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El abordaje clínico orientado al problema (ACOP) es el método recomendado por el College of Internal Medicine y en el que se basa este libro. Los algoritmos plantean las principales anomalías médicas en perros y gatos, utilizando una perspectiva innovadora. Cada uno de los 85 capítulos comienza con una breve introducción que incluye la información básica fisiopatológica y de clasificación.
Cuarta edición ampliada y a todo color de este texto de enfoque práctico, que aborda el estudio de todas las patologías del perro y el gato que requieren tratamiento médico. La obra se organiza por alteraciones de órganos y sistemas corporales, y proporciona información de gran interés sobre etiología, sintomatología, diagnóstico y tratamiento de las enfermedades abordadas. Se trata de una obra imprescindible para los veterinarios dedicados a la práctica clínica, ya que su consulta permite al clínico una rápida comprensión de las principales enfermedades y establecer protocolos de actuación de fácil aplicación en su práctica diaria. Asimismo, resulta de gran interés para los estudiantes de los últimos cursos, en especial, para la preparación y resolución de casos clínicos planteados en las asignaturas clínicas. Utiliza el método del aprendizaje que comienza con la discusión de los síntomas, recomendaciones diagnósticas y técnicas, y concluye con consideraciones terapéuticas. Los autores son especialistas de reconocido prestigio en sus respectivas áreas. Se utilizan referencias cruzadas para impedir la redundancia y hacer que la información sea más accesible. Además, incluye recuadros de tratamiento que proporcionan recomendaciones sobre las dosis e indicaciones y numerosos algoritmos. Cuarta edición ampliada y a todo color de este texto de enfoque práctico, que aborda el estudio de todas las patologías del perro y el gato que requieren tratamiento médico. Se trata de una obra imprescindible para los veterinarios dedicados a la práctica clínica, y resulta de gran interés para los estudiantes de los últimos cursos, en especial, para la preparación y resolución de casos clínicos planteados en las asignaturas clínicas. Utiliza el método del aprendizaje que comienza con la discusión de los síntomas, recomendaciones diagnósticas y técnicas, y concluye con consideraciones terapéuticas.
A wide-ranging introduction to Jungian psychology and its relevance to our lives and to the issues of our time.
Cities of Tomorrow is a critical history of planning in theory and practice in the twentieth century, as well as of the social and economic problems and opportunities that gave rise to it. Trenchant, perceptive, global in coverage, this book is an unrivalled account of its crucial subject. The third edition of Cities of Tomorrow is comprehensively revised to take account of abundant new literature published since its original appearance, and to view the 1990s in historical perspective. This is the definitive edition, reviewing the development of the modern planning movement over the entire span of the twentieth century.
In this definitive introduction to the work of C. G. Jung, Dr. Robertson explains how Jung reintroduced Westerners to the world of archetypes--the imagery of the collective unconscious, of mythology, and the symbols in nature. He discusses the structure and dynamics of the psyche, the meaning of dreams, the shadow, the anima/animus, and the mysterious figure of the Self. This practical yet inspiring introduction can make Jung's exciting philosophy/psychology part of your life.
The first generation of Digital Natives children who were born into and raised in the digital world are coming of age, and soon our world will be reshaped in their image. Our economy, our politics, our culture, and even the shape of our family life will be forever transformed. But who are these Digital Natives? And what is the world theyre creating going to look like? In Born Digital, leading Internet and technology experts John Palfrey and Urs Gasser offer a sociological portrait of these young people, who can seem, even to those merely a generation older, both extraordinarily sophisticated and strangely narrow. Exploring a broad range of issues, from the highly philosophical to the purely practical, Born Digital will be essential reading for parents, teachers, and the myriad of confused adults who want to understand the digital present and shape the digital future.
In Interop, technology experts John Palfrey and Urs Gasser explore the immense importance of interoperability -- the standardization and integration of technology -- and show how this simple principle will hold the key to our success in the coming decades and beyond. The practice of standardization has been facilitating innovation and economic growth for centuries. The standardization of the railroad gauge revolutionized the flow of commodities, the standardization of money revolutionized debt markets and simplified trade, and the standardization of credit networks has allowed for the purchase of goods using money deposited in a bank half a world away. These advancements did not eradicate the different systems they affected; instead, each system has been transformed so that it can interoperate with systems all over the world, while still preserving local diversity. As Palfrey and Gasser show, interoperability is a critical aspect of any successful system -- and now it is more important than ever. Today we are confronted with challenges that affect us on a global scale: the financial crisis, the quest for sustainable energy, and the need to reform health care systems and improve global disaster response systems. The successful flow of information across systems is crucial if we are to solve these problems, but we must also learn to manage the vast degree of interconnection inherent in each system involved. Interoperability offers a number of solutions to these global challenges, but Palfrey and Gasser also consider its potential negative effects, especially with respect to privacy, security, and co-dependence of states; indeed, interoperability has already sparked debates about document data formats, digital music, and how to create successful yet safe cloud computing. Interop demonstrates that, in order to get the most out of interoperability while minimizing its risks, we will need to fundamentally revisit our understanding of how it works, and how it can allow for improvements in each of its constituent parts. In Interop, Palfrey and Gasser argue that there needs to be a nuanced, stable theory of interoperability -- one that still generates efficiencies, but which also ensures a sustainable mode of interconnection. Pointing the way forward for the new information economy, Interop provides valuable insights into how technological integration and innovation can flourish in the twenty-first century.