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Gives the reader directions to go in that will lead to a happier, more fulfilling existence.
"Positively wonderful! Words to live by and wishes to share with everyone who is very important to you." Hope and joy and encouragement... those are so much more than just words on a page. They're essentials that no one should be without. They're feelings and ideals and promises that can come true... and that can be a part of our daily lives... if we just know where to look. Sometimes all it takes is a little reflection and some gentle reminders to help us see the possibilities. This brilliant little book is full of those reflections and filled with those reminders. It's a very unique collection of words to live by and wishes that would love to be passed along. Part of the charm of 100 THINGS TO ALWAYS REMEMBER... is that it's so original; you won't find other authors encouraging you to do all the wonderful things that you're asked to do in these pages. This is a celebration of the things that can bring more serenity to your days and more smiles to your world. If you've been looking for a book filled with inspiration, enjoyment, and ideas to always remember... this is one you'll never forget.
"They say that into each life some rain must fall, and we all know it's true. But there is reassurance to be found in the rainbows that follow... and in the wonder of people like you." - Collin McCarty Life isn't always easy... and when problems or challenges arrive, it always helps to know someone's on your side. HANG IN THERE is full of encouragement, support, and reassurance for anyone experiencing a difficult time. It holds a lot of time-honored wisdom and optimism to help you face the tough days... with words like "Trust in yourself," "This too shall pass," and "Tomorrow is a new day." It conveys the uplifting messages that all troubles are temporary and you have the power to work your way through them. It emphasizes the great strides you can make as long as you keep a hopeful outlook and a positive attitude no matter what life may send your way. Most of all, this book reminds you that even though life can be hard sometimes... if you'll hang in there and trust in yourself, everything will be okay.
Motivational reading for anyone who dares to dream, this book is a powerful reminder that with self-confidence and inner strength any dream is within reach.
"Douglas Pagels has combined a small selection of his own meditations with the creative works of a host of well-known writers and philosophers to bring together the finest collection of angel quotes ever compiled."--Page 4 of cover.
"You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you." - James Allen This week, you can be on your way to a positive attitude. You can take charge of your destiny and start in the direction of your dreams. You can learn to successfully deal with any difficult times or negative people you may encounter. You can unlock enthusiasm, determination, and energy using the keys of an optimistic point of view: releasing the past, keeping the future in mind, and taking everything one day at a time. Day by day, this book addresses a different topic relating to issues you may face as you work to improve your mental outlook. Beginning with a "game plan" and mapping out where you want to go, you'll gain insight about working through obstacles and measuring your progress. You'll also be reminded about the value of appreciating your present blessings and looking forward to a hopeful future. You'll find practical advice as well as writings specifically chosen to inspire and motivate you on your journey. The empowering message of this book is also a simple one: You have the power in your hands today to be happier, more creative, and more at peace with yourself and everyone around you. Take this week out of your life and begin to build a positive attitude that will reward you in wonderful ways and make a lasting difference in this world.
Through soulful living, this book invites readers to take a slower pace, enjoy life's little pleasures, and be thankful for meaningful relationships. With emphasis on connecting with nature, relaxing, and finding inner peace, it offers simple steps that can be taken to bring greater happiness and awareness to life.
An insightful journey into the power of a positive attitude, Amos asserts that itas not oneas circumstances that determine happiness, but rather how those circumstances are viewed. This book emphasizes the impact of everyday choices, while stressing the importance of making a conscious decision to live a joy-filled life.
TRUE WEALTH is an inspiring and thought-provoking reminder that we are all richer than we thinka] as long as we remember what is most important in life. While we may not always have a lot of material possessions, the universe overflows with love, friendship, and opportunities for happiness. There is no limit to the number of friends you can have, for instance, or the amount of love you can give away. If you focus on these kinds of intangible assets, and appreciate all the things you do have, you'll discover a lasting gladness and satisfaction worth more than any amount of money... Invest wisely in the best riches of all. Share invaluable words over warm cups in quiet places. Treasure time spent in heart-to-heart conversations. Laugh a lot. Work it all out. Move ahead of every worry. Move beyond any sorrows. Have yourself a wealth of beautiful tomorrows. - Douglas Pagels This book is for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of how to be rich in all the ways that matter most -- through a life filled with authentic success, genuine well-being, and unshakable optimism. It offers a range of insights about making the most of every day... from Love what you do for a living to Keep a balance in everything you do. It highlights the lasting value of a simple life and reminds us all that Prosperity is a state of mind. In a world that sometimes seems too caught up in the pursuit of material gain, this book speaks directly to the heart of how we should measure true wealth.