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This important military guide to nutrition provides authoritative, comprehensive information on all aspects of nutrition and fitness, with information suitable for athletes as well as soldiers! There is vital data on dietary supplements to avoid, menus for restaurants, and how to choose healthy snacks. The demands imposed by military service, training, and missions are unlike any athletic endeavor. Success requires the mustering of all strength and endurance-both physical and mental. Military service members, Warfighters (WF), are indeed "Warrior Athletes," the ultimate athlete, at the top of the athletic pyramid. One factor that will contribute to mission success and life-long health is good nutrition. It is well known that appropriate nutritional habits and interventions can enhance performance, and these successful approaches need to be known. All service members are Warfighters, regardless of duties. This manual is intended to be a resource for all Warfighters and includes a variety of materials ranging from short summaries to detailed information, with worksheets, links, and important tips for nutrition at home and when deployed. This Nutrition Guide evolved into the final product after multiple conversations, discussions, and interactions with military, fitness, and nutrition experts. The Guide is dense, but each chapter starts with key information, and an executive summary provides a "shortened" version. Chapters 2 through 4 provide general background information about energy expenditure, source of energy, essential nutrients and nutrition concepts. These are the backbone of the guide. Chapters 5 through 8 will help you select a healthy diet: they contain menus for eating at home, menus for eating in ethnic and fast food restaurants, choosing healthy snacks, selecting appropriate military rations, and combining commercial-off-the-shelf products with military rations. Chapters 9 through 13 review important information on being a warrior athlete. Detailed information that discuss dietary supplements, combat rations and products to be avoided are also provided. Chapters 14 and 15 explore nutritional strategies for various missions, how to optimize nutritional intake to combat challenging environmental and physiological conditions, and how to eat on the local economy when deployed. Chapter 16 discusses nutritional strategies to regain pre-deployment health and fitness after returning home from extended deployments. Chapters 17 and 18 provide information on how to be a warrior athlete for 20+ years and what the "high-mileage" warrior athlete should consider in order to maintain operational readiness and good health after years of physical abuse. Warfighters are a select group of warrior athletes who can benefit from nutritional guidance. Each command has specialized missions, with the duration of deployments ranging from 30 days to 12 months. Long missions in locations far from the central support hub pose very difficult nutritional challenges to Warfighters, and unfortunately, good solutions are not always possible. Despite differences across military commands, this guide has been designed to cover the spectrum of needs, so performance under the most rigorous conditions is optimized. The success of Warfighters require effective nutritional strategies to optimize performance during operations and preserve health during the golden years of retirement. Contents include: The Warrior Athlete; Balancing the Energy Tank; Fueling the Human Weapon; High Performance Catalysts; Nutrient Timing and Training; Optimal Choices for Home Chow; Optimal Choices for Eating Out; Healthy Snacking; Secrets to Keeping Lean as a Fighting Machine; Bulking Up; Looking for the Edge - Dietary Supplements; Enemy Agents; Combat Rations; Eating Globally; Mission Nutrition for Combat Effectiveness; Returning to Home Base; The High Mileage Warrior Athlete; Sustaining Health for the Long-Term Warfighter.
This is a book about strategy and war fighting. It contains 11 essays which examine topics such as military operations against a well-armed rogue state, the potential of parallel warfare strategy for different kinds of states, the revolutionary potential of information warfare, the lethal possibilities of biological warfare and the elements of an ongoing revolution in military affairs. The purpose of the book is to focus attention on the operational problems, enemy strategies and threat that will confront U.S. national security decision makers in the twenty-first century.
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In many ways, modern warfare is information warfare. Bruce Berkowitz's explanation of how Information War revolutionized combat and what it means for our soldiers could not be better timed. As Western forces wage war against terrorists and their supporters, in actions large and small, on several continents, The New Face of War explains how they fight and how they will win or lose. America's use of networked, elite ground forces, in combination with precision-guided bombing from manned and unmanned flyers, turned Afghanistan from a Soviet graveyard into a lopsided field of American victory. Yet we are not invulnerable, and the same technology that we used in Kuwait in 1991 is now available to anyone with a credit card and access to the Internet. Al Qaeda is adept in the new model of war, and has searched long and hard for weaknesses in our defenses.
Attention! Learn more about your military now! Does a corporal have to salute a lieutenant or is it the other way around? What are forward-deployed units? Is an "armored cow" a type of tank or something soldiers eat? Are Polaris missiles dropped from the air or launched from a submarine? If someone calls you a "Cat 4" should you be honored or offended? Do you feel lost when it comes to all things military? Sure, you hear things on the news and maybe you know someone who is in the military, but you probably have a hard time fully grasping the acronyms, equipment, and protocol they discuss. That's where A Civilian's Guide to the U.S. Military can help. Author Barbara Schading decodes all things military for you. She discusses each branch—Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and the Coast Guard—in simple terms you can understand. You'll get the background information, an easy-to-read chart showing rank and insignia, and an explanation of the organization of each branch. In addition, the book has extensive glossaries that cover terms, acronyms, slang, and equipment. You'll find an entire chapter that covers special operations forces like the Green Berets, Force Recons, Army Rangers, and more. You'll learn about their specific training, missions, and history. The book also covers other important aspects of the military like: • flag and saluting etiquette • military funerals • the Tombs of the Unknown • the American Legion, USO, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and other groups • military law • military academies • medals and decorations • official military music • an explanation of the Geneva Convention • and a list of resources to help you find more information So the next time you read the paper or talk with a new recruit, you don't have to feel lost. Become a knowledgeable civilian with the help of A Civilian's Guide to the U.S. Military.
Attempts at controlling the news flow: good news wars / Greg Simons -- Hybrid warfare, lawfare, informational war. the wars of the future / Iulian Chifu -- Hybrid warfare: comparative view ISIL versus "little green men" / Iulian Chifu and Gabriel Anghel -- Fighting with the legal framework and reaching military objectives by using the law / Iulian Chifu -- The pattern of Russia's informational war / Iulian Chifu -- Strategic messages in the August 2008 Georgian-Russian war / Greg Simons -- Communication management and the humanitarian war blueprint: the Libya war / Greg Simons -- Propaganda and the information war against Syria: the latest war for peace / Greg Simons -- Power through subversion: shaping perception and opinion on Ukraine's Euromaidan through manufacturing knowledge / Greg Simons -- Conclusion / Iulian Chifu and Greg Simons
"This textbook is designed to help Marines link concepts of culture to the realities of planning and executing military operations around the world." -- p. 2.
"The Army has been involved with space-based military operations for well over a half-century. During this time, space operations have changed from a realm exclusive to scientists and engineers, to highly classified activities largely unknown to the general population, to the unveiling of space-based communication, imagery, surveillance, and environment capabilities that have become a foundation for all modern warfare. Today, such support is so ingrained into daily operations that most soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines assume it has been, and always will be, available for their use. But with such reliance comes vulnerability that potential adversaries may try to exploit. The evolution of Army space operations is well documented in many sources, thus this monograph serves not as a comprehensive history or detailed critique of the myriad accomplishments. Rather, it serves as a primer for current and future space-based operations to provide senior policymakers, decisionmakers, military leaders, and their respective staffs an overall appreciation for existing Army space capabilities and the challenges, opportunities, and risks associated with their use in joint operations"--Publisher's web site.
Today, anyone armed with a digital camera and access to the Internet can become an information warrior, potentially reaching global audiences. Twitter, YouTube, Facebook and blogs have become as important to the strategic outcome of military operations as bullets, troops and air power. Appreciating the game-changing properties of new media are as important for today's warfighters as are the skills, training and tradecraft required to maneuver conventional forces. In the contemporary operational environment, new adversaries have leveraged new media to achieve strategic outcomes. New media are their tactical tools for effective strategies that privilege the informational battlespace as the main effort. In this respect, the Israeli- Hezbollah war of 2006 is instructive. Hezbollah was out-matched by the IDF at all levels, with little hope of prevailing in the conventional military battlespace. And yet, by employing an information-led warfighting strategy that exploited tactical lethal encounters to generate strategic effects, Hezbollah was able to claim a strategic win by denying the IDF the achievement of its principal war aims. This clever use of the information environment, which Hezbollah used to create multiplier effects of its limited conventional military capabilities, essentially outflanked Israel's campaign strategy. By shifting the center of gravity into the information space, Hezbollah was able to generate and sustain the initiative. Hezbollah's warfighting strategy masterfully synchronized conventional and information “fires,” creating strategic “information effects” that eventually forced Israel to cease its operations without achieving its stated war aims. The 2006 War provides important insights on the dynamics of the contemporary operational environment and the role of new media, which is why it was selected as the case study to drive workshop discussions. For the U.S. warfighter one lesson should be clear: the enemy will never fight the war that you prepare for, but rather the one that it thinks it can win. That war will include new media as a warfighting enabler. The 2006 Department of Defense Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) posited that future conflict fall into one of four quadrants: traditional challenges; irregular challenges; catastrophic challenges; or, disruptive challenges. It observed that today's military capabilities continue to be focused on traditional warfare even as trends point toward the importance of multiple (or hybrid) threats. The Review confronts today's commanders and senior leaders with several important questions: Are we learning the lessons borne of hard-won experience and adapting our strategic thinking to ensure that we are ready for the next campaign? Is the shift in training and capabilities toward multiple and hybrid threats occurring fast enough? Have we sufficiently acknowledged and prepared for future scenarios in which new media and cyberspace will frame the strategies that our opponents are likely to use? New media challenges warfighters and senior leaders across several levels. It requires recognition of the complexity of cyberspace as a warfighting domain. It is not just about defending networks or winning the information fight. Rather, it is the degree to which cyberspace exists as a domain in which warfighters will deploy, and the extent to which new media penetrates the warfighting effort in ways that are beyond the commander's ability to control or limit. This report is being released at an important historical juncture -- just prior to the release of a major Pentagon report on the use of new media and following the assessment of the war effort in Afghanistan. The latter report dedicated significant space to the role of strategic communication and new media. We expect that this report will add critical and constructive voices to the policy process as senior leaders shape policy that enables warfighters to fully engage new media as an element of national power.