with him. Then he rejects her in order to attempt to seduce the youngest, Camila. Meanwhile, the third, the pseudo-intellectual María Juana, jealous, seduces José María. But it is Camila, healthy, impetuous and wild, who resists his temptations and holds our attention. The novelist and critic Leopoldo Alas, Galdós’s contemporary, calls her “the most feminine, graceful, lively female character that any modern novelist has painted.” As a naturalistic study, in the manner of Balzac in particular, principal characters of Galdós’s other novels (El doctor Centeno, La de Bringas, La familia de León Roch) become fleetingly visible in The Forbidden. In addition, the entire Bueno de Guzmán family gives evidence of the naturalistic emphasis on heredity: they all display certain physical or mental disorders. Eloísa has a morbid fear of feathers, María Juana often feels that she has a tiny piece of cloth caught in her teeth, José María suffers bouts of depression, an uncle is a kleptomaniac, one of the relatives writes letters to himself, etc. At the same time, this novel shows the foibles of Spanish society where status is determined by one’s associates, by the wearing of finery, and by living on borrowed money. In their history of Spanish literature, Chandler and Schwartz call Galdós “the greatest novelist of the nineteenth century and the only one who deserves to be mentioned in the same breath with great novelists like Balzac, Dickens and Dostoievsky.” The Forbidden, written at the height of the author’s creative powers, is a major work and its publication for an English-speaking audience is long overdue.
How to Attract Men Worth Dating and Get the Guy You Really Want When it comes to finding a suitable mate for a passion filled, committed relationship, one of the things men want most in a woman is self-possession, or said another way, womanly poise. When high-quality men come across a woman with poise they crave her respect, her approval, and most importantly, her love. Men like this understand that a woman''s poise reflects her self-worth. And they know that a woman can only act with poise when she''s placed a higher importance on her dignity and well-being than she does on ANY man. It is this unique female attitude that drives a man wild with sustainable desire, the kind of desire that makes him eager to commit to a woman and claim her as his own. How to Attractively Set Standards with a Man and Make Him Want You Even More When a woman lacks poise she generally gives too much of herself, and usually at the most ineffective times when dating a man. She is too lenient with men in the beginning stages of a new romance, and she''s prone to compromising her standards just to keep a man in her life. Women like this unknowingly chase men, as they become frantic, frustrated, and foolhardy whenever the guy they want begins to pull away or lose interest in them. A woman with poise never chases or throws herself at a man, nor does she make things easy for him by clearing her schedule "just in case" he calls or comes around. Instead, a woman with poise maintains her mystery, sticks to her standards, and uses her feminine charms to invite men to either pursue her passionately or leave her alone. How to Date like a High-Value Woman and Be Irresistible to Mr. Right It''s easy to show class and character when things are going your way with a guy. But your ability to remain unfazed amid his disrespect or disinterest is what really helps him determine whether you are a high-value woman or not. A man will not always act in ways that are favorable to you. Sure, some men are scumbags, but not all men who act thoughtlessly towards you should be categorized this way. Therefore, if you want to separate the good guys from the time wasters it''s important to act with poise. This book was designed for women who want to go from being powerless to being irresistible to men. In it, you''ll discover the secrets to having more confidence and power with men and dating as you learn the beliefs, attitudes, dating rules, "love habits", and seduction secrets of the high-value woman. Here''s what you''re going to learn inside: What to say when you want to "slow things down" with a guy without losing his interest in you. The most seductive first date "good deed" that can CAPTURE a man''s desire and make him desperate to see you again. The #1 key to conquering a man''s heart during the early dating stages. (This is something most women only figure out after YEARS of painful trial and error.) How to get a boyfriend by avoiding a HUGE relationship-killing mistake most women make within the first few weeks of dating. The single most irresistible feminine attitude that easily overwhelms a man''s emotions and makes it IMPOSSIBLE for him to get you off his mind. How to get a man to treat you like a top priority (instead of his Plan B) once you start dating him. How to maintain the "Queen''s Composure" when men pull away and how to use it to make the good ones come RUNNING back to you. The "dating rules" high-value women use to quickly eliminate players and find Mr. Right. And much, much more... Would You Like to Know More? Get started right away and discover how to date like a high-value woman to get the guy you want without getting played. Scroll to the top of the page and select the ''buy button'' now.
How to Tell if a Man Wants You for a Lifetime or Only for the Moment Men don''t really have "commitment issues." At least, not in the way most women think men do. When a man tells you he has "commitment issues", there''s a good chance that what he REALLY means is he''s not that interested in you and is just using you to pass time with until he meets someone "better." When a man isn''t interested in a relationship with you, his "commitment issues" are nothing more than an excuse to waste your time and reap the benefits of your decision to stay with him in order to "see where this thing goes." It''s at this point where many women make one of the worse dating decisions possible, as they choose to remain with a half-interested man, hoping that over time they''ll be able to "lull" him into a serious commitment. The Biggest Reason Why Men Pull Away and Suddenly Lose Interest Women often wonder why men pull away and lose interest in a blossoming romance without so much as a warning. Though there could be a ton of reasons why a man might pull away, the most common reason for his loss of interest is this: he wasn''t THAT interested in you to begin with. In general, even though men are more than able to commit to a woman once certain conditions in their life are met, they will not directly inform you when you''re not the right girl for them or that now isn''t the right time for them to take a woman seriously. And because men are far more opportunistic when it comes to dating, a lot of guys won''t hesitate to take advantage of a dating situation that reaps high rewards with as little effort possible. How to Avoid Dating Men Who Will Keep You Unloved and Perpetually Unclaimed No matter which way you look at it, even though men don''t really have commitment issues, they don''t find it necessary or in their best interest to inform a woman when she''s nothing more than a beautiful distraction, a way to earn the respect of his peers, or just a target to sharpen his seduction skills so that he''ll be primed and ready when a "better" woman comes along. This is the ugly truth, but there''s hope. In this book, you''ll get an inside look at how a man thinks and interacts with a woman when he''s not that interested in her. This sort of male behavior is actually easy to spot IF you know what to look for. It''s extremely difficult for a man to waste your time and treat you like a short-term plaything without exhibiting certain unmistakable behaviors that clearly communicate that he''s trying to keep you interested...but unclaimed. Here''s what you''re going to learn inside: The seductive language men use when they want to discourage you from wanting a COMMITTED relationship. How quickly learning this ONE thing about him can tell you if he''s "unequipped" to handle a serious relationship. The pattern in a man''s dating history that IMMEDIATELY reveals if he''s a commitment-phobic time waster. How to avoid being confused by men who might love you tenderly, but would NEVER make you their girlfriend. How to stop losing sleep wondering "DOES HE LIKE ME?" and get him to either take you seriously or take a hike! How observing this simple behavior reveals if he thinks you''re "THE ONE" or just "Some One" to pass time with until he finds his Ms. Right. The relationship red flags for recognizing a DEAD ON ARRIVAL romance so you don''t end up wasting your time. How to tell if a man is still secretly IN LOVE with his ex and is only one sad love song away from abandoning YOU for HER. And much, much more... Would You Like to Know More? Get started right away and discover how to tell if a man desperately wants you or if he''s just not that into you. Scroll to the top of the page and select the ''buy button'' now.
The Rebel is the memoir of a revolutionary woman, Leonor Villegas de Magnon (1876-1955), who was a fiery critic of dictator Porfirio Diaz and a conspirator and participant in the Mexican Revolution. Villegas de Magnon rebelled against the ideals of her aristocratic class and against the traditional role of women in her society. In 1910 Villegas moved from Mexico to Laredo, Texas, where she continued supporting the revolution as a member of the Junta Revolucionaria (Revolutionary Council) and as a fiery editorialist in Laredo newspapers. In 1913, she founded La Cruz Blanca (The White Cross) to serve as a corps of nurses for the revolutionary forces active from the border region to Mexico City. Many women like Villegas de Magnon from both sides of the border risked their lives and left their families to support the revolution. Years later, however, when their participation had still been unacknowledged and was running the risk of being forgotten, Villegas de Magnon decided to write her personal account of this history. The Rebel covers the period from 1876 through 1920, documenting the heroic actions of the women. Written in the third person with a romantic fervor, the narrative interweaves autobiography with the story of La Cruz Blanca. Until now Villegas de Magnon's written contributions have remained virtually unrecognized - peripheral to both Mexico and the United States, fragmented by a border. Not only does her work attest to the vitality, strength and involvement of women in sociopolitical concerns, but it also stands as one of the very few written documents that consciously challenges stereotyped misconceptions of Mexican Americans held by both Mexicans and Anglo-Americans.
"Ask anything in my name, I will do it." (John 14:14) Charles H. Spurgeon supplies daily deposits of God's promises into the reader's personal bank of faith. He urges the reader to view each Bible promise as a check written by God, which can be cashed by personally endorsing it and receiving the gift it represents!