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Dans des périodes difficiles, s'il est une question cruciale dans le monde du travail, c'est bien celle du salaire. Pourtant le sujet reste tabou et la négociation tourne le plus souvent à l'avantage de l'employeur. Il est donc essentiel pour tous les candidats ou salariés de connaître les clés de cet exercice délicat pour mettre toutes les chances de son côté. 101 secrets pour bien négocier son salaire... ou une augmentation vous aidera à vaincre vos idées reçues, vos craintes et à optimiser votre négociation salariale. C'est l'outil indispensable pour augmenter réellement vos chances de réussite.
Comment negocier son salaire D�couvrez dans ce guide, toutes les astuces qui vous permettront de n�gocier votre salaire ou votre augmentation de salaire de mani�re optimale. De nombreux candidats ou salari�s sont mal � l'aise � l'id�e d'aborder la question du salaire. Que ce soit � l'embauche ou pour demander une augmentation quand on est en poste, cela reste un sujet d�licat. Pourtant un bon nombre de recruteurs pourraient trouver suspect un candidat qui n'�voquerait pas du tout ce point en phase de recrutement et de nombreux manager pourraient s'inqui�ter du d�part potentiel d'un salari� qui fort de bons r�sultats ou de responsabilit�s suppl�mentaires n'essayeraient pas de voir son salaire revu � la hausse.Quel que soit la situation, pour bien n�gocier son salaire, il faut �tre s�r de vous, il faut �tre capable d'estimer le salaire que vous valez. Cela passe par l'�tude du march� et par l'�valuation du besoin et de votre valeur sur ce m�me march� du travail. Il faudra �galement pr�parer vos arguments et identifier ceux sur quoi peut porter la n�gociation : il faudra lister les avantages que vous pouvez prendre en compte dans votre r�mun�ration.N�gocier son salaire reste une d�marche qui n'est pas simple et qui demande un temps de pr�paration.D�couvrez dans ce guide tous les meilleurs conseils et astuces pour la r�aliser au mieux.
"Négocier son salaire" est un guide essentiel pour les professionnels cherchant à obtenir une rémunération équitable et compétitive pour leur travail. Cette ressource détaillée offre des conseils pratiques et des stratégies éprouvées pour aborder efficacement le processus de négociation salariale. En se concentrant sur l'importance de reconnaître sa propre valeur sur le marché du travail, ce guide encourage les lecteurs à se préparer minutieusement, à évaluer leurs compétences et leurs réalisations, et à articuler clairement leurs attentes en matière de rémunération. En fournissant des techniques de communication assertive et des conseils pour surmonter les objections de l'employeur, ce livre offre aux lecteurs les outils nécessaires pour défendre leurs intérêts avec confiance et conviction. Que vous soyez en train de négocier une offre d'emploi, une augmentation de salaire ou des avantages supplémentaires, "Négocier son salaire" vous guidera à travers chaque étape du processus, vous aidant à atteindre vos objectifs professionnels et à obtenir la reconnaissance financière que vous méritez.
Avez-vous le salaire que vous méritez ? La reprise du marché de l'emploi, la généralisation des politiques d'individualisation des salaires, l'émergence de nouveaux outils de rémunération, tous ces éléments font que les occasions de « parler salaire » sont de plus en plus nombreuses. Et, comme chacun le sait, en la matière, les plus compétents ne sont pas forcément les mieux lotis. Ce guide vous donne toutes les clés pour aborder, avec succès, les différentes phases de votre prochaine négociation. Vous apprendrez comment : - évaluer votre « vrai » niveau de salaire, quelle que soit votre fonction ; - déterminer votre pouvoir de négociation ; - bâtir une argumentation sans faille ; - conduire un plan de négociation gagnant. Tous les outils et toutes les techniques : - promotion, prime, stock-options, plan d'intéressement, épargne ou avantages en nature... Cet ouvrage vous permet d'identifier tous les outils de rémunération, et vous propose un éventail complet de techniques de négociation : choisissez les solutions les mieux adaptées à votre situation personnelle. Quel salaire correspond à votre profil ? Combien pourriez-vous gagner ? Consultez, dans cet ouvrage, l'argus Challenges des salaires 2 000.
"Your Mindful Compass" takes us behind the emotional curtain to see the mechanisms regulating individuals in social systems. There is great comfort and wisdom in knowing we can increase our awareness to manage the swift and ancient mechanisms of social control. We can gain greater flexibility by seeing how social controls work in systems from ants to humans. To be less controlled by others, we learn how emotional systems influence our relationship-oriented brain. People want to know what goes on in families that give rise to amazing leaders and/or terrorists. For the first time in history we can understand the systems in which we live. The social sciences have been accumulating knowledge since the early fifties as to how we are regulated by others. S. Milgram, S. Ashe, P. Zimbardo and J. Calhoun, detail the vulnerability to being duped and deceived and the difficulty of cooperating when values differ. Murray Bowen, M.D., the first researcher to observe several live-in families, for up to three years, at the National Institute of Mental Health. Describing how family members overly influence one another and distribute stress unevenly, Bowen described both how symptoms and family leaders emerge in highly stressed families. Our brain is not organized to automatically perceive that each family has an emotional system, fine-tuned by evolution and "valuing" its survival as a whole, as much as the survival of any individual. It is easier to see this emotional system function in ants or mice but not in humans. The emotional system is organized to snooker us humans: encouraging us to take sides, run away from others, to pressure others, to get sick, to blame others, and to have great difficulty in seeing our part in problems. It is hard to see that we become anxious, stressed out and even that we are difficult to deal with. But "thinking systems" can open the doors of perception, allowing us to experience the world in a different way. This book offers both coaching ideas and stories from leaders as to strategies to break out from social control by de-triangling, using paradoxes, reversals and other types of interruptions of highly linked emotional processes. Time is needed to think clearly about the automatic nature of the two against one triangle. Time and experience is required as we learn strategies to put two people together and get self outside the control of the system. In addition, it takes time to clarify and define one's principles, to know what "I" will or will not do and to be able to take a stand with others with whom we are very involved. The good news is that systems' thinking is possible for anyone. It is always possible for an individual to understand feelings and to integrate them with their more rational brains. In so doing, an individual increases his or her ability to communicate despite misunderstandings or even rejection from important others. The effort involved in creating your Mindful Compass enables us to perceive the relationship system without experiencing it's threats. The four points on the Mindful Compass are: 1) Action for Self, 2) Resistance to Forward Progress, 3) Knowledge of Social Systems and the 4) The Ability to Stand Alone. Each gives us a view of the process one enters when making an effort to define a self and build an emotional backbone. It is not easy to find our way through the social jungle. The ability to know emotional systems well enough to take a position for self and to become more differentiated is part of the natural way humans cope with pressure. Now people can use available knowledge to build an emotional backbone, by thoughtfully altering their part in the relationship system. No one knows how far one can go by making an effort to be more of a self-defined individual in relationships to others. Through increasing emotional maturity, we can find greater individual freedom at the same time that we increase our ability to cooperate and to be close to others.
This book is about one of the most controversial dilemmas of contract law: whether or not the unexpected change of circumstances due to the effects of financial crises may under certain conditions be taken into account. Growing interconnectedness of global economies facilitates the spread of the effects of the financial crises. Financial crises cause severe difficulties for persons to fulfill their contractual obligations. During the financial crises, performance of contractual obligations may become excessively onerous or may cause an excessive loss for one of the contracting parties and consequently destroy the contractual equilibrium and legitimate the governmental interventions. Uncomfortable economic climate leads to one of the most controversial dilemmas of the contract law: whether the binding force of the contract is absolute or not. In other words, unstable economic circumstances impose the need to devote special attention to review and perhaps to narrow the binding nature of a contract. Principle of good faith and fair dealing motivate a variety of theoretical bases in order to overcome the legal consequences of financial crises. In this book, all these theoretical bases are analyzed with special focus on the available remedies, namely renegotiation, rescission or revision and the circumstances which enables the revocation of these remedies. The book collects the 19 national reports and the general report originally presented in the session regarding the Effects of Financial Crises on the Binding Force of Contracts: Renegotiation, Rescission or Revision during the XIXth congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law, held in Vienna, July 2014.
The novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which causes the disease known as COVID-19, has infected people in 212 countries so far and on every continent except Antarctica. Vast changes to our home lives, social interactions, government functioning and relations between countries have swept the world in a few months and are difficult to hold in one’s mind at one time. That is why a collaborative effort such as this edited, multidisciplinary collection is needed. This book confronts the vulnerabilities and interconnectedness made visible by the pandemic and its consequences, along with the legal, ethical and policy responses. These include vulnerabilities for people who have been harmed or will be harmed by the virus directly and those harmed by measures taken to slow its relentless march; vulnerabilities exposed in our institutions, governance and legal structures; and vulnerabilities in other countries and at the global level where persistent injustices harm us all. Hopefully, COVID-19 will forces us to deeply reflect on how we govern and our policy priorities; to focus preparedness, precaution, and recovery to include all, not just some. Published in English with some chapters in French.