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Inspirational stories of engaging, real-life educational experiences Everyone has a personal learning story, a time when they became actively engaged in their own education. Maybe it was an especially challenging teacher, or a uniquely supportive environment, or a collaborative classroom. In Faces of Learning, both well-known public figures, such as Arne Duncan and Al Franken, and ordinary Americans recall the moments when they truly learned something. Includes stories from people of all different backgrounds and from all over the country The stories are grouped into categories by theme like "relevant" and "experiential" to help reveal the common characteristics of what works in education Each chapter ends with five things you can do to improve your own learning, that of your students, and of all Americans Readers can visit the companion website to share their own stories of educational success and find out what else they can do.
In the vast expanse of time on Earth, certain moments stand out like beacons, casting their light across the ages, guiding humanity's path through the darkness of uncertainty and the fog of the unknown. These are the moments that have shaped the world, that have forged the course of history, and that continue to resonate within the very fabric of our lives today. They are the turning points, the pivots upon which the arc of human destiny swings. But what makes a moment defining? Is it the thunderous clash of armies on a battlefield, where the fate of nations hangs in the balance? Is it the quiet signing of a document in a candlelit chamber, setting the wheels of change in motion? Or is it the birth of an idea, whispered among a small group, that spreads like wildfire and transforms societies? The truth is, it is all of these-and more. This book is a journey through fifty such moments-moments when the world teetered on the edge of transformation, and a new reality emerged. It is a journey that spans continents and centuries, from the dawn of civilization to the present day. Each chapter is a doorway into a different time and place, where the past comes alive with the urgency and intensity of the present. You will meet the visionaries, the warriors, the revolutionaries, and the ordinary people who found themselves at the heart of extraordinary events. Yet, this is not merely a recounting of historical facts. It is an exploration of the human spirit-the dreams, the struggles, the triumphs, and the tragedies that have shaped our shared story. The moments captured in these pages are not just events of the past; they are the echoes of time that still resonate today, influencing the choices we make and the lives we lead. As you embark on this journey, you will discover that history is more than a series of dates and events. It is a dynamic narrative, rich with meaning and full of lessons that can guide us as we navigate the challenges of our own time. The past is not just something to be remembered; it is something to be understood, to be learned from, and to be carried with us as we move forward. So, as you turn the pages of this book, imagine yourself standing at the crossroads of history, looking out over the vast expanse of time. Imagine the choices, the risks, the hopes, and the fears that have brought us to where we are today. And ask yourself: What will be the next defining moment? What will be the legacy we leave for those who come after us? The echoes of time are calling. Let us listen, and let us learn.
A Prophetic Anointing for Today Defining Moments is a fascinating look at the remarkable ways in which God has used ordinary people to change history. But it is about more than history alone—it illuminates the present and unveils the future. Prophetic in nature, the book reveals how God wants to work in each of our lives to fulfill His purposes—today, tomorrow, and in the years to come. The stories in this collection of God-encounters carry a prophetic anointing for all who have ears to hear. Author Bill Johnson highlights the significant traits and contributions of many well-known revival leaders, including John Wesley, Charles Finney, Dwight L. Moody, Maria Woodworth-Etter, Carrie Judd Montgomery, Smith Wigglesworth, John G. Lake, Evan Roberts, Rees Howells, Aimee Semple McPherson, Kathryn Kuhlman, Randy Clark, and Heidi Baker. He explains the impact these leaders can have on us today as we respond to the life-changing truths revealed through their life stories. There is power in knowing the testimonies of men and women who experienced God in a defining moment and said yes to His unique call on their lives. It is a power that inspires us to hunger for God in such a way that we, too, will have an encounter with Him that launches us into the world of the “impossible,” enabling us to fulfill a greater measure of our destiny. Read this book with a sense of readiness, and watch what happens.
This book will change your life, change your perspective of career and bring reality to your life's purpose. This is a true story of how Bob Root and Wendy Steele met at an executive team building session in the mountains outside Santa Fe, New Mexico. It chronicles the defining moments of two people who made life changing decisions to embrace multiple fears and obstacles and use them to dream bigger and seek a more fulfilling simpler life. It is a story of a meeting so profound that they left their high-powered corporate careers, Bob as a high tech CEO from Silicon Valley and Wendy as a VP of Coca-Cola, to be together and build a new life. It is a story about checking out of the go-go fast paced life of highflying executives and checking back into life. It is a story of true love, the defining moments that brought them together and a new simpler life of love, balance and being on purpose. It is a fast read for those with fast lives. The message will slow you down and help you learn to appreciate the better things in life. This may very well be your escape vehicle back to humanity, life and love.
Our lives are full of defining moments, but do we recognise them? We often fail to appreciate the significance of these moments. At work the pressure can be relentless and we can fail to enjoy these moments. The author shows how to recognise and appreciate these moments, which in turn helps us to better cope during more difficult times.
There is no singular interpretation over the forces that almost brought Kenya to a standstill around the 2007 general elections. The 'truth' about what actually happened will be found in the in-between spaces of dialogue and voicing. Somewhere amidst these at times contradictory and at times reaffirming voices can be found glimpses of what the pursuit of political power can do to a people, especially in a State where accountability to citizens is of minimal value. The essays in Defining Moments capture some of the transformative moments during the crisis that rocked Kenya in 2007/2008 and in its resolution. These reflections by journalists, lawyers, political scientists and cultural workers provide additional perspectives to the relationship between elections, citizenship and violence. This book follows in the footprints of Healing the Wound: Personal Narratives about the 2007 Post Election Violence in Kenya and Re-membering Kenya Vol.1, Identity, Cultural and Freedom. We revisit some of the hotspots, the mediation process and ways of ending impunity. This is part of on-going work at Twaweza Communications to provide space so that multiple voices can be heard as we seek to build a peaceful and just society. In the process we hope to show that violent conflict can be avoided through structural and behavioural engineering: fix governance, ensure accountability, give credibility to institutions. anchor justice and rule of law.
I was born the year Hitler came to power. There was no Israel. There was a Holocaust. Six million Jews were slaughtered for the crime of being born, and hardly a blip registered on the world's conscience. The world was indifferent-it pretended not to know. Israel was created in 1948, and I decided I wanted to be part of the rebirth of the Land and the redemption of the People of Israel. That has been my passion . . . and my purpose. That was my defining moment.I have had the privilege to work with some extraordinary and courageous people who taught me valuable lessons about leadership and life. These stories are first-hand accounts of how people-some famous, some not-followed their passion, lived their purpose, and aspired to be part of something greater than their selves. These people had the courage to seize their moment and make the world a better place, revealing valuable lessons on the path to a more rewarding life.
"Defining moments," according to Badaracco, occur when managers face business problems that trigger difficult, deeply personal questions. In deciding how to act, managers reveal their inner values, test their commitment to those values, and ultimately shape their characters. Badaracco builds a framework for approaching these dilemmas around three cases of increasing complexity, reflecting the escalating responsibilities managers face as they advance in their careers. The first story presents a young man whose choice will affect him only as an individual; the second, a department head, whose decision will influence his organization; the third, a corporate executive, whose actions will have much larger, societal ramifications. To guide the decision-making process, Badaracco draws on the insights of four philosophers--Aristotle, Machiavelli, Nietzsche, and James--because they offer practical rather than theoretical advice. He thus bridges the gap between classroom philosophy and corporate pragmatism. The result is a flexible framework that managers can draw on to resolve issues of conflicting responsibility in practical ways.
When Business and Personal Values Collide “Defining moments” occur when managers face business decisions that trigger conflicts with their personal values. These moments test a person’s commitment to those values and ultimately shape their character. But these are also the decisions that can make or break a career. Is there a thoughtful, yet pragmatic, way to make the right choice? Bestselling author Joseph Badaracco shows how to approach these dilemmas using three case examples that, when taken together, represent the escalating responsibilities and personal tests managers face as they advance in their careers. The first story presents a young manager whose choice will affect him only as an individual; the second, a department head whose decision will influence his organization; the third, a corporate executive whose actions will have much larger, societal ramifications. To guide the decision-making process, the book draws on the insights of four philosophers—Aristotle, Machiavelli, Nietzsche, and James—who offer distinctly practical, rather than theoretical, advice. Defining Moments is the ultimate manager’s guide for resolving issues of conflicting responsibility in practical ways.