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When a person who is on the path of salvation ‘slides back’ into his sins and turns away from God, he/she is backsliding. Backsliding can happen to any believer who allows sin and unbelief in his life. It is possible you are backsliding but do not even know it. This book xrays the typical characteristics of a Christian who has begun the downward and dangerous process of backsliding.
What is backsliding, really? Is it serious? What can be done about it? The Christian life is a race, a marathon. Through the gospel, God summons us to sustained and persevering effort. He empowers his children by grace--free and undeserved blessing through Christ. But he does not carry them to heaven on flowery beds of ease. Faith is a living, athletic grace. God's mercy motivates Christians and energizes them to press on and overcome great obstacles. Christ blazed the trail before us. He now calls us to follow Him to the end (Hebrews 12:1-2). Looking unto Jesus--that is how we persevere. In him is everything we need. But realistically speaking, Christians are not always pressing forward. Sometimes they wander off the narrow path, slip, and injure themselves. To the confused and injured runner, this book says, "God can help you. You can finish this race--and finish it well." Drawing from the wisdom of the Scriptures and aided by the insights of godly Bible teachers through the centuries, Getting Back in the Race addresses the age-old problem of backsliding. Backsliding is a season in the life of a professing Christian when his sin grows stronger and his obedience to God declines. The beginning of the book uncovers signs of sliding into a spiritual rut, for this is often more subtle than falling into scandalous sins. The rest of the book shows that there is hope for the backslider. God is so amazing! Even though our backsliding insults him, dishonors him, grieves him, and pushes away his love, still he calls us to return to him. When you grasp hold of God's methods by faith, you discover that Christ has grasped hold of you. Our spiritual Physician has potent medicines to heal his people from their injuries and get them back on track to finish the race. This book is a wake-up call to careless Christians and an encouragement to all believers to keep running to the Lord.
So you say that you're a Christian. But what happens when things don't go according to plan? What happens when you pray and don't get the answer you want? Is your faith strong enough to pull you through, or will you falter, questioning your beliefs and the God you claim to trust? It is estimated that 90 percent of Christians backslide, giving into their sinful nature and allowing the devil to regain control. As a result, many of them end up worse than they were before they came to know Christ. Don't Look Back! The Harmful Consequences of Backsliding explores the dangers of turning your back on God. Author Vanessa Grossett tells the story of Esther, a pastor, successful businesswoman, and faithful Christian. But when God commands her to wait on an answer to prayer, Esther's patience runs out, leading her down a path of unrepentance and destruction. Through this illustration and other biblically-based teaching, readers will learn: bull; How a Christian can spot the signs of backsliding bull; Why a Christian might backslide bull; How God deals with backsliding
In this book, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills sounds the alarm, and graphically shows why every Christian must make it to Heaven!
Everyone worships. But Jesus tells us that God is seeking a particular kind of worshiper. In True Worshipers, a seasoned pastor and musician guides readers toward a more engaging, transformative, and biblically faithful understanding of the worship God is seeking. True worship is an activity rooted in the grace of the gospel that affects every area of our lives. And while worship is more than just singing, God’s people gathering in his presence to lift their voices in song is an activity that is biblically based, historically rooted, and potentially life-changing. Thoroughly based in Scripture and filled with practical guidance, this book connects Sunday worship to the rest of our lives—helping us live as true worshipers each and every day.
here are several misconceptions about the subject matter of faith. These misconceptions have left many believers experiencing unfulfilled and an unsatisfactory walk with God. This is because they do not understand what faith really is. Some others confuse faith with hope and believe. There are also those who assume that they have faith but are only operating in fear and doubt. This is why it is important to study the basic concept of faith. So, in this book, we will look into what faith is, the Satan kind of faith, the God kind of faith, and so much more. After reading this book, you will be armed with the understanding of the true concept of faith, what faith is not, and Satan’s strategy to keep your faith inactive.
Jesus Christ saves radically depraved men, women, and children from their sins. However, to understand, believe, and love the good news about the crucified and resurrected Savior, we must first understand our condition. Thus, we offer this issue of the Free Grace Broadcaster: Radical Depravity. Arthur Pink introduces us to this weighty subject by asking the question, “Is man a totally and thoroughly depraved creature by nature?” Thomas Reade then tells us about the deadly consequences and bitter fruits of Adam’s fall: in Adam all die. We then consider Joel Beeke’s helpful survey of the doctrine of human depravity. A second article by Thomas Reade leads us to a painful truth: the heart of man is evil. But he does not leave us there: he takes us to the blessed Son of God for deliverance. John Owen describes with great clarity the depraved and corrupted state of man’s mind and teaches us that the only remedy for this great darkness is the new birth: “You must be born again.” Loraine Boettner explains the extent and effects of original sin, which results in human inability in the matters of salvation. What is our true spiritual condition outside of Christ? Charles Spurgeon declares that we are legally, spiritually, and eternally dead. Nevertheless, he also tells us that we can be legally, spiritually, eternally alive by faith in Jesus Christ the Son! We then hear from John Flavel that in mercy, grace, and love, God draws sinners to Jesus Christ, gradually, suitably, powerfully, effectually, and finally. That is indeed good news! J. C. Ryle brings our subject to a close by asking a penetrating question: “Are you dead or alive?” Each of us, dear readers, must answer that question.