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In 10 Steps to Repair American Democracy Steven Hill addresses the problems plaguing the US political system, outlining his ten-step program to improve American democracy. He proposes specific reforms to give voters more choices at the ballot box, boost voter turnout, reduce Senate 'filibustering' and end excessive corporate dominance. In the face of mounting cynicism about the US political system, 10 Steps to Repair American Democracy is a refreshing blueprint for how to resurrect the Founders' democratic vision. It will change the way you think about US politics.
In 10 Steps to Repair American Democracy Steven Hill addresses the problems plaguing the US political system, outlining his ten-step program to improve American democracy. He proposes specific reforms to give voters more choices at the ballot box, boost voter turnout, reduce Senate 'filibustering' and end excessive corporate dominance. In the face of mounting cynicism about the US political system, 10 Steps to Repair American Democracy is a refreshing blueprint for how to resurrect the Founders' democratic vision. It will change the way you think about US politics.
From Oath to Action presents a bold, yet achievable, pathway to rebuilding American democracy. The book challenges our very understanding of what political leadership looks like in today's world. At a time when our political landscape looks increasingly bleak, this book inspires through its vision and its practicality. Our democratic institutions need repairing-on that most Americans would agree. But institutions change only when the people in them change, and most people change only one step at a time. Therein lies the path forward. We don't need politicians who will "fix Washington." We need politicians who will fix themselves, one simple act of courage at a time. From Oath to Action suggests twelve acts of courage that could transform American politics. Some are so simple that anyone aspiring to leadership should embrace them. Others are for the more courageous. One is so powerful-a "do or die" pledge-that it could fix a long-hidden flaw at the heart of representative democracy. Leadership in the 21st century should be about more than just taking an oath. It should be about taking action. Courageous action. This book provides a roadmap to courageous action for leaders and citizens alike.
America’s founders feared a president like Donald Trump. Through the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, they erected a fortified but constrained government to secure the benchmarks of our democracy and established the guardrails designed to protect it. But Trump pushed almost every one of the Framers’ safeguards to its limit—most held, but some broke under the weight of presidential abuses even the Framers did not foresee. Thirteen Cracks will be the first book to expose the most vulnerable areas in our democracy, explain in historical context how President Trump uniquely and outrageously exploited these weak spots, and propose a fix for each challenge. Historian Allen J. Lichtman argues that Trump has put us at a pivot point in our history, where the survival of American democracy is at stake. But this is also an historic opportunity to shore up the vulnerabilities and to strengthen our democracy.
A stellar group of America's leading political thinkers explore how to reboot our democracy The presidential election of 2016 highlighted some long-standing flaws in American democracy and added a few new ones. Across the political spectrum, most Americans do not believe that democracy is delivering on its promises of fairness, justice, shared prosperity, or security in a changing world. The nation cannot even begin to address climate change and economic justice if it remains paralyzed by political gridlock. Democracy Unchained is about making American democracy work to solve problems that have long impaired our system of governance. The book is the collective work of thirty of the most perceptive writers, practitioners, scientists, educators, and journalists writing today, who are committed to moving the political conversation from the present anger and angst to the positive and constructive change necessary to achieve the full promise of a durable democracy that works for everyone and protects our common future. Including essays by Yasha Mounk on populism, Chisun Lee on money and politics, Ras Baraka on building democracy from the ground up, and Bill McKibben on climate, Democracy Unchained is the articulation of faith in democracy and will be required reading for all who are working to make democracy a reality. Table of Contents Foreword Introduction David W. Orr Part I. The Crisis of Democracy Populism and Democracy Yascha Mounk Reconstructing Our Constitutional Democracy K. Sabeel Rahman Restoring Healthy Party Competition Jacob S. Hacker and Paul Pierson When Democracy Becomes Something Else: The Problem of Elections and What to Do About It Andrew Gumbel The Best Answer to Money in Politics After Citizens United: Public Campaign Financing in the Empire State and Beyond Chisun Lee Remaking the Presidency After Trump Jeremi Suri The Problem of Presidentialism Stephen Skowronek Part II. Foundations of Democracy Renewing the American Democratic Faith Steven C. Rockefeller American Land, American Democracy Eric Freyfogle Race and Democracy: The Kennedys, Obama, Trump, and Us Michael Eric Dyson Liberty and Justice for All: Latina Activist Efforts to Strengthen Democracy in 2018 Maria Hinojosa What Black Women Teach Us About Democracy Andra Gillespie and Nadia E. Brown Engines of Democracy: Racial Justice and Cultural Power Rashad Robinson Civic and Environmental Education: Protecting the Planet and Our Democracy Judy Braus The Supreme Court's Legitimacy Crisis and Constitutional Democracy’s Future Dawn Johnsen Part III. Policy Challenges Can Democracy Survive the Internet? David Hickton The New New Deal: How to Reregulate Capitalism Robert Kuttner First Understand Why They're Winning: How to Save Democracy from the Anti-Immigrant Far Right Sasha Polakow-Suransky No Time Left: How the System Is Failing to Address Our Ultimate Crisis Bill McKibben Powering Democracy Through Clean Energy Denise G. Fairchild The Long Crisis: American Foreign Policy Before and After Trump Jessica Tuchman Mathews Part IV. Who Acts, and How? The Case for Strong Government William S. Becker The States Nick Rathod Democracy in a Struggling Swing State Amy Hanauer Can Independent Voters Save American Democracy? Why 42 Percent of American Voters Are Independent and How They Can Transform Our Political System Jaqueline Salit and Thom Reilly Philanthropy and Democracy Stephen B. Heintz Keeping the Republic Dan Moulthrop The Future of Democracy Mayor Ras Baraka Building a University Where All People Matter Michael M. Crow, William B. Dabars, and Derrick M. Anderson Biophilia and Direct Democracy Timothy Beatley Purpose-Driven Capitalism Mindy Lubber Restoring Democracy: Nature's Trust, Human Survival, and Constitutional Fiduciary Governance 397 Mary Christina Wood Conclusion Ganesh Sitaraman
A quiet revolution has been occurring in post-World War II Europe. A world power has emerged across the Atlantic that is recrafting the rules for how a modern society should provide economic security, environmental sustainability, and global stability. In Europe's Promise, Steven Hill explains Europe's bold new vision. For a decade Hill traveled widely to understand this uniquely European way of life. He shatters myths and shows how Europe's leadership manifests in five major areas: economic strength, with Europe now the world's wealthiest trading bloc, nearly as large as the U.S. and China combined; the best health care and other workfare supports for families and individuals; widespread use of renewable energy technologies and conservation; the world's most advanced democracies; and regional networks of trade, foreign aid, and investment that link one-third of the world to the European Union. Europe's Promise masterfully conveys how Europe has taken the lead in this make-or-break century challenged by a worldwide economic crisis and global warming.
From the nation’s leading expert, an indispensable analysis of key threats to the integrity of the 2020 American presidential election As the 2020 presidential campaign begins to take shape, there is widespread distrust of the fairness and accuracy of American elections. In this timely and accessible book, Richard L. Hasen uses riveting stories illustrating four factors increasing the mistrust. Voter suppression has escalated as a Republican tool aimed to depress turnout of likely Democratic voters, fueling suspicion. Pockets of incompetence in election administration, often in large cities controlled by Democrats, have created an opening to claims of unfairness. Old-fashioned and new-fangled dirty tricks, including foreign and domestic misinformation campaigns via social media, threaten electoral integrity. Inflammatory rhetoric about “stolen” elections supercharges distrust among hardcore partisans. Taking into account how each of these threats has manifested in recent years—most notably in the 2016 and 2018 elections—Hasen offers concrete steps that need to be taken to restore trust in American elections before the democratic process is completely undermined.
Dissatisfaction with the American government is at an all-time high. There are lots of good ideas on policy changes that could make a measurable impact. But these all overlook one crucial fact: America has lost the structural ability to consistently deliver effective policy because of the decay in the system itself. Bad government can't be counted on to pass good laws. For all the great ideas and debate on issues like health care, immigration, taxes, defense, foreign policy and climate change, it's the system itself that needs rehabilitation. In 'How to Fix America, ' Phillip A. Barlag proposes a simple and elegant solution to modify the system from within. It's innovation, not revolution, that's required to take the best of the American system of government and build on a foundation that was laid with the ratification of the Constitution 225 years ago. In this neutral and balanced book, Barlag offers a radical call to moderation and civility, and offers an innovative but pragmatic way to reconnect elected officials with the people they are supposed to serve. For anyone interested in politics, American history or current affairs, this fast-paced book is a can't-miss.
Fahey was then 27 years of age, with little involvement with legislative issues. Her message was brought into the world of general disappointment that the framework wasn't working for the vast majority, including her. She felt that manipulating the control of regulative and legislative locale for political increase was a significant supporter of the issue of absence of portrayal. Fahey wasn't by any stretch a web-based entertainment powerhouse, however by noon, she understood she had struck a nerve. Many individuals "enjoyed" the posting, others answered with remarks, and still others sent her messages requesting how to help. To that inquiry, she had no response. "Gracious, poo," she pondered internally. And afterward, she researched, "How would you end up manipulating?" Today, as a result of the grass-roots crusade that Fahey sent off, Michigan's regional lines are drawn by a free commission of residents. To act as an illustration of the force of a person to change the framework, the development begun by Fahey's Facebook post stands apart when countless Americans doubt legislators and political organizations, feel their voices are not heard, and resent each other. A series looking at the manners in which Americans feel unrepresented by a political framework battling with a crash of powers both old and new. This book has tried to feature the blemishes of America's association including the engineering made by the pioneers that in a cutting edge, enraptured, two-party framework frequently provides more capacity to a minority of residents than to the larger part, or that leaves specific gatherings underrepresented. The issues with the American majority rule government can, to many, feel overpowering and immovable. However, there are potential arrangements, some of which are portrayed beneath. What's more, that's what Fahey demonstrated, given time, energy, and responsibility by numerous common individuals, the framework can be moved. For ages, the redistricting system, which follows the statistics like clockwork, has been in the possession of state lawmakers. Whichever party had the power practiced it to safeguard itself. Wresting control away from the government officials was Fahey's objective. In 2000, Arizona electors were quick to support the production of a free commission of residents to direct redistricting. To do it in Michigan, Fahey said she and her partners needed to compose an impermeable and extensive established alteration, then attempt to qualify it for the polling form under the state's mandate cycle. They needed to gather more than 300,000 marks from around the state in 180 days. Furthermore, they needed to coordinate and back a political activity that could persuade a larger part of the electors to endorse it. All from a standing beginning. GRAB A COPY OF THIS BOOK NOW AND ENJOY A GOOD READ.