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Muncaster, author of the popular Examine the Evidence series, helps believers--and challenges skeptics--with the amazing and unshakable evidence that God has provided in the Bible and in His creation.
A serious biblical and philosophical investigation of theological determinism: the idea that everything that happens has already been decided by God, including who will and won’t be saved. This book was written for those who are interested in, or troubled by, questions about God's sovereignty and human freedom and responsibility. Christian apologist John Lennox writes in the spirit of helping people understand the biblical treatment of these concepts. In this mind-bending review of the topics of theological determinism, predestination, election, and foreknowledge, Lennox: Defines the problem, considering the concept of freedom, the different kinds of determinism, and the moral issues these pose. Explores the range of theological opinion and unpacks what the Bible—especially the gospels and Paul's letter to the Romans—teaches about human and sovereign will. Addresses the question of Christian assurance: how can I know if I have salvation? This nuanced and detailed study challenges some of the widely held assumptions about theological determinism and brings a fresh perspective to the debate. This book is for anyone who's asked questions like: Is my decision to believe or disbelieve in Jesus actually my decision? Is it possible for a genuine believer to lose their salvation? How much free will do I really have? By the author of Seven Days that Divide the World and 2084: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity, Determined to Believe? will launch your consciousness into a fresh understanding and appreciation of this important Christian debate and help you think both biblically and logically about the human condition.
This book was originally written beginning two months before my husband and I were married and completed as a gift for him on our 1st Anniversary. Since then a 20-Year Follow-up, 25-Year Follow-up with Travel and Adventure including photos, Poetry, and Pearls of Wisdom sections have been added. The book is written in a fun, flow of consciousness "diary-type" style format and was meant as a 25th Anniversary Gift. It contains effective actions that make a loving relationship work in real-time. It is written from experience and from the heart, combining love and romance with spirituality, travel, and adventure! With all the discord in the world lately, the invisible warrior Covid-19 of 2020, nightly protesting, shootings, and rioting, I decided to share it with the public. This was done in the hope that it may inspire, give ideas, or help someone to have an incentive to believe in true love and create a reality for their own dreams to come true. Perhaps then, they too can pass it on to help the world become a brighter place.
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While the Bible declares, "The fool has said in his heart that there is no God," our culture has turned that statement on its head. The mantra of today's intellectual crowd is that the fool is the one who believes in God. Sadly, some Christians are starting to believe this, too. Will Davis Jr. says this is nonsense. You don't have to stop thinking to be a Christian. In fact, faith is the logical, natural progression of good reasoning, and it is less foolish to believe in God than not to believe. With common language, humor, biblical teaching, and real-life stories, Why Faith Makes Sense helps everyday believers understand why belief is the rational outcome of clear thinking about the evidence that surrounds us.
In her second compilation of published writing, Brianna Wiest explores pursuing purpose over passion, embracing negative thinking, seeing the wisdom in daily routine, and becoming aware of the cognitive biases that are creating the way you see your life. This book contains never before seen pieces as well as some of Brianna's most popular essays, all of which just might leave you thinking: this idea changed my life.
The Perfect Remedy for Cold Feet! More than half of all couples who become engaged this year will never make it to the altar. Why? Leading experts believe it's because couples fail to really get to know their potential mate before getting engaged. Relationship expert and noted couples counselor Norm Wright steers potential brides and grooms through a series of soul-searching questions to discern if they've really met "the One." Couples will be much more confident about whether or not to pursue marriage after completing these in-depth and personal questions. Norm also addresses the delicate subject of calling off the wedding if readers discover that a potential mate isn't actually meant to be a life partner.
'In a society where relativism is the most acclaimed philosophy, it is of utmost importance that Christians believe absolutely that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God.' Erwin Lutzer takes readers on a journey of faith where they are asked some of the most fundamental questions a person could ask. In his readable, yet profound style, Lutzer critically examines proof that will determine supernatural authenticity of the Bible.
To some, the concept of having faith in a higher power or a set of religious beliefs is nonsensical. Indeed, many view religion in general, and Christianity in particular, as unfounded and unreasonable. Norman Geisler and Frank Turek argue, however, that Christianity is not only more reasonable than all other belief systems, but is indeed more rational than unbelief itself. With conviction and clear thinking, Geisler and Turek guide readers through some of the traditional, tested arguments for the existence of a creator God. They move into an examination of the source of morality and the reliability of the New Testament accounts concerning Jesus. The final section of the book deals with a detailed investigation of the claims of Christ. This volume will be an interesting read for those skeptical about Christianity, as well as a helpful resource for Christians seeking to articulate a more sophisticated defense of their faith.
50 Reasons Jesus Christ Is God book is based on God's invitation, "Come, let us reason together", and offers 50 reasons from the Bible that the reader can use to understand or defend this important and mentally difficult truth: Jesus Christ is God.