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Aristotle said 'you are what you repeatedly do'. Most of us have no idea that what we repeatedly do creates our lives, we think our future is shaped by big events, the decisions we make, the thoughts we have but, this book will show you that it is your daily actions that are the key. Over the last few decades neuroscientists and psychologists have discovered that there is more power in 'I do' than 'I think'. However, if an action is repeated enough times it becomes habit but habits lack thought, consideration and presence. To effect long-lasting meaningful change our actions need to be filled with a sense of personal meaning and power – they need to be ritualized. Creating personal ritual in our lives allows us to bring the presence of the sacred into the everyday. The rituals in this book have been designed as symbolic acts providing a framework for anyone to use to create positive change in their lives. The 7 morning rituals are designed to help you 'wake with determination', the 7 afternoon rituals focus on 'living on purpose', and the 7 evening rituals are about 'retiring with satisfaction'.
We all need to find connection and meaning in the midst of the fast paced world we live in and rituals offer an easy and simple way to do this. In this 365 year-long exploration, Theresa Cheung offers daily practices to help us bring focus and attention to our lives for meaningful and achievable change. A ritual is any action we take that has meaning beyond its appearance; by giving an action intention it becomes 'sacred' and purposeful. The absence of significant ceremony in our lives has left us feeling disconnected, confused and alone Rituals and ceremony allow us to be present in the now, focus on the future and provide us with closure on the past, they return us to what matters. Drawing on science and psychology, Theresa Cheung's 365 non-denominational rituals will help anyone to transform their lives. Split into four sections, the book begins with 21 simple foundation rituals to help you ground your daily practice. The second and largest section is broken down into 4 areas: Body, Mind, Spirit and Heart. Each containing 74 rituals, some simple and some more complex. Choose the area you feel you want to focus on and follow the rituals in sequence or chose as you wish. The third section has a four-week programme focussing on success and broken down week-by-week and the final section contains 21 closing rituals. For those wanting a year long programme the book can be used day-by-day or alternatively choose a ritual at random.
Aristotle said 'you are what you repeatedly do'. Most of us have no idea that what we repeatedly do creates our lives, we think our future is shaped by big events, the decisions we make, the thoughts we have but, this book will show you that it is your daily actions that are the key. Over the last few decades neuroscientists and psychologists have discovered that there is more power in 'I do' than 'I think'. However, if an action is repeated enough times it becomes habit but habits lack thought, consideration and presence. To effect long-lasting meaningful change our actions need to be filled with a sense of personal meaning and power - they need to be ritualized. Creating personal ritual in our lives allows us to bring the presence of the sacred into the everyday. The rituals in this book have been designed as symbolic acts providing a framework for anyone to use to create positive change in their lives. The 7 morning rituals are designed to help you 'wake with determination', the 7 afternoon rituals focus on 'living on purpose', and the 7 evening rituals are about 'retiring with satisfaction'.
Following on from the success of Theresa Cheung's previous 21 Ritual series comes a nature-based daily practice book. It contains 21 simple, easy daily rituals to help you tune into the natural world around you helping you to feel more grounded and connected to yourself and others. It is well known that spending time in nature increases our health, vitality, and sense of wellbeing. Some researchers have linked obesity, ADHD, and other health conditions to a disconnection from nature (what Richard Louv calls ‘nature-deficit disorder’). The problem is that our society has never been as far removed from nature or our natural affinities with the nonhuman world as we are today. Spending more time in nature is an obvious solution to feelings of disconnection. Drawing on what science and psychology teach us about the benefits of connecting more to the living power of nature and how to strengthen it using the life changing power of ritual this book offers 21 powerful rituals that don’t necessarily require a wilderness trek or trip to the countryside. Readers will be encouraged to perform 21 ‘connecting with nature’ rituals every day over a three-week period as research shows that it takes around three weeks to ensure a daily ritual becomes entrenched at neural level. Some of the rituals will need to be performed outdoors in easy to find locations but others can be performed in your home or office. The first week will focus on connecting with nature indoors, the second in the fresh air and the third at a specific location so the progression to ‘wild’ nature is accessible. The rituals are very easy to understand and incorporate into everyday life; some in a matter of moments and others a little while longer.
In his major investigation into the nature of humans, Peter Sloterdijk presents a critique of myth - the myth of the return of religion. For it is not religion that is returning; rather, there is something else quite profound that is taking on increasing significance in the present: the human as a practising, training being, one that creates itself through exercises and thereby transcends itself. Rainer Maria Rilke formulated the drive towards such self-training in the early twentieth century in the imperative 'You must change your life'. In making his case for the expansion of the practice zone for individuals and for society as a whole, Sloterdijk develops a fundamental and fundamentally new anthropology. The core of his science of the human being is an insight into the self-formation of all things human. The activity of both individuals and collectives constantly comes back to affect them: work affects the worker, communication the communicator, feelings the feeler. It is those humans who engage expressly in practice that embody this mode of existence most clearly: farmers, workers, warriors, writers, yogis, rhetoricians, musicians or models. By examining their training plans and peak performances, this book offers a panorama of exercises that are necessary to be, and remain, a human being.
Discover 67 Little Known Morning Ritual Habits For Creating An Unstoppable Day!Your morning ritual is what sets you up for having a successful day. It's one of the most important habits to cultivate, as it'll set the precedent of how your day will look. As the saying goes, "How you start the day is how you'll end the day."I believe that a successful morning ritual consists of doing at least one thing for your Body, Mind, and Spirit. You must give equal attention to all three aspects of yourself in order to maximize your performance and fulfillment.I've been practicing morning rituals since I was 17 years old. It's one of the most important habits that has shaped every aspect of my life. It's an opportunity for me to give the most valuable resource we have, our time, to myself so that I can grow to become my very best.Most people the day out of reaction. They wake up and they're immediately hitting the snooze. They are flooded with the stresses and anxieties of the day, immediately checking their inbox or social media. As a result, they're not getting the most out of themselves or the day.Over the last 15 years of my life, I've studied the habits of the most remarkable people throughout history. Those who have achieved extraordinary success, are truly fulfilled, have unstoppable confidence, an abundance of energy, are physically fit, and what anyone would consider "having it all."I've studied their habits and rituals and put them together for you in this book, 67 Morning Ritual Habits For Your Body, Mind, And Spirit so that you can benefit from them.I've personally tested and utilized ALL of these rituals in different stages of my life with incredible benefit. I'm excited to finally share them with you so that you can reap the rewards of cultivating an amazing morning ritual in your life that allows you to be at your best.
To give her family and friends a deep experience of earth-based spirituality, Jane Meredith holds eight rituals per year, celebrating the solstices, equinoxes, and cross-quarter festivals. 'Rituals of Celebration' provides accounts of the most memorable rituals she's organised, as well as how-to instructions for creating the rituals.
A timely, groundbreaking guide to enhancing the rituals in our lives, which helps people to enrich their relationships and reestablish their family ties. The coauthors of Rituals in Families and Family Therapy show how to create meaningful rituals adapted to individual lives and family structures, for new meaning in old and new traditions and celebrating life's milestones.
Increase your employees'—and your own—productivity at work If you look out over today's workforce, you'll find millions of hard-working people who are overly tired, overly stressed, and less than enchanted with work. For organizations around the globe, this represents an incredible opportunity to improve productivity, talent retention, innovation, and overall profitability. The great paradox here is that when you take hard-working, responsible adults with a desire to succeed and a sense of responsibility and drop them into our demanding work culture, they tend to default to a way of life that sabotages their ability and best efforts to reach their goals. That's where author Andy Core comes in. Change Your Day, Not Your Life offers a proven strategy to help you become energized at work. This book is designed as a resource for work-life balance, a tool to help you increase productivity during the final two hours of work by up to 47 percent, content to fuel employee communication, and a curriculum that departments can use in weekly or monthly meetings to keep everyone working at their best. Author Andy Core is a credentialed, award-winning thought leader on increasing employee engagement, productivity, and wellness motivation; his talent lies in helping hard-working, conscientious adults thrive at work and in their personal lives Turn wasted hours into tasks accomplished by following the methods found in Change Your Day, Not Your Life.
An eye-opening handbook from a leading Ayurvedic physician that blends cutting-edge science on "clock genes" with ancient eastern wisdom to help us understand how to harness the power of chronobiology to effortlessly lose weight, sleep better, exercise stronger, reduce stress, and boost our wellbeing. "It’s not you, it’s your schedule." Does it sound like magic? It’s not. We’ve all heard of circadian rhythms—those biological processes that give us jet lag and make us night owls or early birds. But few of us know just how profoundly these diurnal patterns affect our overall health. Bad habits like skipping meals, squeezing in workouts when it’s convenient, working late into the night to maximize productivity and then trying to "catch up" on sleep during the weekend disrupt our natural cycles. A growing body of research on chronobiology reveals just how sensitive the human body is to these rhythms all the way down to the genetic level. Our "clock genes" control more than we realize, and small changes can make the difference between battling our bodies, and effortlessly managing weight, sleep, stress, inflammation, and more. Marrying ancient Ayurvedic wisdom with the latest scientific research, Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar’s holistic step-by-step 30-day plan gives you the tools—and the schedule—you need to transform your life. With diagnostic quizzes to determine your specific mind-body type, you will learn to adapt you schedule for effortless wellness for life.