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21 Nights Fasting and Deliverance Prayers against Dream Pollution and Manipulations Are you constantly battling with satanic and demonic activities in your dreams? Are you often confused about your dreams because you lack the actual interpretation of those dreams? Do you think what you are going through presently could be as a result of some dreams you have had previously? Do you think you really need deliverance from these demonic interference in your life through dreams? This book in your hand, 21 Nights Fasting and Deliverance Prayers against Dream Pollution and Manipulations is a prayer book particularly for commanding total deliverance and restoration from the oppressions of the wicked in your life through satanic and demonic dreams activities. Take time to read every bit of it in order to have better understanding of the deliverance prophetic prayers against evil dreams and their manipulations in people's lives. Happy reading! Great deliverance in Jesus mighty name. Amen.
Bad dream is a terrible thing people pass through every day. It is in such sleep, dream criminals use the software (sleep) to destroy the hardware (body). They cause havoc, show havoc, do havoc and make many end up in palace of disaster. Dream terrorists are everywhere. They terrorize people in their sleep and at times kill. They are fraudsters that trouble souls. They appear in our sleep and cause fear that make us panic when going to bed. It is fear all the time. Bad dream is coated with spiritual emergency that need prompt solution. It is time to apply zero tolerance and spiritual medication of spiritual violence in situation like this. This is the book you need at this critical period, to checkmate murderers of destiny; and wicked adversaries that boast, “You shall sleep no more”. It is a book that shall fish out and disgrace wicked powers that torment your sleep. Each chapter of this book is loaded with prayer points to destroy works of darkness, and train you how to move from being a prayer warrior to prayer warlord. Rise now to the situation and destroy sleep hoodlums and rascals that appear in your sleep. Gather every strength in you and silence dark powers that want to turn your bed to theater of war. Arise! I say arise, the Lord is on your side. Take weapons of warfare and kill evil powers tormenting you at the battle of Fire for Fire! You shall surely win. Amen.
True freedom is the freedom to serve God. Matthew 17:21 declares "But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting" this scripture tells us that there are some spirits in a person, region, or nation that cannot be overcome without fasting. Many believers struggle with certain limitations that they cannot seem to break through. A revelation of the power of fasting will result in victories that would not be ordinarily obtained. Whoever the Pharaoh is that is confronting your destiny shall bow in the name of Jesus. A life of consistent fasting will cause many victories to manifest. God’s will is for every believer to live a life of victory with nothing being impossible.
Stepping High is a 21-day personal prayer and fasting programme designed to help participants seek the face of God for anything. The prayer points assigned for each day are heaven-provoking and testimony-bringing. It is also an opportunity to discipline and rid yourself of any bad habits. By the end of these 21 days, we expect your testimony. For this 21-day endeavor to be successful, you must have faith and determination. Therefore, prepare your heart and devote yourself to this spiritual retreat.
"And straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship, and to go before him unto the other side, while he sent the multitudes away.And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone" Matthew 14:22-23.The battles that define your identity are always personal even in the midst of a corporate attack and they are battles of thoughts and words. That's why is very difficult for you to give a flaky counsel when somebody is in battle.When the Bible says "be strong" it is not talking of muscles. God makes you strong before allowing you to step into certain situations. Battles are part of life. battles stand between us and the next level of our lives, either corporate or personal because in the story as read in Matthew 14:22-23, it was after Jesus Christ said this that he met the mad man of Gedarene and the ministry of Jesus exploded into a wider region but before that explosion, there was a battle waiting for them, both corporate for the apostles and individual for Peter. It is strong men that come out of battles better, weak men come out wounded.Don't allow yourself to be knocked externally; you must develop internal strength from the word of God. Fill yourself with right thoughts and the word of God because the Bible says "My thoughts are not your thoughts, my ways are not your ways" Isaiah 55:8.The words of God are expression of the thoughts of God that He put in words. When you fill yourself with it, you are fortifying your mind with the thoughts of God before the battles of life come. In verse 25 says, "And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea. Now, what is the fourth watch of the night? The fourth watch is between the hours or 3-5:30 am.When you are in the midst of spiritual warfare, take heed. I did a series on the watches of the night for God's people: the watch 12am to 3am is like the demonic time in the night when the devil hovers around to pick against people. At this junction, I encourage people to engage in warfare prayers at that time (between 6am - 5:30am). This time frame is always a time for communication. Take some upon heaven for your eternal glory, then go to sleep and dream. Sleep is a divine gift; it is not the devil's gift, so you must not struggle in it for any reason. When you are in the season of warfare, don't waste your night for any reason.When the nights are well handled, keys to the kingdom will be given to you for enjoyment. Jesus Christ said in the book of Matthew chapter 16:19, "I will give unto you the keys of the kingdom of heaven". The combination of the keys to the kingdom was given to Esther the Jew who was a house maid to her uncle Mordecai. "And the king loved Esther above all the women, and she obtained grace and favour in his sight more than all the virgins; so that he set the royal crown upon her head, and made her queen instead of Vashti" Esther 2:17.
Unfortunately, most Christians allow Evil dreams to take over their lives. As Christians, we are not supposed to allow Evil dreams to dominate our lives. A lot of people don't know how to stop Evil dreams from taking over their lives. This is the reason Dr. Olusola Coker carefully explains the meaning of Evil dreams, types of Evil dreams and how to deal with them.
Patterned after the annual feasts of the Tabernacle, the annual 70 days of fasting and prayer program is an annual spiritual sacrifice that cannot but yield power and breakthroughs given the covenant that backs it up. "We give all the glory to the Lord for what He has been doing with our annual Seventy days prayer and fasting programme. The Lord has used the programme to: Ignite the fire of revival in thousands of lives, put stubborn pursuers to flight, produce prayer eagles, open chapters of prosperity for many, confuse satanic dribblers and put the enemies' gear in reverse. Prayer is of great value in turbulent and non-turbulent situations. Prayer is a necessity not an option." "Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by PRAYER AND FASTING" (Matt 17:21).
There is a dream world and there is a physical world. Distinct yet interrelated. What are the sources of dreams? Do dreams affect our lives? This book gives you practical examples of how satanic agents have manipulated the lives of numerous people into nothingness through dreams. The author provides you with Biblical ways of converting defeats in your dreams into lasting victory. You can stop the endless tide of defeats today. READ THIS BOOK
Marriage and the family is a broad area where many people have exhibited gross ignorance. Unfortunately, it is a landscape where there has been many ugly casualties. Many people have, therefore, expressed the need for a powerful family deliverance manual. The book which you hold in your hands is a product of years of research. It addresses the hopes and aspirations of stake holders as far as the institution of marriage is considered. Family deliverance has been vomited by the Holy Ghost to rescue many families, prop up the tottering walls of marital stability and grant immunity to homes. Family Deliverance will lead to restoration, peace and stability in every home.
The Daniel Fast is a widely used intermittent fast, based on the Biblical book of Daniel. The Daniel Fast requires a strict 21-day ad libitum healthy diet period, including the withdrawal of meat, sweets, and preservatives, while indulging in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. This book will inspire and equip you with Daniel Fast' wisdom, tutor you, and set you on fire with a realistic and robust plan for your breakthrough. It guides you to rethink fasting and prayers using scriptures to evaluate the Daniel Fast. It provides you with six essential components (Daniel's story, determination, diet, development, duration of the intermittent fast, and fervent prayers). It helps you to participate effectively and achieve your individual holistic wellness goals. Because Daniel Fast is only a 21-day experience, but, your purpose is for a lifetime, your transition needs a lifestyle change. You will gain a new perspective on the Daniel Fast integrated with the 4C Chayah Transformation Model for continuous spiritual growth and self-development in your wellness, a roadmap for the 21-day adventure, and a lifetime relationship with God. It includes useful tools to equip your Daniel Fast experience with self-assessment, self-reflection journals, habit trackers, and planners. You can't manage and change what you don't measure and sustain!Are you prepared for that which you are praying? This kind comes out only by prayer and fasting to break chains, generational curses, corruptions, and set captives free. (Mark 9:29, Isaiah 58:6). We must believe in God; our faith pleases Him. This book provides you with a 21-Day GAP series of fervent prayers, affirmations, and scriptures declarations. It empowers your faith, wellness, wisdom, courage, character transformation, spiritual warfare, divine breakthroughs, and mind-blowing miracles. God has a divine strategy for you to win your battle; when it looks like it's too late, God says, I have a plan to close your GAP!I am Nicola McFadden, a Daniel Fast Enthusiast, the Founder of Nikimac Solutions Inc., the Visionary behind the ministry, U Power Up, Life Happens; Stay Strong. I am a widely sought-after transformation strategist, leadership coach, empowerment speaker, and bestselling author. I help organizations, leaders, teams, and individuals transform, despite the complexities of the crisis, or change solutions, to achieve their vision. I build social learning communities, connect people, and empower them to live, lead, learn, and love like Jesus, leaving a legacy. I support and equip legends of faith in the life transformation community, Chayah (https: //, while in Mastermind Cafe (https: //, I educate and coach a new generation of future leaders in servant leadership. My why? And what's in it for you? Inspiring you to live a purposeful and "choiceful" life, so you choose to live fully, and Chayah!