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Charmian shares information about the steps we need to take in order to prepare ourselves and our loved ones to move smoothly into the new world of Peace.
We are approaching December 21st 2012 that the Mayans predicted to be the end of time. Their 56.000-year calendar stops at that date. What does this mean? Will life on the Earth end? Will we all be destroyed? To find an answer to these questions Charmian used hypnosis to guide several people forwards in time to discover the truth of what will really happen. A great change is coming upon the Earth, we are moving out of chaos and conflict into a beautiful new world of love, peace and harmony. 2012 A New Earth Rising tells us how to prepare ourselves and our loved ones to move smoothly into the New World of peace. We have the power as Divine Humans to co-create this shift on The Earth with gentleness and ease. Mother Earth is birthing herself into a new form and we, as humans, are birthing ourselves into our Divinity. We can make the difference between an easy birth and a traumatic one by choosing to move consciously into the New Era of peace and love. 2012 A New Earth Rising is a book of hope and inspiration at a time of fear and disintegration on our planet
Returning to the Ozark Territories, freedom fighter David Valentine is shocked to find it overrun by vampiric Kurians under the command of the merciless Consul Solon. In a desperate gambit, Valentine leads a courageous group of soldiers on a mission to drive a spike into the gears of the Kurian Order. Valentine stakes life, honor, and the future of his home in a rebellion that sparks the greatest battle of his life.
Historically, food security was the responsibility of ministries of agriculture but today that has changed: decisions made in ministries of energy may instead have the greatest effect on the food situation. Recent research reporting that a one degree Celsius rise in temperature can reduce grain yields by 10 per cent means that energy policy is now directly affecting crop production. Agriculture is a water-intensive activity and, while public attention has focused on oil depletion, it is aquifer depletion that poses the more serious threat. There are substitutes for oil, but none for water and the link between our fossil fuel addiction, climate change and food security is now clear. While population growth has slowed over the past three decades, we are still adding 76 million people per year. In a world where the historical rise in land productivity has slowed by half since 1990, eradicating hunger may depend as much on family planners as on farmers. The bottom line is that future food security depends not only on efforts within agriculture but also on energy policies that stabilize climate, a worldwide effort to raise water productivity, the evolution of land-efficient transport systems, and population policies that seek a humane balance between population and food. Outgrowing the Earth advances our thinking on food security issues that the world will be wrestling with for years to come.
What even the best researchers of the Illuminati and veiled fraternities such as the Freemasons were never able to fully decipher is spelled out herein for the first time. The power at work behind global affairs and why current planetary powers are hurriedly aligning for a New Order from Chaos is exposed. Perhaps most incredibly, one learns how ancient prophets actually foresaw and forewarned of this time.
Earth Rising the Revolution Toward a Thousand Years of Peace is about technology and its impact on humanity. This book is about the basis of freedom, human dignity, sovereign individuality, and self-determination. The material will be shocking to all. This is an expose on technological advances which may reshape the destiny of mankind in the next millennium. This book covers a number of separate areas with extensive documentation from governmental, academic, and major media reports, including: *The revolution in military affairs and its impact on freedom. *Mind control and the manipulation of human health through the use of drugs, electromagnetic weapons, and other means. *Non-lethal weapons and their use and impact on people. *Environmental weather control. *New technologies which will virtually eliminate privacy from the world scene. *Militarization of law enforcement around the country. *The HAARP story updated, showing additional evidence of the military's plans to manipulate the environment.
"Describes the unrecorded history of humanity with a particular emphasis on Atlantean civilization; presents a vision of our true destiny as guardians of Earth and free-willed, conscious participants of our evolving world"--Provided by publisher.
In Earth Rising II, Begich and Roderick explore several new technology areas as well as their implications for personal privacy, security and the state of democracy in the beginning of the 21st century. In the early 1970s in the weeks before Watergate this book begins with the mysterious disappearance an airplane carrying the United States House Majority Leader Hale Boggs and Alaska Congressman Nick Begich. Decades later, documents surface that implicate the government. Their fight against a corrupt FBI, a morally bankrupt Executive Branch and fight for an open government, fully accountable to the people, may have contributed to their demise. That decades old event became the springboard to the exposure of technologies contained in this book's pages. The book includes: New Underwater Sonars and the Possible Death of the Seas. Marine Mammal and Whale Beachings A Military Side Effect. Energy in the Air and the Implications of Cell Phone Technology. Dataveillance, Security, Privacy and the End of the Road. Information Overload and the Impacts of Technology. Implantable Chips and the New Economy.Using over 300 referenced sources, the hallmark of Begich and Roderick's research efforts, concludes with a discussion of the implications of these technologies and alternative directions that are possible. The 21st Century has begun it is this generation that will determine the direction of our technology as either our master or our servant. Earth Rising II will challenge readers to seek a better direction for the people of the planet rather than the betrayal of our science, our society and our individual souls.
Global warming has transformed the Earth, and it's about to get even hotter. The Arctic Ice Cap has all but melted, and the international community is racing desperately to claim the massive amounts of oil beneath the newly accessible ocean. Enter the Gaia Corporation. Its two founders have come up with a plan to roll back global warming. Thousands of tiny mirrors floating in the air can create a giant sunshade, capable of redirecting heat and cooling the earth's surface. They plan to terraform Earth to save it from itself—but in doing so, they have created a superweapon the likes of which the world has never seen. Anika Duncan is an airship pilot for the underfunded United Nations Polar Guard. She's intent on capturing a smuggled nuclear weapon that has made it into the Polar Circle and bringing the smugglers to justice. Anika finds herself caught up in a plot by a cabal of military agencies and corporations who want Gaia Corporation stopped. But when Gaia Corp loses control of their superweapon, it will be Anika who has to decide the future of the world. The nuclear weapon she has risked her life to find is the only thing that can stop the floating sunshade after it falls into the wrong hands. At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.
PREFACE What is the universe? And who are we? One Chinese scholar said correctly that "Our universe and we are one and the same," But the man did not realize that they are a part of the universe. That's because they do not "wake up" This article, the author wrote about the early 2010's on the personal blogs and were bound in book form, which will lead you to an intellectual awakening in the readers’ own. We see the universe in the eyes ,in the world of spirits and in imagination of boundless universe, we are always stirred up by all the stories, all the memories. We all have memories. But the universe would have memories more than us ? But where have all of them been kept? Until the origin of the solar system whose mythical Nibiru trailed with. No, it is not because we have never met. But only because of the our receivers. If they are still working, we all would receive the information sent to us. Only a few of us receive the power transmitted by the universe embedded with memories.. This article will stimulate the receptor for human readers. Shake to activate again. May be he/she was not up to me. If the galaxy travels, so do we. We travel to meet one another.